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Level 60
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Posted: 7/7/2013 at 11:16 PM
Post #1
First of all, I'm pretty new here. Signed up earlier today.
So far I haven't had any problems and have been able to figure things out myself or with guides on the forums.
But I have just one question... How long does each stage of maturity take?
If there's a link or a guide I didn't see (searched all over the forums) then please send me in that direction.
I currently have 2 pets that I want to breed but both are only adolescents.
So I was wondering how long it took to reach adulthood.
Is it based on the amount of time they're alive? Or reaching a certain level? Or maybe even an item?
Any answers would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
P.s. (for you admins/mods) if I posted this in the wrong section, please feel free to move it if possible.
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/8/2013
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Posted: 7/8/2013 at 12:06 AM
Post #2
I can't tell you exactly how long each stage is but I believe an adult is 18 days old
Level 27
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Posted: 7/8/2013 at 12:08 AM
Post #3
I'm new here too and I was wondering the same thing!! This is my general idea of it...I can't for sure say it's correct but I think it depends on the length of time. I think that nurturing the egg or hatchling also plays a role in the development. >.< I hope someone can let us know for sure but I hope that helps a little. I might go do some research on it XD Is it okay if I add you so that I can help nurture your pets and see if that helps it growth?
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 7/8/2013 at 12:10 AM
Post #4
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 3/4/2025 at 10:27:10pm
I'm new here too and I was wondering the same thing!! This is my general idea of it...I can't for sure say it's correct but I think it depends on the length of time. I think that nurturing the egg or hatchling also plays a role in the development. >.< I hope someone can let us know for sure but I hope that helps a little. I might go do some research on it XD Is it okay if I add you so that I can help nurture your pets and see if that helps it growth?
Just thought I would let you know that you don't need to add someone to nurture their sylesties
Edited By 2049 on 7/8/2013 at 12:10 AM.
Level 27
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Posted: 7/8/2013 at 12:14 AM
Post #5
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 3/4/2025 at 10:27:10pm
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 3/4/2025 at 10:27:10pm
I'm new here too and I was wondering the same thing!! This is my general idea of it...I can't for sure say it's correct but I think it depends on the length of time. I think that nurturing the egg or hatchling also plays a role in the development. >.< I hope someone can let us know for sure but I hope that helps a little. I might go do some research on it XD Is it okay if I add you so that I can help nurture your pets and see if that helps it growth?
Just thought I would let you know that you don't need to add someone to nurture their sylesties
Thank you for the tips I did know that, I just thought it would be easier to find the pet :3 if they were on my friend list since there are so many eggs and hatchlings! Thank you again!~
Level 27
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Posted: 7/8/2013 at 12:43 AM
Post #6
I found a forum topic that addresses the growth process. It has some other tips too so just scroll down a bit. But it basically says this... I'll also add the link to the topic since some of the comments are useful.
"Pet Aging and Maturity
Maturity is measured in hours and comes in four categories: Eggling, Hatchling, Adolescent, and Adult.
It takes roughly 72 hours (3 Days) for a newborn Eggling to become a Hatchling.
It takes roughly 144 hours (6 Days) for a Hatchling to become an Adolescent.
It takes 18 Days for an Adolescent to become an Adult.
Profile Views and Nurture Clicks can speed up the growth of Egglings and Hatchlings. Egglings and Hatchlings cannot take part in exploring of any kind and must stay in your Hatchery until they are an Adolescent.
When an Eggling reaches 72 Incubation (The Green Bar on their Profile Page), it will be Ready to Hatch. You can either choose to Help It Hatch, Let it Hatch, or use a Philter. All three choices will permanently increase its stats. Which stats and how much depend on your choice. Also, if you wait too long, the Eggling will just hatch on its own and you will miss this opportunity.
As far as Breeding, only Adult pets can breed. However, once a pet is an Adolescent, they are fully capable of exploring. "
Level 60
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Posted: 7/8/2013 at 1:13 AM
Post #7
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 3/4/2025 at 10:27:10pm
I found a forum topic that addresses the growth process. It has some other tips too so just scroll down a bit. But it basically says this... I'll also add the link to the topic since some of the comments are useful.
"Pet Aging and Maturity
Maturity is measured in hours and comes in four categories: Eggling, Hatchling, Adolescent, and Adult.
It takes roughly 72 hours (3 Days) for a newborn Eggling to become a Hatchling.
It takes roughly 144 hours (6 Days) for a Hatchling to become an Adolescent.
It takes 18 Days for an Adolescent to become an Adult.
Profile Views and Nurture Clicks can speed up the growth of Egglings and Hatchlings. Egglings and Hatchlings cannot take part in exploring of any kind and must stay in your Hatchery until they are an Adolescent.
When an Eggling reaches 72 Incubation (The Green Bar on their Profile Page), it will be Ready to Hatch. You can either choose to Help It Hatch, Let it Hatch, or use a Philter. All three choices will permanently increase its stats. Which stats and how much depend on your choice. Also, if you wait too long, the Eggling will just hatch on its own and you will miss this opportunity.
As far as Breeding, only Adult pets can breed. However, once a pet is an Adolescent, they are fully capable of exploring. "
Thank you sooooooo much for all that!
Level 54
Joined: 5/12/2013
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Posted: 7/22/2013 at 12:13 AM
Post #8
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 3/4/2025 at 10:27:10pm
I found a forum topic that addresses the growth process. It has some other tips too so just scroll down a bit. But it basically says this... I'll also add the link to the topic since some of the comments are useful.
"Pet Aging and Maturity
Maturity is measured in hours and comes in four categories: Eggling, Hatchling, Adolescent, and Adult.
It takes roughly 72 hours (3 Days) for a newborn Eggling to become a Hatchling.
It takes roughly 144 hours (6 Days) for a Hatchling to become an Adolescent.
It takes 18 Days for an Adolescent to become an Adult.
Profile Views and Nurture Clicks can speed up the growth of Egglings and Hatchlings. Egglings and Hatchlings cannot take part in exploring of any kind and must stay in your Hatchery until they are an Adolescent.
When an Eggling reaches 72 Incubation (The Green Bar on their Profile Page), it will be Ready to Hatch. You can either choose to Help It Hatch, Let it Hatch, or use a Philter. All three choices will permanently increase its stats. Which stats and how much depend on your choice. Also, if you wait too long, the Eggling will just hatch on its own and you will miss this opportunity.
As far as Breeding, only Adult pets can breed. However, once a pet is an Adolescent, they are fully capable of exploring. "
Thank you for this post - it's helpful for a newbie like me
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