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Forum Index > General Discussion > Are you updating themed puffs?
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Level 75
Sweet Solver
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Posted: 2/3/2017 at 10:33 AM Post #1
I'm still very undecided myself on whether or not to update my themed puffs to use the new colors. I was wondering what others have decided to do and their reasoning.
Level 70
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 2/3/2017 at 12:59 PM Post #2
The ones I have multiples of I am doing one.
That way my I have the colors for my project, and can dye a second set of parents to give people the option.
Level 75
The Artistic
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Posted: 2/3/2017 at 1:03 PM Post #3
I'm pretty much deciding based on which version I like better for projects. So far I haven't found a variation where I want to do a project in the new colours, but I'm sure it could happen. I'm seeing a lot of people using the new colours for the Winter Solstice puffs, so that's going to make me doing my project using the original colours interesting XD But yeah, so far I haven't changed any themed puffs to the new colours.
Level 75
Ghost Writer
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Posted: 2/3/2017 at 3:20 PM Post #4
Right now, perhaps I am overly ambitious, but I am thinking I will have some Themed Puffs in the old color scheme and some in the new, just like with Tiger Lily Aeridinies and several others, who have both Collector's Edition and Modern versions.

For example, I don't have any Tagged Chilly Paws Puffs, but I have ten Purebreds, one of whom, Christmas Rose, is not re-gen'able--

But still adorable!

So I will probably re-gen four of the others to match the CE colors and five to match the Modern colors, giving me five of each variation.

Just for fun, here's Christmas Rose with all her Carried traits made Vis, and the exact same traits on the Modern color palette.

I invite anyone participating in this discussion to ping me when they post, as I am quite interested in this topic.
Level 70
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 2/3/2017 at 3:22 PM Post #5
Let me know if you need to use any of my WS puffs! I only updated one. :3
Level 75
Stocking Stuffer
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Posted: 2/3/2017 at 3:42 PM Post #6
I only had one pb monarch puff, but I went ahead and undated her to the new colors.

I find that candy adornments as well as fairy wings look much better with the new colors on the monarchs
Level 75
The Artistic
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Posted: 2/3/2017 at 5:11 PM Post #7
Thanks chocolat! I have a thread up in the breeding forum looking for breeding partners ^.^
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 2/5/2017 at 2:36 PM Post #8
I personaly update only my monarch breeding pair

My Chilly Paws and Sea Anemone pb have keep their original colors

Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 2/5/2017 at 4:20 PM Post #9
@Space - Wow, the Chilly Paws look very different! It's not my favorite theme so I didn't even look at the changes. That's really interesting.

I like your idea of splitting your offspring between the two choices, but it makes me wonder how you - and others who may want to breed with your pretties - will keep the two lines separate.

As for me, I'm kind of in the same boat as others - for my tagged puffs, I'm basing it on personal preference. I really appreciate some of the changes, while others aren't my cup of tea.

However, I'm not going to bother with any of my existing offspring. I just have too many, and to me, none of the changes are worth dyeing the offspring I already regen'd or worrying that I accidentally mixed the color schemes while breeding. Maybe someday, I'll go and start over with the new colors, but for now all of my themed projects will be the Collector's Editions (I like that term a lot, thanks Spelf!), regardless of whether they match their tagged ancestors or not.
(Though I've seen the concern issued somewhere, I really don't think it has any impact on the offsprings' "integrity" as purebreds. They came from the same place, lol.)

For me, my only tagged puffs I feel really strongly about not updating are my Rabids. I just really love the contrast the light-gray accent color provides, since my girls weren't eligible for regen; however, with different traits, I can see the appeal of the dark red.

old vs. new

On the other hand, I did choose to update the colors on my favorite Sea Anemones, because the floral traits I love to pieces looked much better in my opinion with the less harsh blue.
old vs. new

TLDR; I'm updating some of my tagged, and none of my purebreds. :P
Level 75
Ghost Writer
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Posted: 2/5/2017 at 9:31 PM Post #10
It's really not hard to keep the two color palettes separate, Rixva. Regardless of any other changes, all the Puff Themes except Petal Garden have a difference between CE and Modern in the Accent Color.

In the case of the PG Puffs, while their Accent Colors are similar, the M1 and M3 colors are drastically different between the two palettes. When breeding two PG Puffs, just make certain their Mutation Colors match.

For the rest, all you have to do when breeding two pets of the same Theme is make sure their Accent Colors match before breeding them. I admit the difference is subtle for the Cream Truffle Puffs, but they also have drastically different M2 and M3 colors. And you have to be careful breeding CT Puffs anyhow, because they look so much like Chocolate Cherry Puffs. It's a bit difficult to see in the Sea Anemone Puffs, but in the rest of the Themes (except Petal Garden) the Accent Color differences are easy to spot.

With some of my Tagged Puffs, I'm going to breed them for a while, and allow others to breed their Puffs to them, without updating the colors and then update the Tagged pet. So far the only Puff I am definitely doing this with is Leshy, because so far he's the only Tagged Evergreen Puff with the Dancing Flames trait--

I drank a Trait Disruptor.

When I think the trait is well-established among CE Evergreen Puffs, I'll update his colors so the trait will then be available to the Modern Evergreen Puffs.

Just for the record, Krin came up with the term "Collector's Edition," back in Spring 2015 when Sylestia released the new color palettes for a bunch of Themes (see list here). I figured the creators ought to know what to call something if anybody does. I've also seen some players refer to "Classic" and "Modern."

Oh, and if you did want to update the colors on any Themed Offspring you've already re-gen'ed, you can do so without using Dye on them. Krin said just to PM the pet ID numbers of any you re-gen'ed but would like to update, and he will re-set them into re-gen'able condition. Luckily for me, I had not re-gen'ed very many at all when the color changes came out, and he's already re-set them for me.

If you or anybody else is interested, I made a thread in Breeding Discussion Forum solely to help me keep track of what I'm doing with which Puffs:
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