Forum Index > General Discussion > My 1 Year Anniversary (what do you love...
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Level 63
Warden of Umbra
Joined: 1/9/2017
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Posted: 1/9/2018 at 6:04 PM
Post #1
As of today my sylestia account is officially 1 year old! *quiet applause*
Its kinda hard to believe its only been a year since I joined, but Id like to think that Ive left my mark on this site.
Its been so cool being a part of such an amazing community. No other pet site Ive seen has such a rich community, nor such a strong amount of user interaction.
I cant even imagine how much work goes on behind the scenes to allow for all this to happen. I have mad respect for both the site admins and artists for working their butts off year round in order for us to have cool events like festivals, forum games, and especially the amount of new traits and outfits that are constantly being added.
I honestly have to say that my favourite thing about Sylestia is all the user submitted content. Unlike other sites which choose to either not take user submissions or to simply take art directly from their users, sylestia puts in the extra effort to take its users ideas and form them into something that is consistent with the rest of the site. Its amazing to see the ideas of various users become real items or traits in the game. And while it does feel strange calling something someone else drew your idea, it is also amazing that people who arent necessarily the best artists to still be able to have their ideas heard and implemented. (Not to say anyone is a bad artist. I believe anyone can be a good artist if theyre willing to practice.) I mean my original sketches for the desert wanderer avatar items and whaleshark trait look pretty bad now that I look back at them, but my ideas werent rejected simply because I dont know how to use photoshop. Instead they were taken in earnest and recognized for the ideas they represented.
I would love to know what you guys love the most about sylestia, or any particularly stand out experiences from your first year on the site (because honestly being a newbie can be hard on some sites, but people are so nice here.)
Anyways Im done rambling now, I hope everyone has a great 2018 here on sylestia!
Level 54
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Posted: 1/12/2018 at 6:15 PM
Post #2
Happy anniversary!! I totally agree with you about the community. I'll probably be playing this game for a year too, and longer! My favorite thing about this site has to be 1: The gorgeous pets and art style, and the beautiful avatar items. This is the most creativity-nourishing pet game I have ever played. And 2: I just love how the Admins are so on the player level.. in other words, they'll just tell me about how their coding stuff and will actually conversate with us. I can't believe how hard you guys work on this site with your real lives behind you ;)
Edited By Elyiana on 1/12/2018 at 6:34 PM.
Level 63
Warden of Umbra
Joined: 1/9/2017
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Posted: 1/13/2018 at 10:55 AM
Post #3
So true, I often wish there was something I could do for Krin Faiona and the artists to express just how grateful I and the rest of the community are for all their hard work.
In all honesty I get a little upset whenever I see a user demanding some sort of feature be added without taking into consideration just how much coding it takes to do such things, but even then Krin will respond with such a respectful tone and try to explain to us non techy types just what it takes to run a site like this.
Level 66
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 9/21/2016
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Posted: 1/19/2018 at 11:33 AM
Post #4
I have to agree with the being on Sylestia for so long. Before I knew it I had been on here over than a year though with hiatus and such it felt little. I enjoyed meeting the people on here and making some good friends! As well as roleplaying with such great people you included. The amount of effort in Sylestia's make up is so great and I couldn't thing about how many hours were put into the site by everyone!
Things I love about this site is the amount of friendly people, the effort in the site as well as the quality of it! The moderators such as Krinadon work hours and many more for this site and they deserve greater credit and maybe a celebration we could get together most of the players and celebrate them.....?
Edited By Sapphirethewolf9339 on 1/19/2018 at 11:36 AM.
I have to agree with the being on Sylestia for so long. Before I knew it I had been on here over than a year though with hiatus and such it felt little. I enjoyed meeting the people on here and making some good friends! As well as roleplaying with such great people you included. The amount of effort in Sylestia's make up is so great and I couldn't thing about how many hours were put into the site by everyone!
Things I love about this site is the amount of friendly people, the effort in the site as well as the quality of it! The moderators such as Krinadon work hours and many more for this site and they deserve greater credit and maybe a celebration we could get together most of the players and celebrate them.....?
Yeah that would be great! I'm a newbie, but it sure sounds like I made a good choice signing up here!
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