One Prismatic Philter is 80 diamonds, or between 160K gold and 200K gold.
One prismatic philter increases health by 200, and strength, intelligence, agility, and dexterity by 10.
Max stats is 2000 for health and 100 for strength, intelligence, agility, and dexterity.
Starting out with:
200 Health
15 Strength
15 Intelligence
15 Agility
15 Dexterity
Need to increase 1800 health, 85 strength, 85 intelligence, 85 agility, and 85 dexterity.
That's a minimum of 9 generations
How many prismatic philters are needed for 1 max stat project? 36, I think?
Ideally, I think you need at least 4 prism philters for each generation to make it work. Not sure, though
At least 4 philters for 1 generation is 320 diamonds OR 640,000 - 800,000 gold
For a minimum of 9 generations is 2,880 diamonds, OR 5,760,000 - 7,200,000 gold
Breaking Even
Let's say you only spent 5,760,000 on the project. To break even, you would need to:
- Sell 58 max stat pets at 100K gold each
- Sell 39 max stat pets at 150K gold each
- Sell 29 max stat pets at 200K gold each
- Sell 20 max stat pets at 300K gold each
How likely is that to happen? Especially with more and more people doing max stat projects.
To me, it doesn't seem very profitable at all.
Does anyone want to weigh in?
I may have calculated something wrong. I don't see how you can do the project with out using at least 4 prism philters a generation.
Is there another philter that increases just health? I know there are ones just for the 4 other traits. |
Very, very good question. And I honestly think I'd have the most merit to weigh in on this one. (Not trying to brag there, but I'm pretty sure I have more Maxed Stats projects than anyone else in the game. XD)
In the short run? No. These are not profitable at all. It takes about a year to complete - likely more if you're aiming for a high number of visibles as well - and I'd say that your estimate of 36 prismatic philters is pretty standard for a minimalistic approach with a limited variety in traits. (For the love of your wallet, if you plan on doing a Maxed Stats projects get your visible traits cleared FIRST! There's no point wasting prismatics on a pet that could very well be a no-trait, or have only carries and breed you some no-traits.)
If you only have the one project to work with - only one species, few traits both for how many are visible and how much variety you have, and only one colorscheme - then it will take a very long time to make enough sales to get back the full investment.
You can technically get it done with even fewer prismatic philters, but it takes a ridiculous amount of luck and patience that will likely add another year to the overall project time. Basically, you philter only one or two from each generation (hope for males or gender-bend so you can have two strong male breeders, or hope that if they're female, they'll breed a good male offspring with a quickness) and use either the one or both as your primary breeders. You hold on to all females within 400 health of your best, and hope that one of them will of give you a high-stat result that's within 50 health from your best. You'll get sooooooo many fails this way and it will probably take 2x the time to get a good enough result worth philtering, but it minimizes the number of philters you'll need to use. It's extremely slow at first but it does eventually pick up. For an example, check this little egg's lineage.)
In the long run? I have three oh, no four make that five no wait,six okay,
make it seven oh! No make that eight (finally! Kept thinking of more tips...) recommendations to boost your potential sales and make them a profitable dream.
1: Bring in multiple traits. More traits means more variety, which gives you a wider range of people who would be interested. Once you get to maximum stats, you can actually breed new traits by using your maxed stats pets as the main breeders. Breed them to a basic stats pet with a new trait, hope the offspring gets the new trait and higher stats. Breed that offspring to another maxed stats pet for an offspring with even higher stats. So on and so forth until you finally get them to max... Like what I've done with my Lupora. Originally the Stats Lupora was more of an "I really want this for myself" thing since... well... I'm a Deathstroke fan. I knew the Mech traits weren't too popular so they don't sell too well; limited interest. Once I get the new traits up (hopefully before revamp; I was hoping it wouldn't be them yet >_<; ) I'll likely have more Lupe sales.
Assuming I have the traits cleared, I've even gone so far as breeding my pets together for several generations just to get someone the trait results they want the most - they just have to supply the dyes. (Although that's not so much for profit, but just because I'm awesome like that.)
2: Speaking of dyes, invest in pet dyes! Most of the time I'll start my projects with a themed pet species (exclusive for the highest easy option for mana) and once I have them purebred and maxed out, I'll dye offspring to get more options in. It doesn't require any more prismatic philters, only pet dyes... lots of pet dyes.... But it's worth it when you know you have a design that people would want! Elemental-related pets are particularly useful since they do have the "Cool, I can get a frost-looking pet for the frost spec and a fire-looking one for fire!" kind of appeal. If you go with this route and you have a variety of traits, make sure you have a little variety in the results when you can.
3: If you can... get ahead of the revamp curve. FAST. I owe 95% of my early success with the Ny'vene to their revamp. I had the species cleared for stats about 2-3 months before they were revamped, and I was able to analyze the species to figure out which traits would have the highest chance for giving me regens. I bred over 1,000 Ny'vene with this in mind. Once the revamp came, I was able to regen TONS of Ny'vene into all new projects. No pet dyes required and all available traits from before their revamp were available.
Without that advantage, I would have had only one set of decent-looking Ny'vene covering maybe 80% of their traits because I worked with a theme. And the Solar Eclipse Ny'vene didn't exactly make it out of the revamp with the best of looks. The G1 was/is awful...
4: Get paid in supplies! Gold and diamond sales are nice, but giving players another option that doesn't directly hurt their wallets can bring in so many new buyers that otherwise wouldn't even consider it. Allowing trades of prismatic philters, gender-swapped, and pet dyes can help keep your business running. You may take a small hit for the actual value of the pet but that's still one more sale you may not have had otherwise. And there's no risk of you accidentally spending that profit because "ooooh, really awesome themed pet for sale over there!!" ( I did that a lot early on... >_> )
5: Give discounts. At 300k each, buying a team of 3 pets is 900k. That's... that's a lot. Even I say it's too much for the people who want them. (And I've spent about 75 million gold worth on my maxed stats projects.) For someone who's looking to buy multiple pets at once, I'll drop the grand total to about 750k instead. (250k each) It shows both generosity and reasonability, and you may just get some repeat buyers later down the line if you raise up some new projects.
6: Exclusive Themed Pets give you the best advantage. There will be tons of them available for breeding with a wide array of traits (unless you go for restricted traits which has its pros and cons) and they have a default popularity - especially the super popular themes! While working on visibles you can sell failed offspring to boost your funding for the long haul, and even once you start raising their stats you can sell failures from those as well. (Just make them infertile at a certain point so no one "yoinks" your project from under your nose. Competition sucks.)
7: Take advantage of the festivals. Things like the mazes, the beach seeking, and so on will make prismatic philters and pet dyes more common. With the high supply and a limited demand, the prices on the trade broker go down. Back in the day when I was one of maybe two or three people working on stats projects at all, I was snagging prismatic philters from the broker as low as 35k for TWO WEEKS. I started with around 20, and by the festival's end I was more like 120+ It doesn't get that low anymore, but it can still drop to about 75k each.
8: Hit the lottery? Trade it for supplies. The festivals give plenty of opportunities for the "2/3-vis of any pet" prizes. If you're lucky enough to get something like this, don't use it for yourself! Tempting as that can be... Instead, post up in the forums that you'll trade it for gold/diamonds, prismatic philters, and maybe even pet dyes. There are plenty of players who spend tons of diamonds already for things like the beach seeking, and they're bound to have a nice stash of prismatic philters from it. Giving them the option to dump some of those items and get something better in return draws them in, and most are more than happy to throw in some gold and diamonds too.
Up until recently, I've done this often to keep my projects running. And wow, if you're the only one up there things can get so heated! Offers of 5,000 diamonds and above depending on the overall situation, or stacks of 200 prismatic philters and 500 pet dyes. (These days I've got a really close friend who collects themed pets, so instead of the whole competitive bidding thing I shoot her a PM and see what she wants to trade for it, lol. I don't get nearly as much but I have enough Stats projects to keep the upcoming ones funded well enough.)
Considering how many Maxed Stats projects are popping up, I will say that it's a tough market to survive in. My first recommendations were mostly about the appearances and variety and they remain my top three for that very reason. There are options everywhere, and more on the way - the best advantage you can have is in the beauty of the project and the variety you can offer.
As for philters, ONLY Prismatic Philters raise health. You can also "hatch" a pet yourself when it's ready by going to their profile page, and raise it's base health by 20 points (Letting it hatch will raise it's weakest stat by a smidgen.) You can't do both though - it's one of the other.
I hope this helps! And if you have any questions at all, feel free to ask me, okay? :) |