Forum Index > General Discussion > All Pre-Vamp Lunemara Traits Can Now Be...
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Joined: 3/14/2016
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Posted: 8/11/2017 at 2:00 AM
Post #1
I have successfully saved photos of ALL 31 of the pre-revamp Lunemara traits in 81 minutes! If you would like to see them, please let me know! Have fun everyone!
The reason why I sat at my computer for1 hour and 21 minutes is that I wanted you, the Sylestia community to be able to look back on the old Lunemaras and see the art as it improves! I also found myself saddened by the thought that my own Lunemara, Dusty Night, would not be forever as fluffy and adorable as I had hoped so I saved her photo to my computer so that I would never forget what she used to look like. I suggest that anyone else who has a Lunemara that they want unchanged should save their Lunemara's photo and look at it whenever they wish they could have the old Lunes back. This has certainly helped me remember why I was so eager to name my Puffadores what I did and why I bought so many that I don't really like all that much now.Thank you so much though, Krinadon, Faiona and Mochaspar (TeaTimeJess)! The artwork is amazing, keep it up!
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