Warning: This story will become one of feels as it continues on. You may experience one of the following: Tears, uncontrollable sobbing, deep hatred for the writer, and the urge to drown yourself in ice cream.
Chapter 1
The night was peaceful in the Viridian Meadows. The sky was the darkest shade of black which slowly turned lighter as the crescent moon illuminated part of it. The way it shifted from dark to light made it look almost like a painting on a canvas. The rest, was filled with soft, twinkling stars and falling stars that breathed life into it. Neither star nor moon was covered, as there wasn't a single cloud to be seen. Down below there was a soft, cool breeze the swept across the meadows, causing the grass to bow and look almost like a green sea from the moon's light reflecting off of its side. The pathways that lead in different directions from the crossroads were lit up in various places from the torches that the watchmen from Esior's Haven had put up. So it would be easier to spot travellers, bandits and wild pets during the night. The red glow from the flickering flames of each torch added a touch of color to the green sea, making it look as if it were jellyfish that had come to the surface to bask in the light of the moon.
Looking out at this beautiful sight, was a young mage. But she wasn't your average mage, no, she held attributes that were slightly different than most. Though there were others like her, she knew she was not the only one, for she had met some in her travels. Her Bright blue eyes glistened as she looked out in awe. Her staff was loosely held in her right arm as her mind wandered. Her black hair moved slightly along with the breeze whenever it passed by. One of her ears gave a slight twitch, acknowledging the wind's presence. Her tail curled around her and rested in her lap to prevent her mage outfit from moving too much.
She blinked out of her trance when she heard something behind her and looked back. Behind her, curled up and sleeping peacefully, was her companion, Dunstan. He was a Lupora with dark fur. He wasn't completely black but he was dark enough to hide well in the shadows when he needed to.
The Lup had been by her side ever since she had hatched him. Though she was a child herself during that time. Her parents had given her the egg to test her responsibility. She promised to take wonderful care of it and for three long days, she did. It was tedious for her at that age, but she felt an odd attachment to the egg and always kept it with her. When it finally hatched, she was greeted with a small, energetic Lupora puppy. She was so happy then and she was still happy now. They had been through everything together and they supported each other through the toughest of times. You could almost say that they were like siblings. And they even had their little quarrels too, which usually ended in laughter.
A small smile formed on the young mage's face as she watched her partner sleep. Even though he was an adult, he still looked like he did when he was a puppy when he slept. She reached out and gently patted his head, which caused one of Dunstan's ears to give a small twitch to her touch. Though he did not wake, as he knew the gentle touch of his old friend all to well.
However, he did open one eye a crack when he heard a sigh from her as she drew her hand away. She was looking at the grass now, her smile faded and replaced with a slight frown. He knew what was wrong. As they had talked about this many times. She was lonely. Ever since the two had set out on their journey to become a master summoner, she missed her home, her parents, her old friends. But he knew that this loneliness couldn't last for long. Eventually, she would meet new people which would lead to creating new bonds and new friends. So he didn't worry about it too much. Yet, the sight of her sadness stabbed his heart. As her friend, he didn't like to see her in this kind of state.
Dunstan gave a soft sigh as he opened both his eyes. He let his gaze wander over to Esior's Haven. The town seemed dead but he knew that there were some people out late. He didn't know if they were villagers or watchmen though. As he was too far away to really give him a distinct sound for him to tell them apart. Though he did wonder if perhaps they could meet someone new tonight. Sure it may have been late in the evening but other travellers, such as themselves, never really turned in at a normal time. The Lupora lifted his head as he thought it to be more and more of a good idea.
Eventually, he got up onto his paws. As he did, a necklace that he was wearing, gave a small chime from the metal moving and clinking together. He glanced at it, to make sure that the crescent moon and star pendant was still on it. The necklace was important to him for two reasons. One being that it was their family emblem and the other being the fact that, without it, he couldn't speak. You see, the necklace was enchanted by the parents of his companion. They knew that communication between a person and their pet was vital. Of course, there were two kinds that they knew too. Verbal, and silent. They didn't enchant the pendant until they had mastered the silent communication, in case anything happened to it. Both types proved useful too. As they fought against enemies together in silence, giving each other messages through movement as they dodged attacks or from quick glances. And the verbal communication was mostly used when they were talking with one another or with other people. However, people found this slightly odd but they never minded the strange looks they got from others as they travelled.
"Is something wrong, Dunstan?" A soft voice asked, Causing the Lup to turn his attention to the young mage who was looking at him now.
"No, nothing is wrong, Lunar." He replied, his low gruff voice was almost to a whisper as he was still a little drowsy. He lowered his head a bit to run a paw along the side of his muzzle, something he always did when he woke up. He then lifted his head once more and looked back at Lunar.
"Hey, why don't we go into town?" He suggested, "Its starting to get a bit chilly and I don't want you to get cold. Perhaps we can go get a room at the inn?"
Lunar pondered over the thought for a little bit. She found it odd how he suggested to go into town. Normally, he didn't like the crowded street and would try to avoid places like that. But it was night, so there wouldn't be as many people out. So maybe he wouldn't mind it? "Alright, that sounds like a good idea." She said with a small smile. She stood up and dusted herself off, not wanting any grass to be stuck on her. She then turned her attention back to the town and stared at it for a little bit.
She wasn't quite sure if she really wanted to go but she was getting cold. She just hoped that they wouldn't get in any kind of trouble since people weren't very fond of mages these days. Considering there were a few magic users who used their powers for evil and to torment the world of Sylestia. But she didn't want people to think she was like that. No, she was on this journey to help the world by getting rid of them and showing that not every mage was filled with evil intent. Yes, that was her goal. But, at times, it felt like only a dream as many people seemed to really hate mages with a deep burning passion. Yet it still didn't hurt to work towards it.
Her train of thought was cut off when she felt something nudge her. She looked to see the Dunstan was gently pushing her with his head. She smiled a bit as she said, "Alright, alright, I'm going." The two then started their ways to the little town nestled in the meadows. |