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Forum Index > General Discussion > Name Change Discussion
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Level 75
Guardian of the Realm
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Posted: 10/10/2017 at 8:41 AM Post #1
I've been consider changing my username (Lonefox has been seeming a little bland), and I was just wondering about any associated difficulties. Like, if you're on a ping list and you can't find the thread, or if you can't even remember all the lists you're on, are they ever going to be able to find you again? Will people's inboxes change to your new name at least, so when someone wants to message you, they can reply to the right name? Also, there are those threads I've titled "Lonefox's xxx" that I'd need to change...
And of course, people will need to learn your new name, but that shouldn't take too long. And I'd also need to get a new nickname!
Anyone out there that's changed their name and want to discuss?
Level 75
Guardian of the Realm
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Posted: 10/13/2017 at 7:39 PM Post #2
Anyone at all? I'm really wondering if it's worth it to change my username if there's nothing really wrong with it, other than thinking it's boring. Is it too much of a hassle?
Level 75
Sweet Solver
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Posted: 10/14/2017 at 8:07 PM Post #3
I've been forbidden by friends to ever change my username, even if it'd be something similar, so I can't really give you much advice. However, I'd recommend to at least making a note of it on your profile if you do decide to change your name.
Level 75
Terrifyingly Thrifty
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Posted: 10/14/2017 at 9:31 PM Post #4

from personal experience, people changing usernames is actually a little bit annoying if they happen to be on a ping list. You have to go in and manually change the name. Also if they changed their name, and you don't know about it, and you have a big massive ping list, you'll get a warning saying:

"one of these users doesn't exist" but you don't know which one it is. So it can be a pain going through every single username until you touch upon the one that is changed. And even then, if you don't know what name the person changed theirs too, and you don't know any of their pets to track them by, and you don't know any people that they know that could tell you,... then the detective work in finding the name could be difficult.

With that in mind, if you do want to change your name, and you want everyone to know, definitely do what Sav suggested - write it on your profile. Also, do find a way of letting the public know...maybe put it in one of the forums where people will see? Maybe also ping people that you think ought to know?
Level 75
Terrifyingly Thrifty
Joined: 4/17/2015
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Posted: 10/14/2017 at 9:39 PM Post #5
On the flip side of that (I did sound awfully negative) - Once you have those issues sorted out, it will be fine. About people remembering you're name...well, just identify the people you want informed, then inform them, and they'll work out the rest themselves. People will remember. And if they don't remember, it doesn't matter, because they'll remember eventually anyway. These things even out with time.

about getting a new nickname...well...nicknames tend to happen naturally on their own. All the nicknames I have ever had...were never really chosen by me. Nicknames for me happen because its convenient for other people to say. So yeah. The nicknames will just happen naturally. Again. Certain names don't even need nicknames. Think about the username: 'Flute' or the username 'Fox' - no nicknames needed there.

In saying that, you might want to think about potential nicknames you might wind up want to avoid getting into a situation if you have a name like Qo'quak - because then people would shorten it to Qoq -
Level 68
The Tender
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Posted: 10/17/2017 at 1:54 PM Post #6
pinged someone who can maybe help *throws Shard under the bus*
Level 70
The Perfectionist
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Posted: 10/17/2017 at 2:07 PM Post #7
I recently changed my username, and I think that the decision is up to you. As for your first question, being on ping lists can be rather difficult. When I changed my username, I completely forgot about the three..? ping lists I was on, and the thread owners kind of suffered because of it.... oops. So if you do change yours, be sure to notify those you know regularly ping you. And yes, inboxes will update to your new name, including all the old messages. The threads with your username,,, well, they might be somewhat tedious to ping Krin to change all of them, but then again, I don't know how many threads you have. Overall, it isn't too disadvantageous to change you username, so if you really want to, I would change it. I personally like the username Lonefox, but again, it's up to you. Hope I helped!

@Mag Thanks for pinging me, I guess...? lol
Level 68
The Tender
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Posted: 10/17/2017 at 2:12 PM Post #8
*crosses arms and nods haughtily* Knew you could help.
Level 75
Guardian of the Realm
Joined: 8/29/2016
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Posted: 10/17/2017 at 3:01 PM Post #9
Thank you all for the advice! For right now, I think maybe I'll keep the name Lonefox, and use the other name I had in mind on a different site first, to see how it feels. I just find it a little ironic that when I signed up, Zolnixies were my favorite species, which meant Lonefox was perfect, but now Nixies aren't even in my top five. :P
Edited By Lonefox on 10/17/2017 at 3:02 PM.
Level 70
The Perfectionist
Joined: 2/12/2017
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Posted: 10/17/2017 at 3:15 PM Post #10
No problem, happy to help! And wow, nixies definitely dropped in your list of faves.
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