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Forum Index > General Discussion > The Name Game
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Level 60
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Posted: 1/14/2013 at 3:01 AM Post #1
Hello one and all, just wondering if anyone else has trouble figuring out names for pets. I know a few of you do, so let us lament about it a bit, and share a few laugh.

I was showing this game to my girlfriend and we came up with two pretty funny names for two of my babies.

This one she came up with called: Pupto Bizpup, based of he looks like a Pepto bottle.

I claim the fault of this one as: Darkwing Drac, my current thinking was Darkwing Duck or DW for short.

I mean no harm with these two, but I thought it was quite funny. SO if anyone else out there has a good one, post it here, unless I posted this in the wrong forum.
Level 60
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Posted: 1/14/2013 at 3:35 AM Post #2
Are you going to name one Negadrac, too?

I'm naming mine after different kinds of apples right now. After I fill up my first stable, I'll probably move onto squashes or root vegetables. ^^
Edited By 1112 on 1/14/2013 at 3:35 AM.
Level 60
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Posted: 1/14/2013 at 4:34 PM Post #3
I absolutely love those names. xD I had a good laugh, and on a bad day, that is a great thing. x3

I am an absolute nerd, so I name creatures either after mythological figures or video game characters. x3

There is only one character in my entire Stable that has an original name based off of a character in my stories. x3

My most recent creature is Hitoshura:

...which is based off of the Main Character of Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne. x3

I have a egg that has yet to hatch... so I have to think up some names when it hatches. x3

Level 61
Wondrous Witch
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Posted: 1/14/2013 at 10:21 PM Post #4
Haha, got a chuckle out of those names!

Ah, I always have trouble naming things... XD Rarely do I name my pets after things I'm a fan of, but when I saw the markings on the dragon armor I had to name mine Amaterasu.

Otherwise, I just Google "fantasy name generator" and make small alterations on the names given there. Or Google translate. Google is responsible for most of my non-character names. XD
Edited By 1053 on 1/14/2013 at 10:21 PM.
Level 60
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Posted: 1/15/2013 at 4:54 AM Post #5
I've used name generators before when I can't think a name for a BESM character, or a NPC. Never really used it for naming any sort of pet though.
Level 60
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Posted: 1/15/2013 at 10:17 AM Post #6
I've used the same device I use for my Rift characters: a suffix of -nix. So far, I'm just putting together letters that please me as a whole, although my Rift mage is named Sionix, a homonym of psionics, and I'm quite proud of that. Haven't come up with anything quite so clever for my Sylesties though.
Level 60
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Posted: 1/15/2013 at 1:22 PM Post #7
I think my most commonly used names for games are Xolner, Sol, and Leska. More often than not though I use Latin for names. Leska if I remember right means Pain in Latin. Sol is Spanish for sun I believe, and Xolner is a tag I've used sense I played Kingdom Hearts, back in high school. Not sure what year that was though, maybe Jr. year, but could of been sophomore year. So yeah, normally a name has meaning behind it or is completely silly.
Level 31
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Posted: 1/16/2013 at 11:26 PM Post #8
Alas I must confess that I'm an otaku. I'm going for a Sailor Moon theme because that's what I'm watching right now (again for the umteenth time ). I have two pets that I was able to generate because they gave me thier essence and so here they are.


I tried to go with the clothing that he wears when talking to Queen Bereyl and his paws and tail tip should be the color of his skin while his horns represent the color of his hair.

Sailor Cosmos

I really adore her the most next to my very first pet because I feel I made her just right.

Other than that, I'm usually looking on an elven name generator for names because I just can't think of good names for pets. I have three in my hatchery now that have no names due to this reason

I almost forgot about my one Pokemon named pet.


You can see why his name is the way it is
Edited By 1032 on 1/16/2013 at 11:29 PM.
Level 38
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Posted: 1/17/2013 at 12:07 AM Post #9
i love it.

FWIW, i've just started playing this game today, and every new pet i've found has more or less been named under the circumstances under which i got it/captured it.

* "Uke" (japanese for opponent or adversary, i think) was actually nabbed in combat with a net.
* "Foundling" was the very first egg i found from a random event
* "Wagner" (pronounced like the german composer, don't ask me why ) was found in a wagon during a quest
* "Katamyco" was found in the mushroom-fairy part of the first quest line (butchered, meaningless portmanteau from the greek "kata" meaning roughly "near, around", and "myco" as the root for mushrooms and fungus) Say it out loud and it sounds kinda japanese though, oddly enough!
* "Faerieborn" was found during the fairy questline too
* "Stratos" was found in a guard tower

The funny bit is that most of these were found as eggs, so i have to wait and see if these names "fit" them when the've hatched and i've seen what they actually are...

My very first pet is called "Begehr" because it was the first syllable of the last name of some person on a news or sports show i was watching right at the moment i was trying to think of a name. And i guess it kinda sounds tough, right?

My second pet was called "Giuseppe" after Giuseppe Verdi because he's green. (the pet. not the composer.)

Silly stories, i know, but hopefully y'all find it amusing at least!

Level 60
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Posted: 1/17/2013 at 12:38 AM Post #10
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 3/3/2025 at 6:40:49pm
Alas I must confess that I'm an otaku. I'm going for a Sailor Moon theme because that's what I'm watching right now (again for the umteenth time ).

EEEEEE Sailor Moon and Pokemon! /fangasm

Quote From:
Originally Posted: 3/3/2025 at 6:40:49pm
"Uke" (japanese for opponent or adversary, i think) was actually nabbed in combat with a net.

One meaning of the word is fish trap, and it can be used in the verb for catching things. It's also used in yaoi fandoms, but I'm not going to go off on THAT tangent. x3

I do love the rest of your names, though. Wagner makes me think of Nightcrawler from X-Men. <3

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