Forum Index > General Discussion > Faelora Themed Quest
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Level 75
Guardian of the Realm
Joined: 8/29/2016
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Posted: 3/19/2018 at 10:52 AM
Post #1
This is just for me to document my themed Faelora. I plan to collect at least one of every tagged. I would also be open to purchasing any of the missing ones, so please share if you have one you'd like to sell! I am picky, however, so I'm not guaranteed to buy it. Also highly dependent on how much gold I have at the time.
I also collect Fae with Numbat.
Themed I don't have:
Blue Crab
Halloween Lucky
Moon's Kiss
Morning Glory
Poison Flower Rose Champagne Sweet Pumpkin
Some of these are on the broker, and I'm just searching for one I like. Others aren't available at all, or very few. Not available include: Halloween, Lucky, Poison Flower, Rose Champagne, Sweet Pumpkin. Moon's Kiss isn't either, but it's a very new theme.
I would love to have an offer to sell me any one of these hard to get themes.