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Forum Index > General Discussion > NEW I NEED HELP!
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Level 22
Joined: 4/6/2013
Threads: 4
Posts: 21
Posted: 4/12/2013 at 10:57 PM Post #1
There are a few things I need assistance with because I am new....Questions below...

1. How do I Catch a Sylesti?
2. How do I Buy pets (aka) Trade them for coins?
3. How do I change one of my Sylesti`s name?

Please help answer these questions because i can`t find them anywhere else in the forums!

Thank you for all that helped!! More questions will come in the future!
Edited By 3872 on 4/13/2013 at 12:00 AM.
Level 75
Collector of Souls
Joined: 2/16/2013
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Posted: 4/13/2013 at 7:36 AM Post #2
Hi and welcome to Sylestia : D

1. You need to have Traps for that, you get them from one of Jinxie's Quest and you can buy them in the town. They're quite expensive at first. When you're in a battle, you should click on the icon of the bag on the bottom right, where all your Traps are listed. You click on one of them and then on the Sylesti you want to catch. If you click "End Turn" after you also chose an action for your Sylesti, the trap will work and attempt to catch the Sylesti. This can fail too! But if you weaken the Sylesti beforehand, it has a bigger chance to succeed c:

2. Some people sell their Sylesti. If that's the case, you will see a little (S) in one of the corners on the Sylesti in the Stable of a person. Then you can click on the name of the Sylesti and click on "View Prices", see the price, and click on "Buy Sylesti" If you have the money. Then it will be transferred to your stable.

3. First, you need to go to your stable and click on the pet you want to name. You go on "Manage Pet", type a name in the box, then click on "Re-name". Your pet should now have the name you chose!

Hope that helps!
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