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Level 72
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Posted: 4/25/2015 at 4:57 PM
Post #1
How do I get items to show in my inventory after battles?
Edited By Lonelyryu on 4/25/2015 at 4:59 PM.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 4/25/2015 at 5:15 PM
Post #2
Do you mean on the battle screen, or in the "Inventory" page?
Level 60
Master Egg Hunter
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Posted: 4/25/2015 at 7:50 PM
Post #3
Items received via battles automatically go into your inventory unless otherwise full. If an item doesn't show in the "inventory" window, it might be an item you obtain which is located in the "equipment" window.
Here is a helpful Step by Step:
Step 1: How to Access your inventory First, locate your "Account" tab button near the top of your window. Next, click or highlight the drop down menu until you see the "Inventory" button. Click that button and next you should be at your inventory screenVVVVVVV
Step 2: Looking through your Inventory Now that you have accessed your inventory, you should see item(s) there. This window is your "Inventory" window. Which houses such items as (but not limited to): Potions, Elixers, Mushrooms, Revival Drafts, Experience orbs, etc. If you look near the top, it will say (Name)'s Inventory and below it have a clickable link saying "Switch to Equipment". Also, you may notice several available tabs as well.VVVVVVV
Step 3: Noting Inventory Tabs and Their Uses Now comes the fun part. You may have noticed you "have" or will have several tabs available to you with GOLD (the ingame currency). If you're just starting out, you may only have 1 available tab to access. If you don't see the new item you've obtained here in the Inventory Tab, next you might want to check your "Equipment Tab" VVVVVVV
Step 4: Finding Your Loot! By this time, you should have clicked the blue text "Switch to Equipment" found underneath your name in large bold lettering. Once clicked, you should now be in the "Equipment" panel. Here you may have multiple tabs as well, but if you're just starting out, may only have 1 tab to access at this time. New equipment that drops from monster, slyesti, or bosses will always land in this first tab (unless otherwise full). Equipment are items that can ONLY be worn by your Slyesti's (pets). Most loot I've found dropped from monsters will commonly be "Equipment Loot", thus I get in the habit of checking this window most often for new loot drops. VVVVVVV
Step 5: Moving Items around Now that you've located your new loot dropped from the monster you just fought, it's time to decide what to do with it. You may left click it once (notice a green highlight on the item now) which now indicates the item is selected and move it to a different tab, a different square space on the tab you're currently on, or simply put it on one of your sylesti pet to improve their stats. For this example, I've shown how to move said item to a different tab. So, you click the item which highlights it, and move it to another tab you would like to keep a clean and organized inventory. Note, that there are 3 major types of Equipment: Relic, Armor, and Accessory (or Ring). In my example, I have broken the tabs up into 3 parts to accommodate the 3 types of items.VVVVVVV
Please let me know if this guide has helped you or if there's anything else I can do to improve your Sylestia gaming experience.
HydraNamooth, formerly Mew87
Edited By HydraNamooth on 4/27/2015 at 6:37 PM.
Level 60
Master Egg Hunter
Joined: 4/16/2015
Threads: 8
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Posted: 4/26/2015 at 11:56 PM
Post #4
Guide: When entering a battle, How to Use Items and Effectively
Here is a helpful Step by Step:
Before I get Started, I'd like to take a second to explain "Inventory" versus "Party" button and their uses during a battle/fight.
Inventory (or I) in battle looks like a leather bag (or purse) icon below the enemy Health. Inventory contains such items as: ~Genetic Scanner, ~Nets/Pet Traps, etc. Items used to capture or Identify Wild Sylesti.
Party (or P) looks like a red UP arrow curving in the battle window. It's icon and some of the window's mechanics are confusing, but this is where you access such items as:
~Elixirs, ~Revival Droughts, etc ( Regular ~Potion BottlesCANNOT be used during combat)
Step 1: Time to Battle! You've encountered a Battle! What shall you do? (Battle) or (Retreat)? For this explanation, we're going to Battle >:3 "ROOO Battle!" (10pts to anyone that guesses that reference) >///< Anyways, click the big green BATTLE button to get started. VVVVVVV
Step 2: Inventory Access Next we're going to play with a few buttons within the battle window. First, lets look into the "Inventory" or "I" button window. Left click on the Brown Leather bag with your mouse button or simply press "I" on your keyboard or other mobile device. VVVVVVV
Step 3: Using Inventory During a Fight Now that your Inventory is open, if you have any items for Catching or Identifying Wild Slyesti, they would show up here. Such items can be purchased from the Festival Store (during Holiday events), Diamond Store, or some towns in the world map have shops where you can buy them like Halls. Like the brief description earlier, you'll find Scanners, Nets/Pet Traps, etc here. You can choose to use them if you like and select the wild slyesti you'd like to catch or ID (make sure health is low for capture). But for this tutorial, our focus will be the next window. VVVVVVV
Step 4: Accessing Party Items During Battle The question everyone's been asking! "How do I heal in Battle or use potions?" you ask? I will explain here for your convenience. It's something that seemed confusing at first for me as well, but I figured it out when fighting deadly trolls and I refused to have a loss on my record! Flight or fight? Anyways, see that little red arrow on the bottom right, underneath the monster's health bar? The image suggest you click it to retreat from a fight, but that's not actually what it's for. This is your PARTY AID window!!! Woot Woot. So, left click the "P" Red Arrow or simply hit "P" on your keyboard or other device. VVVVVVV
Step 5: Using at Item in "Party" During Fight Now you're in your Party Aid window. From this step, things seem a bit confusing, right? It's misleading, but ignore the pictures of the pets for now and click the "Use Item" button below them. VVVVVVV
Step 6: Selecting an Elixir (heal) or Revival to Aid Pet Low and Behold! The mighty liquid of life has found me! You're low in health now, because either you forgot to heal before battle using a normal potion or a healer found in towns. So, what we have here, is a death be gone window! Revival Droughts and Elixirs shall save your precious Sylesti pet from murder Q.Q. For this example, click on your lowest (or highest if you actually need health!) Elixir Potion. Once selected, the item should now have a yellow or green highlighted square. NOTE: you may ONLY use either one per every 2 rounds. So, if you need to revive a dead pet during battle, you must wait 1 round before being able to then access another revive or heal to keep the same pet or another alive.VVVVVVV
Step 7: Switching to Select a Pet to Heal Now, remember that pet window with your pet's pictures? We're going to interact with it shortly! Once your Elixir is selected in a yellow highlighted box, click the "View Party button at the bottom. VVVVVVV
Step 8: Selecting Pet to Heal Now you should be back at that confusing pet selection window, but this time, it makes sense! You have an Elixir selected in the previous window, so now click on the first pet (for this example, or your pet that actually needs health!) and it seems like nothing has happened? Look closely! The pet that's now been selected to receive aid via heal or revive, even mana, should have a little small icon above their level in the pet's health bar window (see circled image in blue). Also, note that now the "Party or (p)" window with the red arrow is now highlighted in Green. This means you have correctly triggered the steps to now use your item in battle. What? Nothing has happened and your pet still isn't healed?! Oh No! Don't stress! Look to the next steps for aid. VVVVVVV
Step 9: Closing the Party Window Now that you see the little icon above the intended pet's level and the green highlighted party button, it's time to close that window. Click on the "Close" button at the button of the Pet window now. VVVVVVV
Step 10: Time to Attack! Ok, now it's time to get back on that saddle and take that monster out! Making sure the little icon is still on the intended pet to heal, revive, or give mana too, you need to end your turn to receive the magical bliss that is life, health restore! To achieve this you must have all your Slyesti complete a task. They can achieve this by attacking, healing, shielding, etc VVVVVVV
Step 11: Finishing Your Turn For this example, we'll be attacking the poor kitty! Take 'em out Sir Captain! After selecting attacks for all party members involved ( 1 or more), note that those little red "X"s above their names have now turned to green "Check marks". Also, note, that now the "End Turn" button is highlighted in green. Take one last CAREFUL look that everything is as it should be before proceeding.
1. The little Icon next to the pets level you wish to heal, revive, or give mana to is there.
2. The Party or (P) button at the bottom right hand side is lit up in green.
3. And all pets have a check mark next to them indicating they either have attacked, healed, or defended from the next oncoming attack.
Check, Check, Check? You can now click the "End Turn" button now either simply by clicking it or using key functions on the keyboard "TAB, Spacebar" for the savvy tech. VVVVVVV
Step 12: Victory! TADA!!!! Your intended pet is alive or healed now! And guess what? That rascally kitten has been kicked to the curb (or captured for the caring Slyesti Trainer T.T) GRATZ, you've just learned how to heal a pet during combat!!! Now, stock up on those Revival Droughts and Elixirs, cause boo, you gonna need em when you shank those boss stinky poo heads! LOOTS! <3 VVVVVVV