Forum Index > General Discussion > Jinxie's Jamboree expected value
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Level 60
The Tender
Joined: 1/14/2017
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Posted: 5/14/2017 at 11:24 AM
Post #1
Hello everyone! I know math is boring sometimes but here's an instance where it's actually fun!
I have (I think) calculated the expected value of Jinxie's Jamboree--
Note that this assumes that there are 7 possibilities for each slot and this does not include the gain from bonus games, staves, or the accumulated value of the triple diamonds. The calculation is also based off of the 10g game.
If all of these assumptions are true...
You're expected to gain an average of 1059g every time you play!
Level 60
The Tender
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Posted: 5/14/2017 at 11:25 AM
Post #2
bumpity bump
Level 65
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Posted: 5/23/2017 at 8:14 PM
Post #3
One time I wasted all of my money on it, I didn't relize it took your money. I hope you math is right!
Level 70
Nature Walker
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Posted: 5/23/2017 at 8:28 PM
Post #4
I have never made the math, ( probably because I'm one of those people who find math boring ;) ), but I've already realized that you win most of the time with Jinxie's Jamboree. I've used it a lot when I was a beginner on Sylestia and I needed money for something...
Also, from my experience, it's quite easy to get some essences with it (even if it may take some time to win one), or some pet dyes.
Edited By Enyo on 5/23/2017 at 8:29 PM.
Level 70
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Posted: 5/24/2017 at 2:27 AM
Post #5
I remember Krin saying Jinxie's Jamboree was programmed for the player to gain money instead of lose, so I imagine you're right.
I'd love to see data proving that's the case, but I imagine the increments are so small and slow aha.
But I agree, it's a good way early-game to earn money. I used to have a smaaaall window just for clicking the spin button in the corner of my screen to click again and again as I do things like battle or watch YouTube aha.
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