Way back in 2015, I found Sylestia. I played for a little week or two, and really enjoyed myself. I never really figured anything out, but I was having a lot of fun. Then my ISP left town. I went without internet for a little over a year. We only had one other company in town, and I refused to use them.
When we did get internet back, I couldn't remember the name of this site. Despite a lot of google searches and nights racking my brain, I just couldn't remember. I thought it was Shylifa and even google was like: -shrug- idk wut u mean.
Then, I found it!
I thought I would document my return. Remember! I really hadn't figured anything out when I first started; this is basically a newbie without the tutorials views.
Day One: Saturday/Sunday February 24/25
Pets: Kell, Button, Lesile all level 55
Oh I am so glad to be back! . Now what do I do again? Oh right, explore. Sweet!
So, that's what I did. I went to the world map, tried to remember where I was. Once I figured out where to go, I set off with my critters and we died. Rather quickly. I couldn't figure out how to revive them, or why we died so quickly.
It took a while, but I figured out how to get everyone up to par. I randomly picked elements and stuff for them, didn't really read any of the guides (because ain't no body got time for that). We went back out and we reckt some bad guys in the Sweet Blossom Orchard. For real, I was having so much fun, I stayed up way to late. I didn't want to stop. I'd forgotten there was a story quest! My pets went from level 55 to 60, with only a mild amount of stress.
So my thoughts at the end of day one return: This is fun, and I believe I will keep playing, hopefully really figure out what I'm doing. I like that I can play and watch a movie or five.
I'm going to read up on breeding; less for aesthetic and more for power. I'd love to breed myself a band of plucky perfect stat'd pets!
I hope to interact with the community. I watched the region chat today while playing, and mostly had no idea what anyone was talking about But, I love that it's so easy to communicate with one another! It's fun to lurk, but I hope to poke my head into the chat sometime. I've got a lot to learn, and I'm honestly terrible about being part of community's. It's overwhelming, but we'll see how I do.
So ends my day one thoughts.
TL;DR: Games is fun. Want to breed awesome pets donno how, will learn. Hope to make friends but will prolly just lurk. |