i was searching advanced search and the only six vis themed was owned by Krinadon. i thought there were more!
Level 75
The Artistic
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Posted: 7/23/2017 at 10:19 PM
Post #2
There are lots 6 vis purebred themed, but the only 6 vis tagged themed is Krinadon's XP
Level 75
Ghost Writer
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Posted: 7/23/2017 at 10:20 PM
Post #3
Level 48
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Posted: 7/23/2017 at 10:52 PM
Post #4
What does it mean for a pet to be tagged?
Level 67
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 7/23/2017 at 11:02 PM
Post #5
theamed so https://www.sylestia.com/view/pets/?petid=3204006 right by her genes there are words its tagged .
Edited By Ivyfrost on 7/23/2017 at 11:02 PM.
Level 48
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Posted: 7/23/2017 at 11:54 PM
Post #6
I thought that meant it was theamed?
Level 67
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 7/24/2017 at 12:12 AM
Post #7
yep and it means its tagged to
Level 75
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Posted: 7/24/2017 at 1:18 AM
Post #8
A Tagged pet generally refers to the pet itself which has special names, which they have purple names for example, at the bottom left of their profile page.
Themed refers both to the Pet with the purple named pets and Purebred of them.
When you look at a pet's lineage, you can tell if the offspring is purebred or not
This is an example of a purebred Chocolate Candy Zolnixi. As you can see, it is descended from all tagged Chocolate Candy Zolnixies. As you can see, the tagged pets have their own tagged star on lineage pages, and when you hover over the stars you can see what kind of tagged theme they are.
Level 48
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Posted: 7/24/2017 at 8:07 AM
Post #9
Huh, so like I have a Sunset Kelpari whose parents are tagged. That would make it themed, but not tagged yes?
Level 75
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Posted: 7/24/2017 at 10:26 AM
Post #10
Essentially, yes. But if you were to mention it, you would call the pet a Purebred Sunset Kelpari.
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