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Forum Index > Official Games and Contests > Fall Festival - Eggling Auction #1
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Author Thread Post
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Joined: 12/17/2012
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Posted: 10/31/2014 at 2:56 PM Post #1
We will be having an Eggling Auction game beginning at 3PM server on Saturday, November 1st and ending at 3pm server on Sunday, November 2nd.

The process is entirely automatic. You can visit the link below to view and bid on the Egglings once the auction has started.

The rules are as follows:

1. The Eggling Auction begins on November 1st at 3pm and ends on November 2nd at 3pm.
2. All Egglings have a starting bid of 10,000 Gold or 100,000 Gold.
3. The minimum bid increase is 1,000 Gold.
4. A User may only have an active bid on one Eggling at a time.
5. Gold is automatically deducted when a bid is placed; and automatically returned if you are outbid.
6. In order to place a bid, click on the Eggling that you wish to bid on.

Thank you for participating and congrats to the winners! Here is the prize list. All Egglings were Fall Festival Themed Pets. Prizes will be handed out soon and added to players' hatcheries.

1. 3-Vis Cranberry Crisp Aeridini - Copperfangs
2. 3-Vis Vampiric Griffi - GoldGryphon
3. 3-Vis Haunted Hallows Lighira - MourningLily
4. 3-Vis Star Gazer Nephini - Darkwingedangel
5. 3-Vis Autumn Foliage Ny'vene - Arkhantha
6. 3-Vis Mischievous Puffadore - Xavion
7. 3-Vis Dark Spirit Walker Ryori - Kaufee
8. 3-Vis Autumn Sunset Draeyl - Wonderfulb2uty
9. 2-Vis Nevermore Aurleon - Maimah
10. 2-Vis Devious Bulbori - Nualla
11. 2-Vis Goblin Grove Draeyl - ShadowsofInsanity
12. 2-Vis Haunted Woods Faelora - Rylie
13. 2-Vis Piranha Kelpari - LunarStorm
14. 2-Vis Black Cat Luffox - Eimell
15. 2-Vis Will O' Wisp Lunemara - Meowth27
16. 2-Vis Spellfall Lupora - Black
17. 2-Vis Werebear Morkko - Isa
18. 2-Vis Harvest Fairy Nephini - Silverwolf23
19. 2-Vis Banshee Nytekrie - Yugena
20. 2-Vis Horseman Qitari - Kazzy
21. 2-Vis Red Curse Ryori - Flute
22. 2-Vis Lochness Monster Sylvorpa - Entropy
23. 2-Vis Demon Vulnyx - Littlelunar
24. 2-Vis Whispering Shadow Zolnixi - Thunderess
Edited By Krinadon on 11/2/2014 at 7:20 PM.
Level 62
Adept Gladiator
Joined: 10/1/2013
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Posted: 10/31/2014 at 2:58 PM Post #2
I'm gunna egg so good.
Level 75
Joined: 7/9/2013
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Posted: 10/31/2014 at 3:06 PM Post #3
Oh no I won't be on when it ends D: Guess I'll have to hope for a standing bid to win.
Level 66
Joined: 8/31/2013
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Posted: 11/1/2014 at 12:14 AM Post #4
Ah, I need more gold! XD
Level 75
Sweet Solver
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Posted: 11/1/2014 at 9:33 PM Post #5
Are the mojo egglings 2-vis or 3-vis?
Level 60
Mojo Master
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Posted: 11/1/2014 at 10:59 PM Post #6
I haven't been getting any notifications that I've been outbid.
I use to with past eggling auctions....has this been discontinued or is something not working?

EDIT: NVM I am getting them now :)
Edited By HibernusMortis on 11/2/2014 at 12:57 AM.
Level 60
Mojo Master
Joined: 12/30/2012
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Posted: 11/2/2014 at 1:03 AM Post #7
My eggling mojo Black Cat Luffox that I got was only a 1 vis (yes it was tested ;) )

Gene One: Cross Fox
Gene Two: None
Gene Three: None
Mutation One: None
Mutation Two: None
Mutation Three: None
Edited By HibernusMortis on 11/2/2014 at 1:04 AM.
Level 60
The Hallowed
Joined: 1/21/2014
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Posted: 11/2/2014 at 12:23 PM Post #8
I'm not sure if the outbidding notifications are working properly? I get 0 notification on the new site format, and on the old one, Account -> Social is highlighted, but there is nothing to explicitly inform me that I have been outbid. I figured it out quickly enough, but a little message like "you have been outbid!" would be appreciated and would remove confusion. (Unless there is a message, but it's not in the inbox or anything.)

Edit: As of 12:45pm today, this is now giving me a message.
Edited By Velyanthe on 11/2/2014 at 12:48 PM.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Site Administrator
Joined: 12/17/2012
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Posted: 11/2/2014 at 7:18 PM Post #9
Thank you for participating and congrats to the winners! Here is the prize list. All Egglings were Fall Festival Themed Pets. Prizes will be handed out soon and added to players' hatcheries.

1. 3-Vis Cranberry Crisp Aeridini - Copperfangs
2. 3-Vis Vampiric Griffi - GoldGryphon
3. 3-Vis Haunted Hallows Lighira - MourningLily
4. 3-Vis Star Gazer Nephini - Darkwingedangel
5. 3-Vis Autumn Foliage Ny'vene - Arkhantha
6. 3-Vis Mischievous Puffadore - Xavion
7. 3-Vis Dark Spirit Walker Ryori - Kaufee
8. 3-Vis Autumn Sunset Draeyl - Wonderfulb2uty
9. 2-Vis Nevermore Aurleon - Maimah
10. 2-Vis Devious Bulbori - Nualla
11. 2-Vis Goblin Grove Draeyl - ShadowsofInsanity
12. 2-Vis Haunted Woods Faelora - Rylie
13. 2-Vis Piranha Kelpari - LunarStorm
14. 2-Vis Black Cat Luffox - Eimell
15. 2-Vis Will O' Wisp Lunemara - Meowth27
16. 2-Vis Spellfall Lupora - Black
17. 2-Vis Werebear Morkko - Isa
18. 2-Vis Harvest Fairy Nephini - Silverwolf23
19. 2-Vis Banshee Nytekrie - Yugena
20. 2-Vis Horseman Qitari - Kazzy
21. 2-Vis Red Curse Ryori - Flute
22. 2-Vis Lochness Monster Sylvorpa - Entropy
23. 2-Vis Demon Vulnyx - Littlelunar
24. 2-Vis Whispering Shadow Zolnixi - Thunderess
Edited By Krinadon on 11/2/2014 at 7:20 PM.
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