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Forum Index > General Discussion > what is the winter festival
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Level 38
Stocking Stuffer
Joined: 12/10/2017
Threads: 2
Posts: 4
Posted: 12/13/2017 at 9:37 PM Post #1
im new-ish to this game and im looking at the countdown for the winter festival im assuming. now im wondering, what is it? what happens?
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/5/2016
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Posted: 12/13/2017 at 9:44 PM Post #2
The Winter Fest is a fest that is held during the holiday seasons. (Idk the exact dates) during the fest there are many mini games. There will be a fest zone where you can get themed and fight bosses for avi items. There will also be (probably a bakery) an area where you can craft sylestia. Krin and Faiona also usually hold mini contests during the fest. I also believe I read somewhere that we will be having Snow Wars this year (kinda forgot how those work RIP) and there will probably stocking stufing which is where you can gift other players. Here is the over view from last fest which might give you an idea of how this fest will work.

If you have any other questions I suggest dropping into general chat or checking out the Player Guides!

If you have any more questions feel free to ping me~

And if you want stop on over to my Gifting Thread!

And make sure to do Advent Calendar Everyday! You can get nice prizes~

Once fest is open everything will be located here.
Edited By LivingInMyOwnReality on 12/13/2017 at 9:46 PM.
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
Joined: 11/2/2014
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Posted: 12/14/2017 at 2:58 AM Post #3
Dates vary depending on when Krinadon manages to get to things, and so are different year-to-year.

For winter fest...

Bakery was retired after 2015/16 winter fest, replaced by Sylesti Snowbuilding for 2016/17 winter fest, which will presumably be what we have for this one too. However, I expect it will be expanded to be more in-line with the creation methods used this year during other fests- that is, the ability to gather items that will allow us to select specific trait slots, add hidden traits, choose gender etc. (last winter fest only allowed for the general 'use x, y, or z item to determine how many traits the pet has')

Seasonal contest games in the forums may take place, such as 'design a 3-vis dream pet'- some are already up.

The Festival Zone will open (it will be a new one that nobody's seen, so people will be getting to mapping the thing, which everyone hopes will be nowhere near as convoluted as the Fall fest one), and you can wander around in it (for people who haven't reached Astryl's Vale, this is a view into what the Third Region explore is like- the first two regions use the old version) interacting with enemies, treasure chests/boxes/whatever to get gold/items (on rare occasions Themed eggs spawn in these nodes instead), and bosses.

Fest shop will open, where you can use festival currency (obtained by doing things like fighting enemies in the zone, from said treasure chests/boxes, occasionally from nurturing, probably from helping other people's snowbuilding, if it is expanded like we expect) to buy fest items and fest avatar items.

Contest boards will take place:
- Battle boards in which you can fight to gain points on boards (each pet on your team will add one point to their respective species' board for each opponent you defeat. A team consisting of a griffi and two lupora vs a team of three opponents will net you three points on the griffi board and six on the lupora board)
- Nurture boards, which you can gets points in by nurturing sylesti (the specific species adds to their own board- nurturing a nytekrie gives you a nyte nurture board point, nurturing a puffadore gives you a puff point)
Every 1000/500 (depending on which kind of board) points on a specific board will net you a contest reward pouch, which have assorted fest items in.
Getting in the top 10 of a board nets you a Leaderboard pouch (generally have some pretty decent fest items) once the round ends (typically there are three rounds per fest), places 2, 3, and 4 get 2-vis of the board/exclusive theme, 1st gets a 3-vis

Snow wars will likely return (sort of like chess? but also not. You can select what pieces you use and where they're placed- each of them with different strengths/weaknesses, and HP- and can go against AI or other people. I didn't take many screenshots of the actual thing, but here's one.
You can win items and last fest could get specific Majestic themes from it.

There'll probably be Stocking Stuffer (basically you can gift items to players, and vice-versa)
Edited By Scathreoite on 12/14/2017 at 2:59 AM.
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