Forum Index > General Discussion > I dunno, new traits?
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Level 75
High Warlord
Joined: 3/1/2018
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Posted: 4/7/2018 at 2:30 AM
Post #1
You may or may not have seen my other thread kinda similar to this, but anyways, when i was making generator designs for these named beings with the fabled species, it was like this
Wind = Raith = Ny'vene
Earth = Faerina = Aeridini
Fire = Malgorus = Lighira
Water = Wruen = Griffi
Light = Vaeluna = Nephini
Shadow = Saphryn = Ryori
and I just noticed (yes, just noticed), that Nephini had Lightbringer traits.
And then, i thought, hey, the others need them too! So its:
Wind = Raith = Ny'vene = Storm Caller
Earth = Faerina = Aeridini = Warden
Fire = Malgorus = Lighira = Pyromancer
Water = Wruen = Griffi = Tidal Lord
Light = Vaeluna = Nephini = Lightbringer (already done)
Shadow = Saphryn = Ryori = Reaver
So it'll be like more armor or garb or cloak or something. Idk, i just thought it'll be cool.
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