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Forum Index > Roleplaying > Girls und Panzer TANKERY
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Posted: 11/26/2014 at 11:02 AM Post #1
So, I've watched the "Girls und Panzer" anime series, and decided to create a nice roleplay about it!

Slight changes to the classical TANKERY:

1)Boys can join!
2)Each player will be using a paintball gun to "kill" enemy players.
3)There are 3 types of battles: Tank, Infantry, and Mixed
3.1)Tank: Watch the anime to understand. The only thing I add, is that enemy tank crew must also be shot with paintball.
3.2)Infantry: Dig trenches, fortificate your positions, and defend your General! You can use everything paintball - markers, grenades, mines, and even rocket launchers! All paintball weapons are as exact replicas of WW2 weapons! There are 2 teams - attacking and defending. Attackers must steal deffenders' secret documents and carry them back to their base (be aware, the one carrying the documents can be killed, and than defenders can return them to their base!)
3.3)Pretty same as Infantry, but also has tanks. Usually, attackers have tanks, while defenders only have anti-tank weapons, such as AT-rifles and bazookas.


Infantry classes:
1) Soldier: Only he has the allowance to use absolutely all available weapons. Usually 95% of the infantry team are Soldiers. Also can carry a mortar, if allowed by judges.
2)Engineer: Fixes tanks, repairs broken tracks. Must be at least one in a tank. Carries repearing gear, pistol, and rifle/machine-pistol.
3)Medic: Each player have HP meters installed on them. Only Medics know how to reset them. Carry all the same as Engineers, but medic-kits instead of repair-gear.
4)Sniper: Now you just guess what he does...
5)Scout: Collects intelligence of terrain and enemy team. Can also deploy landmines.
6)Supplier: The only one allowed to leave the battlefield to supply the team with food, water and ammo. When he is killed, it's just a matter of time when the team will most likely surrender.

1)Follow all of the above
2)When creating your character: scroll the forum thread to see what characters are already created, so that you don't create, like, a second USA General. A team doesn't need 2 Generals! If such will be found, the second character for the same role will not be accepted!
3)Don't insult anyone!
4)Don't break the site's rules
5)Don't be sad
6)Be happy
8)Have fun!

Character form:
Name (of the character):
Age (not older that 18)
Rank (browse the web to find ranks that fit your team's country!):
Appearance (or a picture):

Edited By Uscupcake on 11/26/2014 at 11:40 AM.
Level 0
Joined: 11/16/2014
Threads: 3
Posts: 40
Posted: 11/26/2014 at 11:34 AM Post #2
Name (of the character): Izo Shamaru
Age (no older that 18): 17
Gender: Male
Team: German
Rank (browse the web to find ranks that fit your team's country!): Generalfeldmarschall
Function: General of the team, Infantry group 01 squad leader
Class: Soldier
Appearance (or a picture):

Info: Has been in 21 battles, 18 of which he has won, placing him on the 3rd place after British and Soviet teams. Leads his teammates to victory, incredibly boosts their morale by fighting alongside with them. He cares a lot for his team, and does the best he can that no one gets killed (although in is unpredictable who will be killed), and sometimes sacrifices one or two people to save the rest.
Edited By Uscupcake on 11/26/2014 at 11:37 AM.
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Joined: 11/16/2014
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Posted: 11/26/2014 at 11:45 AM Post #3
You CAN use "Girls und Panzer" Characters such as Miho or Katyusha, but it will be best if you stick them to the roles they had in the series (German General post is already taken by me, so Miho should be the Tank commander), and Katyusha should be Soviet General.
Edited By Uscupcake on 11/27/2014 at 3:14 AM.
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Posted: 11/27/2014 at 3:18 AM Post #4
So, I've decided how we will post roleplaying posts and off-rolplay posts. When your character is saying or doing something, post his appearance image first, when you are saying, like want to tell the admin or something like that, just post without the picture.
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Joined: 11/16/2014
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Posted: 11/27/2014 at 3:20 AM Post #5

I am changing my team name to "Panzer-Gheist Division" (translated from German to English as "Pazer-Ghost Division").
Edited By Uscupcake on 11/27/2014 at 3:21 AM.
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Posted: 11/28/2014 at 7:33 AM Post #6
A character I made up while watching GuP, first one to claim him will be the owner!

Name: Toshio Takeda
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Team: Panzer-Gheist Division
Function: Chief Engineer, Porsche Tiger driver.
Class: Engineer
Info:He's just 14, but he's so genious, we took him in the team so that other teams don't get us. He repaired the Porsche Tiger that was in a such a bad condition, other engineers would say that this tank is un-repairable, and he done it in 3 days! He never gives up on a project, mainly because everything goes well and he finishes it from the first try. He is still working with the P Tiger, to make it unbeatable.
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Posted: 12/15/2014 at 12:16 AM Post #7
Name: Kayo Nuzakii
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Team: German
Rank: Leutnant
Function: Attack well entrenched positions, lead various other troops through the field.
Class: Soldier
Appearance: 5'9, Blonde, long & down hair, Green eyes, Autumn parka, highly polished officer boots, M43 Cap (Black).
Info: Drives in a PzKpFw VI Ausf E (Tiger I) as the driver, and knows when to make the right choice for the safety of her crew and team mates. When not using tanks, she uses a Sturmgewehr 44 and Walther PPK. Her tank has art near saying: 'Come n' get it!'. She has so far participated in 13 battles, 5 of which she lost. She also has a strange fascination with the song 'Wenn die Soldaten'... she has German background, her Grandfather was the gunner of a Tiger much like hers. Before heading into combat, she and her crew yell out in unison: 'Panzer Vor!'

Edited By Myopicmus on 12/16/2014 at 11:28 PM.
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Posted: 12/16/2014 at 12:54 PM Post #8
Ha! I knew that at least someone will be interested! Welcome to our team, Soldat! Oh, nein, that's a frauline, meaning it's a Soldatine!

I love "Wenn die soldaten", as well as "Westerwald", "Panzerleid" and "Erika"!
Edited By Uscupcake on 12/16/2014 at 12:59 PM.
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Posted: 12/16/2014 at 11:28 PM Post #9

Ah, ja, all 4 of those songs are absolutely fantastic! I was deciding between which tank to use, they're all good in my opinion, but the teams needs some tigers anyways so that seemed like a nice touch.
(Then again, there isn't Hetzers on the team... ah I dunno. Maybe i'll make another character in the future.)
Edited By Myopicmus on 12/16/2014 at 11:33 PM.
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Posted: 1/7/2015 at 4:24 AM Post #10
Name: Tuboshi Fubaka
Age 16
Gender female
Rank: un-known
Function: Can shoot tanks while moving. Knows everything about British tank guns. Is sometimes good at planning.
Class: gunner
Appearance: 5ft9, has shiny long red hair with headphone on her every time, has green eyes, clumsy a little bit, kawaii
Info: drives Cruiser, Mk VIII, Cromwell (A27M) as a gunner. She has been in lots of tournaments her team lost 6 and won 15. She loves the song called "land of hope and glory". She has a habbit of saying nya~~ all the time she doesn't know when she started it. She loves to watch anime that is about tanks, Harem, ecchi, comedy, romance.

Edited By Tuboshifubaka on 2/7/2015 at 7:18 AM.
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