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Forum Index > Player Guides > Comprehensive Guide to Themed Pets [Upda...
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Level 60
The Majestic
Joined: 10/2/2014
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Posted: 10/2/2015 at 1:46 PM Post #1

A Comprehensive Guide to Themed Pets

Themes by Species

_________(1.01) Aeridini
_________(1.02) Aurleon
_________(1.03) Bulbori
_________(1.04) Draeyl
_________(1.05) Faelora
_________(1.06) Griffi
_________(1.07) Kelpari
_________(1.08) Lighira
_________(1.09) Luffox
_________(1.10) Lunemara
_________(1.11) Lupora
_________(1.12) Morkko
_________(1.13) Nephini
_________(1.14) Ny'vene
_________(1.15) Nytekrie
_________(1.16) Puffadore
_________(1.17) Qitari
_________(1.18) Ryori
_________(1.19) Sylvorpa
_________(1.20) Vulnyx
_________(1.21) Zolnixi
_________(1.22) Reserved for new Species

Please do NOT post on this thread under any circumstance
Thank you <3

This will allow me to keep the thread concise, keep my navigation links accurate and allow me to keep the guide up to date with each additional festival.

If you are looking for information on themes that aren't yet in this thread (because it is a massive undertaking) please do not hesitate to Send me a Message as I have a whole bunch of resources should you ever need them :)

Edited By Lavelle on 12/11/2018 at 3:41 PM.
Level 60
The Majestic
Joined: 10/2/2014
Threads: 77
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Posted: 10/2/2015 at 1:49 PM Post #2
1.01 (i)

Aeridini Themes Alphabetically

Tag: Angelfish Aeridini
Available: Summer Festival 2015, Summer Festival 2016, Black Friday 2018
Method: This theme was created via the Seeking activity.
Notes: Fabled species.
Also available from the Maze of Amazements and via Leaderboards.
Re-released on the Black Friday 2018 Wheel.

Tag: Autumn Moon Aeridini
Available: Black Friday 2016, Black Friday 2018
Method: This is a Majestic Wheel Theme and was available exclusively through the Black Friday Festival Wheel.
Notes: Fabled species. Uses the Aeridini's Lunar Majestic Trait Set
Majestic pet themes have a max of 2 Visible traits.
Re-released on the Black Friday 2018 Wheel.

Tag: Azalea Petal Aeridini
Available: Spring Festival 2017, Spring Festival 2018
Method: This is a Zone Theme which means it could be found and caught in the Festival Zone.
Notes: Fabled species. As a wild pet, this theme could be found in any rarity from Rare upwards, with any combination of visible/carried traits.

Tag: Blazing Fireworks Aeridini
Available: Patriotic Event 2017, Black Friday 2017, Patriotic Event 2018, Black Friday 2018
Method: This theme was a Battle Drop from Maniacal Pyromaniac enemies.
Notes: Fabled species. Drops as a themed egg in battle loot.
Re-released on the Black Friday 2017 and 2018 Wheels.

Tag: Blossoming Rose Aeridini
Available: Week of Love 2015, Black Friday 2015, Black Friday 2017, Black Friday 2018
Method: This is a Wheel Theme and was available exclusively through the Festival wheel.
Notes: Re-released on the Black Friday 2015, 2017 and 2018 Wheels.

Tag: Blue Lotus Aeridini
Available: Spring Festival 2015, Black Friday 2018
Method: This theme was created via the Garden activity.
Notes: Fabled species.
Was also available from the Maze of Amazements and via the Leaderboards.
Re-released on the Black Friday 2018 Wheel.

Tag: Camellia Night Rider Aeridini
Available: Spring Festival 2016
Method: This theme was created via the Garden activity.
Notes: Fabled species.
Was also available from the Maze of Amazements and via the Leaderboards.

Tag: Cranberry Crisp Aeridini
Available: Fall Festival 2014, Black Friday 2015, Black Friday 2018
Method: This is a Wheel Theme and was available exclusively through the Festival wheel.
Notes: Fabled species.
Re-released on the Black Friday 2015 and 2018 wheels.

Tag: Emperor Penguin Aeridini
Available: Winter Festival 2018
Method: This theme was created via the Ice Sculpting activity.
Notes: Fabled species.
Could also be won via the Leaderboards.

Tag: Eventide Aeridini
Available: Winter Festival 2014, Black Friday 2015, Black Friday 2018
Method: This is a Wheel Theme and was available exclusively through the Festival wheel.
Notes: Fabled species.
Re-released on the Black Friday 2015 and 2018 Wheels.

Tag: Festival of Lights Aeridini
Available: Winter Festival 2015, Black Friday 2018
Method: This theme could be won as a prize on the third level of the Winter Wonderland
Notes: Fabled species.
Re-released on the Black Friday 2018 Wheel.

Tag: Flaming Soul Aeridini
Available: Fall Festival 2015, Black Friday 2015, Black Friday 2017, Black Friday 2018
Method: This theme could be won as a prize on the third level of the Haunted House.
Notes: Fabled species.
Also available via the Leaderboards.
Re-released on the Black Friday 2015, 2017 and 2018 Wheels.

Tag: Harvest Day Aeridini
Available: Harvest Day Festival 2014, Black Friday 2017, Black Friday 2018
Method: Potential reward when finding a Cornucopia Pop-up on any page of the site.
Notes: Fabled species.
Re-released on the Black Friday 2017 and 2018 Wheels

Tag: Island Flower Aeridini
Available: Summer Festival 2014, Harvest Day Festival 2014, Black Friday 2015, Black Friday 2017, Black Friday 2018
Method: This is a Wheel theme and was available exclusively through the Festival wheels.
Notes: Fabled species.
Re-released on the Harvest Day 2014 Wheel and the Black Friday 2015, 2017 and 2018 Wheels.

Tag: Natureguard Aeridini
Available: Spring Festival 2017, Black Friday 2017, Spring Festival 2018 Black Friday 2018
Method: This Majestic theme was created via the Garden activity.
Notes: Uses the Aeridini's Natureguard Majestic Trait Set.
Fabled species.
Majestic pet themes have a max of 2 Visible traits.
Re-released on the Black Friday 2017 and 2018 Wheels.

Tag: Nightshade Aeridini
Available: Fall Festival 2017, Fall Festival 2018
Method: This theme was created via the Brewing activity.
Notes: Fabled species.
Could also be won via the Fall Leaderboards.
Edited By Lavelle on 1/1/2019 at 3:27 PM.
Level 60
The Majestic
Joined: 10/2/2014
Threads: 77
Posts: 1,469
Posted: 10/2/2015 at 1:49 PM Post #3
1.01 (ii)

Tag: Ocean Sunset Aeridini
Available: Summer Festival 2017, Summer Festival 2018, Black Friday 2018
Method: This theme was created via the Summer Sand Sculpting activity.
Notes: Fabled species.
Could also be won via the Leaderboards.
Re-released on the Black Friday 2018 Wheel.

Tag: Passion Passiflora Aeridini
Available: Spring Festival 2017, Spring Festival 2018, Black Friday 2018
Method: This theme was created via the Spring Garden activity.
Notes: Fabled species.
Also won via the Leaderboards.
Re-released on the Black Friday 2018 Wheel.

Tag: Patriotic Aeridini
Available: Fourth of July Celebration 2016, Patriotic Event 2017, Patriotic Event 2018, Black Friday 2018
Method: 2016 Diamond Sale Theme / 2017+ This theme was a Battle Drop from Maniacal Pyromaniac enemies.
Notes: Fabled species. Drops as a themed egg in battle loot.
Re-released on the Black Friday 2018 Wheel

Tag: Poinsettia Aeridini
Available: Winter Festival 2016, Black Friday 2018
Method: This theme was created via the Winter Snow Building activity.
Notes: Fabled species.
Could also be won via the Leaderboards.
Re-released on the Black Friday 2018 Wheel

Tag: Rain Cloud Aeridini
Available: Spring Festival 2016, Spring Festival 2017
Method: This is a Zone Theme which means it could be found and caught in the Festival Zone.
Notes: Fabled species. As a wild pet, this theme could be found in any rarity from Rare upwards, with any combination of visible/carried traits.

Tag: Royal Viola Aeridini
Available: Spring Festival 2014, Harvest Day Festival 2014, Black Friday 2015, Black Friday 2017, Black Friday 2018
Method: This is a Wheel Theme and was available exclusively through the Festival wheels.
Notes: Fabled species.
Re-released on the Harvest Day 2014 Wheel and the Black Friday 2015, 2017 and 2018 Wheels.

Tag: Spirit Realm Aeridini
Available: Fall Festival 2018
Method: This theme was created via the Fall Sylesti Brewing activity.
Notes: Fabled species.
Could also be won via the Fall Leaderboards.

Tag: Spotted Woodpecker Aeridini
Available: Spring Festival 2014, Spring Festival 2015
Method: This is a Zone Theme which means it could be found and caught in the Festival Zone.
Notes: Fabled species. As a wild pet, this theme could be found in any rarity from Rare upwards, with any combination of visible/carried traits.

Tag: Spring Arcanist Aeridini
Available: Spring Festival 2018, Black Friday 2018
Method: This Majestic theme was created via the Spring Garden activity.
Notes: Fabled species.
This theme uses the Aeridini Majestic Spring Arcanist Trait Set.
Majestic themes have a maximum of 2 Visibles.
Re-released on the Black Friday 2018 Wheel.

Tag: Spring Moon Aeridini
Available: Spring Festival 2016, Black Friday 2018
Method: This Majestic theme was created via the Spring Garden activity.
Notes: Fabled species.
This theme uses the Aeridini Majestic Lunar Trait Set.
Majestic themes have a maximum of 2 Visibles.
Re-released on the Black Friday 2018 Wheel.

Tag: Starlight Lily Aeridini
Available: Spring Festival 2018, Black Friday 2018
Method: This theme was created via the Spring Garden activity.
Notes: Fabled species.
Also won via the Leaderboards.
Re-released on the Black Friday 2018 Wheel.
Edited By Lavelle on 12/13/2018 at 6:56 PM.
Level 60
The Majestic
Joined: 10/2/2014
Threads: 77
Posts: 1,469
Posted: 10/2/2015 at 1:50 PM Post #4
1.01 (iii)

Tag: Tiger Lily Aeridini
Available: Spring Festival 2014, Spring Festival 2015
Method: This is a Zone Theme which means it could be found and caught in the Festival Zone.
Notes: Fabled species. As a wild pet, this theme could be found in any rarity, with any combination of visible/carried traits.
This theme underwent a colour adjustment between 2014 and 2015
The left image is the 2014 colour scheme, the right the 2015.

Tag: Vampiric Aeridini
Available: Fall Festival 2016, Black Friday 2018
Method: This theme was created via the Fall Sylesti Brewing activity.
Notes: Fabled species.
Could also be won via the Leaderboards.
Re-released on the Black Friday 2018 Wheel.

Tag: Wild Blackberry Aeridini
Available: Summer Festival 2018, Black Friday 2018
Method: This theme was created via the Summer Sand Sculpting activity.
Notes: Fabled species.
Could also be won via the Leaderboards.
Re-released on the Black Friday 2018 Wheel.

Tag: Wildflower Aeridini
Available: Spring Festival 2018, Black Friday 2018
Method: This is a Zone Theme which means it could be found and caught in the Festival Zone.
Notes: Fabled species. As a wild pet, this theme could be found in any rarity from rare upwards with any combination of visible/carried traits.
Re-released in Exclusive form on the Black Friday 2018 Wheel.

Tag: Winter Evergreen Aeridini
Available: Winter Festival 2017, Winter Festival 2018
Method: This theme was created via the Winter Ice Sculpting activity.
Notes: Fabled species.
Could also be won via the Leaderboards.
Edited By Lavelle on 12/28/2018 at 3:40 PM.
Level 60
The Majestic
Joined: 10/2/2014
Threads: 77
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Posted: 10/2/2015 at 1:51 PM Post #5
1.01 (iv)
Edited By Lavelle on 12/27/2017 at 5:28 PM.
Level 60
The Majestic
Joined: 10/2/2014
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Posted: 10/2/2015 at 1:51 PM Post #6
1.01 (v)
Edited By Lavelle on 12/27/2017 at 6:08 PM.
Level 60
The Majestic
Joined: 10/2/2014
Threads: 77
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Posted: 10/2/2015 at 1:52 PM Post #7
1.02 (i)

Aurleon Themes Alphabetically

Tag: Aurora Borealis Aurleon
Available: Winter Festival 2016, Black Friday 2018
Method: This theme was created via the Snow Building activity.
Notes: Could also be won via the Leaderboards.
Re-released on the Black Friday 2018 Wheel.

Tag: Autumn Wind Aurleon
Available: Fall Festival 2015, Fall Festival 2016
Method: This is a Zone Theme which means it could be found and caught in the Festival Zone.
Notes: As a wild pet, this theme could be found in any rarity from Rare upwards, with any combination of visible/carried traits.

Tag: Banana Pudding Aurleon
Available: Winter Festival 2014, Black Friday 2018
Method: This theme was created via the Bakery activity.
Notes: Re-released on the Black Friday 2018 Wheel.

Tag: Blazing Fireworks Aurleon
Available: Patriotic Event 2017, Black Friday 2017, Patriotic Event 2018, Black Friday 2018
Method: This theme was a Battle Drop from Maniacal Pyromaniac enemies.
Notes: Drops as a themed egg in battle loot.
Re-released on the Black Friday 2017 and 2018 Wheels.

Tag: Blood Raven Aurleon
Available: Fall Festival 2016
Method: This theme was created via the Brewing activity.
Notes: Could also be won via the Leaderboards.

Tag: Blueberry Crumble Aurleon
Available: Winter Festival 2015, Black Friday 2018
Method: This theme was created via the Bakery activity.
Notes: Re-released on the Black Friday 2018 Wheel.

Tag: Christmas Robin Aurleon
Available: Winter Festival 2017, Winter Festival 2018
Method: This theme was created via the Ice Sculpting activity.
Notes: Could also be won via the Leaderboards.

Tag: Crackling Fire Aurleon
Available: Winter Festival 2018
Method: This is a Zone Theme which means it could be caught in the Festival Zone.
Notes: As a wild pet, this theme could be found in any rarity from Rare upwards, with any combination of visible/carried traits.

Tag: Driftwood Aurleon
Available: Summer Festival 2017, Summer Festival 2018
Method: This theme was created via the Sand Sculpting activity.
Notes: Could also be won via the Leaderboards.

Tag: Easter Sunrise Aurleon
Available: Fortune Festival 2016, Fortune Festival 2017, Black Friday 2017, Fortune Week 2018, Black Friday 2018
Method: This theme was won from the Lucky Pot Scratch Card.
Notes: Winning an egg from a Scratch Card required scratching off three golden egg spaces on a singular card.
Re-released on the Black Friday 2017 and 2018 Wheels.

Tag: Enchanted Aurleon
Available: Fall Festival 2017, Fall Festival 2018
Method: This theme was created via the Brewing activity.
Notes: Could also be won via the Leaderboards.

Tag: Falling Leaves Aurleon
Available: Fall Festival 2016, Fall Festival 2017
Method: This is a Zone Theme which means it could be caught in the Festival Zone.
Notes: As a wild pet, this theme could be found in any rarity from Rare upwards, with any combination of visible/carried traits.

Tag: Festive Aurleon
Available: Winter Festival 2013, Winter Festival 2014, Winter Festival 2015, Winter Festival 2016, Winter Festival 2017, Black Friday 2018
Method: 2013 Zone Theme / 2014 onward this pet was a Battle Drop from Tyrielle in the Festival Zone.
Notes: Eggling found in Battle Loot. Marked Tamed in 2014 only.
Re-released on the Black Friday 2018 Wheel.

Tag: Flamingo Aurleon
Available: Summer Festival 2014, Summer Festival 2015, Summer Festival 2016
Method: This is a Zone Theme which means it could be found and caught in the Festival Zone.
Notes: As a wild pet, this theme could be found in any rarity from Rare upwards, with any combination of visible/carried traits.

Tag: Forest Sunlight Aurleon
Available: Summer Festival 2018
Method: This is a Zone Theme which means it could be found and caught in the Festival Zone.
Notes: As a wild pet, this theme could be found in any rarity from Rare upwards, with any combination of visible/carried traits.

Tag: Ghostly Aurleon
Available: Fall Festival 2016, Black Friday 2017, Black Friday 2018
Method: This Majestic theme was created via the Brewing activity.
Notes: Uses the Aurleon's Ghostly Majestic Trait Set
Majestic pet themes have a max of 2 Visible traits.
Re-released on the Black Friday 2017 and 2018 Wheels.

Tag: Gobbling Aurleon
Available: Fall Festival 2013, Fall Festival 2014, Black Friday 2018
Method: This was a Zone Theme which means it could be found and caught in the Festival Zone.
Notes: Re-released in Exclusive form in 2014 as a potential reward when finding a Jinxie Pop-up
Re-released in Exclusive form on the Black Friday 2018 Wheel.
Edited By Lavelle on 12/28/2018 at 4:42 PM.
Level 60
The Majestic
Joined: 10/2/2014
Threads: 77
Posts: 1,469
Posted: 10/2/2015 at 1:52 PM Post #8
1.02 (ii)

Tag: Halloween Aurleon
Available: Fall Festival 2013, Fall Festival 2014, Fall Festival 2015, Fall Festival 2016, Fall Festival 2017, Fall Festival 2018
Method: 2013 Zone Theme / 2014 onward this theme was obtained as a Battle Drop from the Dynamic Event final stage.
Notes: Eggling found in Battle Loot.
Egg drops were Tamed in 2014 but Exclusive from 2015 onward.
Available in 2018 as a potential prize from a Handful of Candy.

Tag: Hallows Aurleon
Available: Fall Festival 2014, Fall Festival 2015
Method: In 2014 this was a Zone Thememeaning it could be caught in the Festival Zone.
Notes: Re-released in Exclusive form in 2015 as a potential reward from a Jinxie Pop-up.

Tag: Happy Winds Aurleon
Available: Black Friday 2016, Black Friday 2018
Method: This is a Majestic Wheel Theme and was available exclusively through Black Friday festival Wheels.
Notes: Uses the Aurleon's Tempest Majestic Trait Set
Majestic pet themes have a max of 2 Visible traits.
Re-released on the Black Friday 2018 Wheel.

Tag: Haunting Spirit Aurleon
Available: Fall Festival 2018
Method: This theme was created via the Brewing activity.
Notes: Could also be won via the Leaderboards.

Tag: Hearth Dragon Aurleon
Available: Winter Festival 2018
Method: This Majestic theme was created via the Ice Sculpting activity.
Notes: Uses the Aurleon's Imperial Dragon Majestic Trait Set
Majestic pet themes have a max of 2 Visible traits.

Tag: Holly Cardinal Aurleon
Available: Winter Festival 2015, Winter Festival 2016, Winter Festival 2017
Method: This is a Zone Theme which means it could be caught in the Festival Zone.
Notes: As a wild pet, this theme could be found in any rarity from Rare upwards, with any combination of visible/carried traits.

Tag: Hummingbird Aurleon
Available: Summer Festival 2014, Summer Festival 2015, Summer Festival 2016
Method: This is a Zone Theme which means it could be caught in the Festival Zone.
Notes: As a wild pet, this theme could be found in any rarity from Rare upwards, with any combination of visible/carried traits.

Tag: Hydrangea Bouquet Aurleon
Available: Spring Festival 2016
Method: This theme was created via the Garden activity.
Notes: Also be won via the Leaderboards.

Tag: Imperial Dragon Aurleon
Available: Winter Festival 2017, Black Friday 2018
Method: This Majestic theme was created via the Ice Sculpting activity.
Notes: Uses the Aurleon's Imperial Dragon Majestic Trait Set
Majestic pet themes have a max of 2 Visible traits.
Re-released on the Black Friday 2018 Wheel.

Tag: Kingfisher Aurleon
Available: Spring Festival 2017, Spring Festival 2018
Method: This is a Zone Theme which means it could be found and caught in the Festival Zone.
Notes: As a wild pet, this theme could be found in any rarity from Rare upwards, with any combination of visible/carried traits.

Tag: Leatherback Turtle Aurleon
Available: Summer Festival 2018
Method: This theme was created via the Sand Sculpting activity.
Notes: Could also be won via the Leaderboards.

Tag: Loyal Lover Aurleon
Available: Week of Love 2014, Week of Love 2015
Method:This is a Zone Theme which means it could be found and tamed in the Festival Zone.
Notes: As a wild pet, this theme could be found in any rarity from Rare upwards, with any combination of visible/carried traits.

Tag: Lucky Aurleon
Available: Festivities of Fortune 2014, St Patrick's Day 2015, Fortune Festival 2017, Black Friday 2018
Method: This is a Zone Theme which means it could be found and tamed in the Festival Zone.
Notes: Available in 2015 in Exclusive form via the St Patrick's Day Diamond Sale.
1 Exclusive released in 2017 via Eggling Auction.
Re-released on the Black Friday 2018 Wheel

Tag: Mahi Mahi Aurleon
Available: Summer Festival 2015, Summer Festival 2016
Method: This theme was created via the Seeking activity.
Notes: Also won through the Leaderboards.
Edited By Lavelle on 12/28/2018 at 4:47 PM.
Level 60
The Majestic
Joined: 10/2/2014
Threads: 77
Posts: 1,469
Posted: 10/2/2015 at 1:53 PM Post #9
1.02 (iii)

Tag: Mystic Forest Aurleon
Available: Lost Grove, Black Friday 2018
Method:This is a Zone Theme which means it can be found and tamed in the Lost Grove.
Notes: As a wild pet, this theme can be found in any rarity from Rare upwards, with any combination of visible/carried traits.
Released in Exclusive form on the Black Friday 2018 Wheel.

Tag: Nevermore Aurleon
Available: Fall Festival 2014, Fall Festival 2015, Fall Festival 2016, Fall Festival 2017, Black Friday 2018
Method: This is a Mojo Theme and could be won by placing in the Mojo Contests.
Notes: Was also available through Leaderboards.
Eggling Battle Drop during the Lord of Nightmares Event 2017.
Re-released on the Black Friday 2018 Wheel.

Tag: New Chick Aurleon
Available: Spring Festival 2014, Spring Festival 2015
Method:This is a Zone Theme which means it could be caught in the Festival Zone.
Notes: As a wild pet, this theme could be found in any rarity from Rare upwards, with any combination of visible/carried traits.

Tag: New Soul Aurleon
Available: October 19th-23rd 2015
Method:This pet was available from the Diamond shop for 1000 Diamonds for a short time only.
Notes: This theme was a special Exclusive to celebrate the revamp of the Aurleon.

Tag: Orange Canna Aurleon
Available: Spring Festival 2015
Method: This theme was created via the Garden activity.
Notes: Could also be won via the Leaderboards.

Tag: Pastel Aurleon
Available: Spring Festival 2013
Method: This theme could be encountered at random during Site-wide Dynamic Raid Events
Notes: This is a Pre-Tagged theme. This means that pets of this theme do not have the purple "Tagged" symbol. They are still themed pets and purebreds from their lines should still be descended only from these tamed, themed pets.

Tag: Patriotic Aurleon
Available: Summer Festival 2013, Fourth of July Celebration 2016, Patriotic Event 2017, Patriotic Event 2018, Black Friday 2018
Method: 2013 Zone Theme / 2017+ This theme was a Battle Drop from Maniacal Pyromaniac enemies.
Notes: Drops as a themed egg in battle loot.
Re-released on the Black Friday 2018 Wheel
This theme underwent a colour adjustment between 2013 and 2016
The left image is the 2013 colour scheme, the right the 2016.

Tag: Peach Blossom Aurleon
Available: Spring Festival 2018
Method: This theme was created via the Garden activity.
Notes: Could also be won via the Leaderboards.

Tag: Pink Power Delphinium Aurleon
Available: Spring Festival 2017, Spring Festival 2018
Method: This theme was created via the Garden activity.
Notes: Could also be won via the Leaderboards.

Tag: Racket-Tailed Roller Aurleon
Available: Fall Festival 2017, Fall Festival 2018
Method: This is a Zone Theme which means it could be caught in the Festival Zone.
Notes: As a wild pet, this theme could be found in any rarity from Rare upwards, with any combination of visible/carried traits.

Tag: Rainy Day Aurleon
Available: Spring Festival 2014, Spring Festival 2015
Method: This is a Zone Theme which means it could be caught in the Festival Zone.
Notes: As a wild pet, this theme could be found in any rarity from Rare upwards, with any combination of visible/carried traits.
This theme underwent a colour adjustment between 2014 and 2015
The left image is the 2014 colour scheme, the right the 2015.

Tag: Royal Violet Aurleon
Available: Spring Festival 2018, Black Friday 2018
Method: This is a Zone Theme which means it could be caught in the Festival Zone.
Notes: As a wild pet, this theme could be found in any rarity from Rare upwards, with any combination of visible/carried traits.
Re-released in Exclusive form on the Black Friday 2018 Wheel.

Tag: Sea Breeze Aurleon
Available: Summer Festival 2016, Summer Festival 2017
Method: This is a Zone Theme which means it could be caught in the Festival Zone.
Notes: As a wild pet, this theme could be found in any rarity from Rare upwards, with any combination of visible/carried traits.

Tag: Shimmering Mirage Aurleon
Available: Lost Grove, Black Friday 2018
Method:This is a Zone Theme which means it can be found and tamed in the Lost Grove.
Notes: As a wild pet, this theme can be found in any rarity from Rare upwards, with any combination of visible/carried traits.
Released in Exclusive form on the Black Friday 2018 Wheel.

Tag: Snow Shadow Aurleon
Available: Winter Festival 2017, Winter Festival 2018
Method: This is a Zone Theme which means it could be caught in the Festival Zone.
Notes: As a wild pet, this theme could be found in any rarity from Rare upwards, with any combination of visible/carried traits.

Tag: Solar Eclipse Aurleon
Available: Summer Festival 2017
Method: This is a Zone Theme which means it could be caught in the Festival Zone.
Notes: Only available for set periods of time during the Solar Eclipse zone events.
Edited By Lavelle on 1/1/2019 at 3:37 PM.
Level 60
The Majestic
Joined: 10/2/2014
Threads: 77
Posts: 1,469
Posted: 10/2/2015 at 1:53 PM Post #10
1.02 (iv)

Tag: Tempest Winds Aurleon
Available: Spring Festival 2016, Black Friday 2017, Black Friday 2018
Method: This Majestic theme could be created via the Garden activity.
Notes: Uses the Aeridini's Tempest Majestic Trait Set.
Majestic pet themes have a max of 2 Visible traits.
Re-released on the Black Friday 2017 and 2018 Wheels.

Tag: Thunderbird Aurleon
Available: Summer Festival 2017, Summer Festival 2018
Method: This is a Zone Theme which means it could be caught in the Festival Zone.
Notes: As a wild pet, this theme could be found in any rarity from Rare upwards, with any combination of visible/carried traits.

Tag: Tom the Turkey
Available: Thanksgiving 2013, Black Friday 2017, Black Friday 2018
Method: This theme was available as a special egg from a Turkey Popup
around the site.
Notes: From 2017 onward this theme was available through a Cornucopia Popup.

Tag: Twilight Shimmer Aurleon
Available: Fall Festival 2013, Fall Festival 2014, Black Friday 2018
Method: This is a Zone Theme meaning it could be caught in the Festival Zone.
Notes: Available in Exclusive form in 2014 via Jinxie Pop-up.
Re-released in Exclusive form on the Black Friday 2018 Wheel.

Tag: Tyrielle's Minion Aurleon
Available: Winter Festival 2014, Winter Festival 2015, Winter Festival 2016, Winter Festival 2017
Method: This is a Zone Theme which means it could be caught in the Festival Zone.
Notes: Available for set periods of time during the Tyrielle Dynamic Events.

Tag: Umber Peacock Aurleon
Available: Fall Festival 2018
Method: This is a Zone Theme which means it could be caught in the Festival Zone.
Notes: As a wild pet, this theme could be found in any rarity from Rare upwards, with any combination of visible/carried traits.

Tag: Vibrant Plumage Aurleon
Available: Spring Festival 2016, Spring Festival 2017
Method: This is a Zone Theme which means it could be caught in the Festival Zone.
Notes: As a wild pet, this theme could be found in any rarity from Rare upwards, with any combination of visible/carried traits.

Tag: Winter Aurleon
Available: Winter Festival 2013, Winter Festival 2014, Winter Festival 2015
Method: This is a Zone Theme which means it could be caught in the Festival Zone.
Notes: As a wild pet, this theme could be found in any rarity from Rare upwards, with any combination of visible/carried traits.
Available in Exclusive form via 2014 Winter Festival Baskets.
During 2015 this Zone Theme was briefly available whilst new themes were chosen.

Tag: Winter Sunset Aurleon
Available: Winter Festival 2018
Method: This theme was created via the Ice Sculpting activity.
Notes: Could also be won via the Leaderboards.

Tag: Zombified Aurleon
Available: Fall Festival 2014, Fall Festival 2015, Fall Festival 2016, Fall Festival 2017
Method: This is a Zone Theme which means it could be caught in the Festival Zone.
Notes: Available for set periods of time during the Fall Dynamic Events.
Available in Exclusive form as an Eggling Battle Drop during the Lord of Nightmares Event 2017.
Edited By Lavelle on 12/28/2018 at 4:53 PM.
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