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Forum Index > General Discussion > Someone Help Me?? (overhaul my pets'...
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Level 70
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Posted: 2/25/2018 at 7:15 PM Post #1
Hey, It has come to my attention that my party pets aren't the strongest team they could be

I just need advice on what elements to attune to them and where the proficiency points should go

Thanks :)

(can't believe I still don't get it after 2 years on the site xD)
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/8/2017
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Posted: 2/25/2018 at 7:34 PM Post #2
for my personal preference, look at Shade, Spark and Shadow, my three female lupora. I have had great success with them and using them in battles. :3 and also, keep updating equipment as frequently as possible.
Level 68
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Posted: 2/25/2018 at 8:02 PM Post #3
Shadow tank 2 hp 1 str and 1 agi for when it hits 65 and all exotic reaver gear
fire damage 3 int and 1 dex for when it hits 65 and all exotic pyromancer gear
Light damage/support 3 int and 1 dex for when it hits 65 and all exotic pyromancer gear

(cuz i notice those are the 3 elements you have in your party)
Edited By Infinity7 on 2/25/2018 at 8:04 PM.
Level 70
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Posted: 2/25/2018 at 8:05 PM Post #4
Thanks :)
Level 72
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Posted: 2/25/2018 at 8:35 PM Post #5
Good advice. Sadly it is taking SO long to get my levels up and my pets just can't really handle it too well in the Lost Grove either.

I thought that changing my tank from water to shadow would be helpful but it doesn't help at all. Water is nice in that it slows down damage taken and lets the healer catch up a bit in its healing but...the frost ability only absorbs damage and doesn't heal at all.

I may have to adjust my healer too as it is struggling to keep the party health in the more challenging areas (of course it doesn't help that my party is level 61 and 62)

I need to boost the dexterity of both my healer and fighter..I mean my fighter has 824 strength and it takes a few hits even to bring down an equally leveled opponent.

I need better gear but the trade broker is a tad rich for me so I have to so some missions to get more gold.

It's tough but eventually I will get it.
Level 75
The Artistic
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Posted: 2/25/2018 at 8:56 PM Post #6
I don't know why I pinged you :/ just wanted to share as well, share some struggles

I struggle as well, low level, and trying to catch up to the second section, and level up to 65.

I find that healers don't help very much, since their damage is minimal, and healing is only a fraction of that.

I actually prefer a Earth tank for the thorncoat (basically block) and then fire which does the most damage, plus a water attack guy who buffs up the tank with ice shield thingy. I liked this build a lot, but things just didn't turn out, since my pets were low stat. I've been slowly and painfully sending max stats on missions to try to get their levels up

I am currently using a water tank, light healer, and air fighter. It's a more defensive position, and I plan to get rid of my light healer and replace it with another attack.
I might resort back to the earth fire water mix. If I can even train em up ;-;

Level 72
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Posted: 2/26/2018 at 8:31 AM Post #7
Thanks for the tip.
You know, I was beginning to question having a healer too because right now it just isn't doing anything, I mean it is good for other areas and it has great intelligence and decent dexterity but it can't even keep my tank from dying after the second battle.

My battler is a air based one and "Bleed" really does well in the grove, especially againts the menders and wood sprites.

But now that you have mentioned it, I may swap my healer for a fire bender and either change my tank back to a water or a earth or just swap it out (this is cheaper than changing elements). I need a party that can last longer than just a couple of battles.

My problem with my tank being water is that in the grove the "Frost" ability did next to nothing so what I may do is just have the earth tank do little and put all its stats into health and agility and put all my strength stats to my fighter and rely on gear to boost dexterity.
Edited By LonelyRyu on 2/26/2018 at 8:42 AM.
Level 75
The Artistic
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Posted: 2/27/2018 at 9:11 AM Post #8
Yeah, I've put so much intelligence points into my healer, but it still isn't much.

Haha, I had a problem with the tank too, so I switched her back to earth, and I'll have a water fighter later to have the thorncoat and ice shield used together (<-- I think that's good?)
Level 72
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Posted: 2/27/2018 at 11:16 AM Post #9
Yeah, that is what I am doing right now.
I have my tanks as Earth and my battler is Water and my support is Fire.

I might also train up another party but I plan to keep my Air fighter in reserve and train up a few new pets.

I thought Shadow would be good for my tank but it gets little back in the way of healing but the challenge is that I want the tank to be durable but deliver enough damage to make the healing effect worth it.

In the other areas having a healer is great except for when I battled Vorpa then it was a heavy hitting team but now that we have the Lost Grove, it seems that all the previous advice on party allocation kinda gets thrown out the proverbial window.

The Lost Grove seems different from the other areas because even if your party level was below that of your enemies, you could still slog through the battles but even the best buffed teams of 60 and 61 can't last more than a battle or so.

I like Ice Shield because it does protect a pet of your choosing but on the flip-side, if you had a healer, it still wasn't helpful.

Nonetheless I am going to try also having some heavy hitters for the grove because the team I had used up until the grove proved to be very effective but the rules have changed it seems.
Level 28
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Posted: 2/27/2018 at 12:02 PM Post #10
Does anyone know how two get normal essence because I would like two generate a new pet because I messed up on my beginner pet.
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