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Forum Index > General Discussion > Stables clearing, any tips?
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Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 4/23/2013
Threads: 30
Posts: 119
Posted: 6/18/2017 at 7:44 AM Post #1
I'm wondering how you all go about clearing out your stables, sell or release, which would be better? Keep the parents of your projects or just release them they have served their purpose? I really need to sort my pets out, they are mostly just sitting there...but I get too attached to pixels..
Level 68
The Tender
Joined: 8/3/2016
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Posted: 6/18/2017 at 9:58 AM Post #2
It really depends, for me at least. If I'm looking for income, the need for room isn't that urgent, or I really think the pet deserves a good home, then I'll set it up for sale. Pets set up from 1g to 500g usually go pretty fast. Otherwise, I just release them. However, this is a little more time-consuming.
Level 60
Majestic Green Thumb
Joined: 2/18/2017
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Posted: 6/18/2017 at 7:59 PM Post #3
It really depends upon the type of pet and whether it has traits that other members want that determine how badly you want to sell the pet.

I have been told that a released Sylesti does perfectly well on its own - otherwise you would not find any wild pets in some of the zones you see.

If you are interested in finding a good home, then you would need to set the price accordingly and advertise.

The "pick a box" ones seem to be popular.
Edited By Leoandoreosmom on 6/18/2017 at 8:08 PM.
Level 75
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Posted: 6/20/2017 at 2:40 PM Post #4
Personally, I no longer capture wild pets unless they're really pretty and I want to keep them for myself. They usually don't sell that well. The exclusion to this is if the pet has a newly released gene or mutation.

I do catch themed pets during fests. You can usually sell those if you price them competitively.

If I breed a pet or catch a pet that I wish to sell, I will price it for a month or so. If it doesn't sell during that time, I will usually just release it. I figure that if no one bought it within a month, its not really wanted and I might as well set it free.

I usually hold onto project pets for a short while just in case I make some sort of mistake. I will usually release them about 3 generations later though. However, if the original parents were themed, I'll keep or sell them.

Good luck clearing out space in your stables. It can be really difficult to decide what to keep.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 4/23/2013
Threads: 30
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Posted: 6/21/2017 at 2:26 AM Post #5
Thank you for your advice everyone. I've sort of sorted out who I want to sell, and might release the non-themed ones if they don't sell in a certain time frame (I put the lowest price on them..) of course I buy more to breed to some of mine that I've kept..I'm terrible lol. Though when I get ones that are visibles might get rid of the parents after,

Sorry rambling. It is indeed hard to decide who to keep and who to not, though I guess if I release the ones I'm not certain of, there's always a chance of getting them back? Albeit for a price.

Mmm, I think I'll keep the parents of my project at least until the project is completed anyway. Then I can make more room for another project and so on. Thank you again!
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