Ooof! Calling all talented namers I need help naming all pets I own that arent for sale!! I cant think of names!!
Level 75
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Posted: 3/25/2018 at 11:22 PM
Post #2
Name the white female kelpari Pearlshine the Pure. Name the male morkko Battle Panda. Name the nephini Swoosh or Mango. Name the female puffadore (Princess) Amethyst of the Jewels and the male puffadore (Prince) Diamond/Zircon of the Jewels. Name the faelora Midnight Light. Name the qitari Featherweight.
Name the orange aurleon Sunheart. Name the blue faelora Aqua. Name the white qitari Blanco/Cloud. Name the griffi with a skull Dark/Demon Prince. Name the white female faelora Crystal Leaf. Name the orange puffadore Wilted Flowers. Name the griffi with feathered wings Light Flight.
Edited By Nightshades on 3/25/2018 at 11:28 PM.
Level 35
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Posted: 3/26/2018 at 8:35 AM
Post #3
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