"Vixen, we have a girl! I've named her Plaquoria, child of Vixen and daughter of Nyla. She will wear the Nightfall Ancestors' clothes and armor, be drenched in the sacred oils, and fight alongside of the greatest warriors! She will burn down the walls of Esior's Haven, rule over the trolls, and defeat the fairies! Her hair will be long and brown, her armor shall be a sweet blue. She shall carry the staff of the trolls, and she shall be strong!"
Nyla set down her newborn, Plaquoria, and ran into Vixen's arms.
"Don't you think that's a long title for such a small girl? Her eyes are barely opened!"
Vixen and Nyla laughed, and they both put their index finger on Plaquoria's forehead.
"Shall we bless her now?"
Nyla asked.
"Yes." Vixen replied.
"By the power of the Moon, the Sun, and of the essence of the Stars, we bless this child with riches a mountain high and a life as long as a river. We curse her enemies, so that they cannot harm this child. We bless this child with love and thanks, and hope that she will one day rule over the Nightfall Bandits and become legendary. We bless the name Plaquoria, so that other newborns will have her blessing. We offer this child to Dreadnaught, in hopes of collecting his love for her. By the power of the Moon, the Sun, and of the essence of the Stars, we bless this child."
As they move their fingers, the baby glows a soft blue. Her hair turns brown and long, she grows to a child, and carries a staff of the trolls.
"Plaquoria," Vixen and Nyla say, "welcome to the Nightfall family.
If I should continue, please tell me! I don't want to write something that nobody will read.
Edited By 6581 on 7/23/2013 at 4:49 PM.
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Posted: 7/23/2013 at 7:02 PM
Post #2
Chapter 1
"Use your sword, for the love of Nightfall! No, your right hand! Plaquoria, stab the dummy! In the chest! Plaquoria, just stop. Training's over. Please, go get Dreadnaught."
Vixen brushed his hand through his hair and watched as his daughter left the training halls. As soon as Dreadnaught entered, Vixen bowed and started complaining.
"Dread, you said that the blessing is pure! We blessed our child with strength, but she does not have it! She is not rich! She is merely clumsy and weak, like a newborn! Have you lied to the Nightfalls?"
Vixen continues to throw questions at the lieutenant, but Dreadnaught says nothing for a long while.
"She will not be strong in the way you think. Her mind will be the strongest part of her. She will be rich in love, and she will rule the hearts of her people. I would ask Ticker, though. Maybe he can see something?" Dreadnaught leaves the training halls and Plaquoria comes back.
"You think I am weak? Do I not please you? Because I can change who I am, what I want to be, and how I live for you." Plaquoria's face is a bright red, and she slams her staff on the floor. "I am my own person, and you choose to dig through my dirt because I do not meet your shameful expectations? You can't even ask me why I'm me. You have to see Dreadnaught, Ticker, and probably the entire Nightfall kingdom before you can talk to me about my life. Even I knew what my blessing meant. That's why I do not try hard in the halls, but I study hard at home. I know how to find weak spots, how to cure illnesses, how to steal the heart of a boy so I can find out his peoples' secrets. But, no. I had to kill every enemy I find. Do you not even consider that they can tell us information? I'm done."
Vixen watches as his daughter walks swiftly out of the halls. He looks at his Nightfall tattoo, a cracked skull with a snake weaving in and out of it. That tattoo meant death. Plaquoria was going to die.
Edited By 6581 on 7/23/2013 at 8:13 PM.
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Posted: 7/23/2013 at 8:27 PM
Post #3
Chapter 2
Nyla weaves her needle and thread in and out of her daughter's cloak. Plaquoria brought it to her, saying that suddenly, this giant hole appeared right above her heart. Nyla knew what that meant. Vixen knew what was going to happen. Plaquoria was clueless to the signs around her.
"You swear to Nightfall that this just appeared?" Nyla asked, pricking her finger for the thousandth time.
"Yes, mum. It happened after I and da were arguing. He has to know everything!" Plaquoria sat down in frustration, silently cursing her father.
"Yes, your da told me all about it. He isn't a smart man, he's strength. I guess he wants his only child to be strong, as well. Our blessing just wasn't specific enough. You know, he wrote it on our wedding date. He thought that you were going to be a boy, but even after he saw that you were a girl, he kept that blessing in his heart. I would accept it. You da means no harm to you, dear. Oh, and Dread is seeking out a group of low levels to fight the trolls. Go, please."
"Yes, mum." Plaquoria took her blue armor and wrapped her cloak around it. She found Dreadnaught and his group at the Nightfall entrance. Dreadnaught was giving orders.
"The point of this battle is to level you up, either in strength, intelligence, stamina, agility, or mana. Go for the kill. Then, run to the Haven. The troll will follow us there. Quietly, we shall run away just as he appears. There will be deaths, but then we will only have our strongest warriors left. Weaklings, run away while you can! Forward, march." Dreadnaught leads the quiet march into Trollsblight Caverns, and Plaquoria thinks about what her da had argued about. He thought she was weak and clumsy. Would she really die trying to kill an innocent troll? She decided that she will run away from the group in the Haven. There, she will search for help from one of the townsfolk. But what would mum think? She couldn't just run away. She decided to stay with the group, to prove to her da that she was not as weak as he claims her to be. She continues to march with the group, nodding her head to the beat of the warriors boots hitting the stone floor.
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Posted: 7/23/2013 at 8:39 PM
Post #4
Chapter 3
Vixen enters Ticker's cell. Ticker was a crazy seer, as some would say. But, most of his seeing's turned out to be true. Vixen just had to know a few things.
"Vixen, son of Tatum, child of Naveen. You wish to know your child's future? Her Nightfall spirit will, well, fall. She will no longer be of the Nightfalls, and you and your wife shall cry. You will think that you have been a terrible father. You will blame yourself for her actions. Treasure every moment you have with her, for that will soon end."
Vixen reached the old man's cell and pondered over what he had said.
"When will she die? I need to tell Nyla this terrible news."
"No! You will tell no one. I see it. If you tell somebody, time will shift and actions will change. Your daughter's fate will be much worse. Tell no one." The old man toys with his staff, a staff that holds the essence of the stars. That essence alone can kill over a thousand sylestis, let alone make one man crazy.
"Tell me more." Vixen said, keeping a straight face.
"I speak of no more horror." Ticker said.
Vixen walked back through the stone corridors, back into his house. Nyla was tending to some small wound on her hand. Vixen hated keeping secrets from her, especially one this big. But the old man said not to. He claimed that they would see Plaquoria again. Then, he might talk.
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Posted: 7/24/2013 at 12:28 PM
Post #5
Chapter 4
Dreadnaught waves for the group to enter the caverns. They hear a slight snoring, and find a sleeping troll.
"Okay, this is our plan. We kill this troll, then run to the Haven. Understood? Then, quickly, we will run back here. The ones that will perish will be our weaklings. The strong ones will stay. Sneak quietly. Gyra, you will be the first to stab. Plaquoria, you will follow. Then Quintaca, then Horas. The rest of you will follow after them." Dreadnaught pointed at the troll with two fingers, and Gyra quietly snuck to the sleeping troll. After she forced her sword in her back, Plaquoria quickly followed. The rest came after her.
Plaquoria knew why she was the second. Her da told Dreadnaught to kill her first. But she wasn't going to die. Not today, not like this.
Long after the troll was dead, many Nightfalls were still stabbing at its back. Then, they all heard a rumble. The other troll was here. Dreadnaught ran to the cavern's entrance, and the group ran to the Haven. They heard the troll not far behind them, and as the group passed the Haven, Plaquoria entered it. She knew that this wasn't her plan. Still at the gate, she changed her mind and caught up with the group, who soon made it back to the stone corridors that lined the town. Mums and das were everywhere, proud to see their low-leveled children succeed. Some, sad to see that their only child was dead. Plaquoria ran to her da, expecting a smile on his battle-worn face, but it showed no emotion.
"I'm back, alive! Da, I'm not as weak as you thought! Da?" Plaquoria took a step back from her da. "I, uh, need some water." Plaquoria said, but instead of going to the fountain, she ran out of the corridors, right back to the burning walls of Esior's Haven.
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Posted: 7/28/2013 at 4:16 PM
Post #6
Chapter 4
Plaquoria runs through the chaotic town, everybody holding buckets filled with water, but the fire wasn't dying down. In a small nook, she found a man, badly wounded, lying on the ground. His hands covered the bloody mark, not doing much help. Once the man saw Plaquoria, he tried to sit up.
"Help!" He called, "Help! A bandit is over here! Help!" The wound was bleeding harder from the struggle, and Plaquoria pushed him back down.
"No, I am not with them any longer. I am here to help you. What must I do?" Plaquoria took a small piece of her cloak and ripped it off, placing it on the injury.
"How can I trust you? You're people have done this to our town!"
"No, this was not us. But, I have to say, it was caused by us. We led the troll here because we knew it would battle you. I did not like that plan, so I ran away. I am no longer a Nightfall Bandit. Please, trust me."
"Okay. But, we must change your name to something that means more than that. What about Belle? You are very beautiful, so that is not a lie. You mustn't speak a word about this to the townsfolk. Say, you are from another land, dropped off here by your Viking father. You are to stay for years to come. Now, Belle, I'm going to die for blood loss. The clinic is just over there. Oh, by the way, I am Sheriff Thyrm."
Belle picked up the sheriff and hauled him off to the clinic, where stitches awaited him. Soon after he was partially healed, he showed Belle an empty cottage to stay in.
"Make yourself at home!"
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