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Forum Index > Fan Fiction > Journaling Explorations
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Level 60
Joined: 1/30/2013
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Posted: 4/27/2013 at 12:34 PM Post #1
I do not remember my life prior to Sylestia. It is not as though I was stricken with amnesia upon crossing the threshold that links this world with the one from whence I came, it is more so a selective forgetting. I have no desire to remember what I left behind, for it was not worth committing to memory. What I do remember is awakening in a strange laboratory with a white haired man in googles peering at me.

"She awakens!" he pronounced, speaking it seemed, to a large black...thing (I later learned that this was a recently generated Draeyl preparing to meet its new master), "Good day miss, or perhaps good evening would be more accurate, and welcome to Sylestia...the dream world!" I blinked thrice, assuring myself that the black dragon peering at me through red eyes was only a figment of my imagination, "I know it is a lot to take in miss, but perhaps you'd like to visit the generators?"

"Excuse me, but that?" I questioned pointing at the red-eyed fiend. It glared back at me with those halloween-esque eyes and I shuddered under its glare.

"A Draeyl of course! Did you neglect your handbook before entering the portal? Surely you received it?" Upon seeing my blank stare he sighed, "never mind. I can see that you are another accidental one. Stumbled upon the portal and entered without a second thought? Fine, fine. Let me explain." The man filled me in, noting that he was Doctor Felix and that he was in charge of, singularly, the sylestia generators from which game the most horrendous and beautiful beasts.

"Mind you," he finished, "never enter the wilds of Sylestia alone. These pets may seem cuddly animals, but they are your guardians and protectors...provided you train them right." I assured him I would and he led me to what appeared to be an information center.

"Here, browse through these files for a bit and then let me know the pet you'd most like to choose. I can draw up a quick preview of what you'd like after you select what you want the most. Just holler when you are done!" Astounded, I selected the uppermost file labeled "Qitari."

An hour later, I set down the final file (labeled Sylvorpa) and had all but decided upon my first pet. I called for the doctor and he arrived in a timely manner.

"Have you decided, my dear?" he asked me kindly and I handed him my selected files, along with the genes I would like.

"An excellent choice, an excellent choice, and have you thought of a name?"

"Zinc," I smiled. Chemistry had been among my favorite subjects and an elemental name seemed fitting.

"Perfect! Let us begin then."

Within the hour, a newly created Sylesti was hesitantly flapping her wings beside me. Her head was at my shoulders and her dark scales and wings glimmered in the dim light of the laboratory. I stroked her soft nose and she gently sneezed. I loved her immediately.

"Congratulations!" Doctor Felix smiled at me, "now, I suggest you head on your way. Head toward a little place known as Esior's Haven, there you'll find some quests suggesting what you do next. Hopefully, I'll see you again. Good day, Zinc," he ended. My Qitari huffed in response and we made our way toward what we were assured was our new home, the doctor had informed me that whenever someone crossed the portal (whether expected or unexpected) a new stable appeared labeled with their name and information.

"Welcome home Zinc," I murmured as I crossed the threshold, "tomorrow we'll find this Esior's Haven place and start our new lives."
Level 60
Joined: 1/30/2013
Threads: 46
Posts: 369
Posted: 4/27/2013 at 12:35 PM Post #2
Level 60
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Posted: 4/27/2013 at 12:35 PM Post #3
Level 60
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Posted: 4/27/2013 at 12:35 PM Post #4
Level 60
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Posted: 4/27/2013 at 12:35 PM Post #5
Level 60
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Posted: 4/27/2013 at 12:35 PM Post #6
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