yeah, yeah, yeah I know it's yet another survey :p However this one might be to your interest! This is to make selling pets more comfortable and okay with everyone. It's just a survey to see if you prefer named pets or not named pets when you buy them. and if so what kind of named pets?
It would be great if you took the survey and I'll keep it open until It has (hopefully) 50 responses
here is the link
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Posted: 5/3/2017 at 9:10 PM
Post #2
Your post kind of allow me to make a rant I wanted to do since I long time :p
I prefer unnamed pets, but I don't mind if they're named and have a "real" name.
I don't like when the name is 6vis or any code like AF745B578, that just forces me to use a philter of amnesia. (I understand that some people like to use codes for projects to make things easier for them and decide to sell some of their pets later, but come on, you've got no excuse for things like 6vis! You can see it when a pet is 6vis! No need to name it that! :p)
Edited By Enyo on 5/3/2017 at 9:10 PM.
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Posted: 5/3/2017 at 9:24 PM
Post #3
Just to throw a different opinion out there for the sake of keeping things even.
I don't really mind names, "real" or "nonsense". Philters of amnesia are only really a bit of work nurturing to get anyway and very rarely do I get a pet with a "nonsense" name that I'd want to re-name. Most pets I only name to keep track of them for project breeding, so as long as they're labeled so that I can find them in the breeding grounds easily then by all means part of my job has been done for me if they're already named by whatever means. : p
Even a name exactly like "6vis" works, especially when you go to the breeding grounds and get a list just like this where you actually DON'T readily have visuals of each and every pet.
{ and actually, you sometimes CAN'T see when a pet has a full 6 vis just by a glance - some genes overlap others so well they can be hidden under others and hard to see. : p So if you're going through your stables really fast and you don't want to go to each and every pets individual page to see their traits, naming your pets for easy stable sorting that way can be actually helpful. }
Edited By Tori on 5/3/2017 at 9:27 PM.
Level 71
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 5/4/2017 at 3:42 AM
Post #4
okay thanks for the feedback guys!
Level 70
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Posted: 5/4/2017 at 4:45 PM
Post #5
I'm speaking as the buyer, as in the survey she did ask "when you buy pets". And as a buyer, I prefer either unnamed pet or pets that don't have a name which is a code.
I can't say it really makes me angry when I buy named pet, but When I buy pets, if I have the choice between two pets that are almost the same but one is unnamed and the other is named 6VIS325, I take the unnamed one.
And if the Philters of amnesia are so easy to get, then I could say the same and say that the seller could as well use one before selling a pet... so I don't think it's a argument "pro" or "con" selling named pets.
I personally think It's not that difficult to see the visuals of the pets on the breeding ground (especially if you're using a computer).
When I want to breed pets with specific traits or which are 6vis, I use the advanced search. I personally think it's a very good tool for breeding. I just have to enter my username, choose the sylesti specie I want to breed, the traits I'm looking for and I can the the whole list of all the pets fitting my criterias (I'm looking for a nixi with either visible or carried valentine lace which is 6vis? no problem with this technique). I don't have to search among all your pet in your whole stables by myself.
So, I've never felt the need to give code names to my pets and especially things like "6vis".
And I already said that I understand when people do that for the pet they use in breeding project. It's just as a buyer I sometimes think it's annoying, I don't really mind if people naming pets in their stables things like that.
(Also I'm obsessed with names OK, I just can't give "non-sensical" code names, I don't like them:p, I think it's almost psychological x) so nobody should take what I say here as a personnal criticism, naming virtual pets on websites by codes is not that bad, It's just me who don't like that ;) )
Edited By Enyo on 5/4/2017 at 4:46 PM.
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Posted: 5/4/2017 at 5:47 PM
Post #6
Well, I'm also speaking as a buyer here so I don't understand the prefix. : p As a buyer I don't care, because I understand all reasons why a seller would just leave it and if I want a pet that badly I'll just rename it myself.
Just because I can speak as a breeder and a seller doesn't mean I wasn't speaking as a buyer. Although here I'll get a little into all sides to show how complicated this can really be.
I'm not saying philters of amnesia are "so easy to get". I'm saying that if a pet is worth that much to you, you can work for it a little {500 scales is small stuff, in the scope of things}. If you honestly expect a seller to go through the effort of that for each and every pet they may have named that they want to sell, then you can bet your butt you're about to pay for all that work in gold for your unnamed pet. I currently have ~85 named purebred themed project pets up for sale for others to use in their own projects that are named "nonsense" names. That'd be around 42,500 scales. That's a huge amount of scales, for pets that might not even sell in the end. Saying "the seller should just use them on the pets they want to sell" is not really an option a seller can be making in today's pet-selling world.
Going back to visibles, let's take the case of gene2 majestic peacock griffi:
Say you breed a 6vis griffi with all majestic peacock traits. Great! but there's a catch: no one cal tell from a glance, actually. They all think its a 5vis. Why? Majestic peacock wings completely cover the griffi's wings and smother any gene that would be on gene2. You'd never be able to tell a griffi with all 4 majestic peacock traits was a 6vis by image. How do buyers know the 5vis griffis from the 6vis griffis? well, maybe because the seller named all the 6vis ones '6vis!' Easy peasy, one-click in the stable and done.
And before you suggest it, what if the seller was selling these 6vis majestics with multiple traits in gene1 and 2? Advanced search would not be sufficient in laying out each and every griffi for a buyer to see. Again, this is where a stable with all the griffis named '6vis' would be a better choice, and the buyer could happily just rename their 6vis griffi afterwards.
For advanced search in the breeding grounds:
Just going into what you suggested, that would either require going back and fourth between the breeding grounds and the advanced search over and over for each thing you want to do, having two windows open, or having a third party somehow to keep notes on what you're doing. Some people just don't like this method because its time consuming, or don't have the ability to use it, or find it incredibly annoying.
I know you said you understand these concepts, but if so I'm forever confused by your original statement of "there's no need" when I've said and you've said there's clearly a point and a need for some people. Especially sellers who might be 20+ gens into max stat breeding projects who just want to sell off their extra 6vis offspring all named '6vis' because they're the right vis percentage but not the right stats and simply don't have the time or funds to get a mass amount of philters when each buyer can easily just get one each themselves with a little work.
( I can understand that, and I'm also not coming at you personally, just countering your argument from a buyer who doesn't care at all and just renames pets who are personal to themselves. c: I also understand your annoyance, don't get me wrong, but at least there's a very easy solution {the philters} so the people who use these code methods can keep on using code methods and you can keep on using names in our own little corners. )
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Posted: 5/4/2017 at 6:39 PM
Post #7
For the first post I wanted to make a quick rant and not go into details, but the "there is no need" for the 6vis things it's because I have the impression that more and more people are naming their random regular 6vis pet 6vis when you can see all the traits.
For the peacock griffis, those are very specific pets, and I think people who want to buy them know that...
I've said (even on the first short post) that I'm more understanding when the pets come from a project. 6vis themed offrsprings aren't cheap, so if you have to buy a philter it doesn't change a lot of things.
As a buyer, if I have to change the name of 1 pet it's OK, but If I buy 10 pets and all of them have names I need to change, this is really annoying, time consuming or not cheap.
But I think there is not one that is best than the other, each player has is own preference.
And even if I can understand the argument (at least for when the pets were used for projects and has not all its traits that are visible) I prefer unnamed pets or pets with nice names.
(but for the advanced search, I think that having two or more pages open at the same time is really not this hard. When I care about the traits for breeding, I want to know all the specific traits, not only that the pets are 6vis, so even if I named my pets like that I would check the traits.)
Edited By Enyo on 5/4/2017 at 6:40 PM.
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Posted: 5/4/2017 at 7:01 PM
Post #8
And what constitutes as a 'random regular' 6vis pet here? Just one where you can see all the traits? Because even then it might still be for the sake of convenience of not needing two windows open when they want to breed. Again, just because its easy for you doesn't mean its easy, convenient, 'not that hard', or however you want to phrase it for others. Trust me, this comes from someone who has sylestia open in maybe four tabs or more, and another two tabs for spreadsheets involving breeding projects to keep track of genetics. I know the tricks and still understand that some people can sometimes only use one window, regardless of how 'easy' or 'not that hard' it is for me to juggle so many. Not everyone has a computer and are using their phone, or tablet, for example. It's not going to be easy to juggle windows there. I know I hate juggling anything on my tablet.
And the peacock griffis were only one example. Another couple are peacock on aurleons, magma runes on lighiras, branch wings on lunemaras, ect. It can honestly be really hard to tell if a pet is a full 6vis at a glance { especially on projects that purposefully have the genes blend in so that they don't look like they're there } - I've been mistaken a few times myself and bought pets I've thought were 6vis but weren't. Sure, sometimes it seems redundant to see a pet named 6vis where it's obvious, but the naming convention exists for a reason.
As a buyer, sure, if I have 10 pets I want to rename, then thats 5000 scales I have to earn myself. Whatever. I'll do it, and in no way do I find this annoying because really I've earned pets I love and I've helped out a fellow player by paying for pets they've worked hard to raise. But in no way I'll ever expect the seller to have to put that time and effort into getting that themselves when they already have a lot of work ahead of them just to get their pets to sell to begin with.
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Posted: 5/4/2017 at 7:25 PM
Post #9
Well, what I mean by "random regular 6vis" are randomly breed pets not made or used for any projects that just grow up to become 6vis with random traits. Not all people name their pets that because it's easier for breeding, since some of these pets have 0 offsrpings. So I'm thinking tey do that to sell them faster, and it doesn't really work on me.
And again, it's just that personally if I have the choice to buy the 10 unnamed pets or 10 pets named 6vis, I'll take the 10 unnamed pets. I don't want to force people to make the effort to get philter of amnesia for all their pets, but I don't like it very much when I feel people force me to make this effort when I buy pets. Again I find it less annoying when the pets are project pets, because people making projects have good reasons to do it.
(I personally don't name the pets I think I'll sell one day for this reason, I don't want to force people to use a philter of amnesia if they don't like the name)
And again I think it's just a matter of taste, and I think that their should be no set up convention so that people can buy unnamed pets if they prefer that like be, or sell pets named with codes if they want to.
Edited By Enyo on 5/4/2017 at 7:27 PM.
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