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Level 35
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Posted: 4/13/2018 at 3:17 PM
Post #1
I've noticed some odd things within the gameplay here, so fellow players allow us to start with me asking; Why can we not use the fairy mushrooms in battle? No really, it's a healing item for outside of battle and that makes no sense whatsoever.
Level 75
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Posted: 4/14/2018 at 2:28 PM
Post #2
I guess you're meant to use them after a battle that really drained your pets.
Level 75
Snow Wars Champion
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Posted: 4/14/2018 at 4:32 PM
Post #3
There are other healing items that you CAN use in battle. The mushroom is just not one of them. You can use them after a battle to heal up your pets if you wish. Pets will, of course, heal on their own given time but that can take a couple hours at the higher levels.
But to be frank, mushrooms are pretty useless even at the lower levels. It heals the least out of all the healing items and you can only sell them for 1 gold. I can't say I really care about them at all.
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
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Posted: 4/14/2018 at 9:07 PM
Post #4
Frankly, the true calling of fairy mushrooms is... COD fodder.
Just COD fodder.
They only heal 50HP, too, which is piddly compared to like. Every other Sylestian healing item ever.
Relic: Str/Dex, lv20, rare (give it to the qit)
Armor: Int/Agi, lv20, rare (that's okay)
Acces.: Str/Dex, lv20, rare (No! Give this to the qit too, actually, instead of that lv0 one)
Acces.: Int/Agi, lv20, rare (that's okay)
1) Neither of these elements is a primarily attacking focused element (Primarily damage dealing elements: Fire is multi-attacker element, Air is single-attacker element), their abilities are oriented more towards Tanking.
2) both of the pets has the prof. in HP.
3) the equips
Okay, so, we have three Magic elements- Fire, Shadow, and Light- and three Physical elements- Air, Water, and Earth.
You equip pets that have a Magic elemental proficiency with Int-based gear, and Physical prof. pets with Str-based gear.
Relics, in particular, are very important to your damage output, so your qit not having a relic and your aeri having a Myrmidon relic (a Physical type) is doing nothing for you (the aeri being Shadow, runs off of Magic and Int stats for her damage output, so a Phys/Str relic id giving her no attack boost.)
Take the aeri's relic and give it to the qit, for a start.
Okay, so with what you have, you could make either of the two the tank, and could keep the HP.
If you go for your qit being the Tank, you could stay with HP or swap the Prof to Agi.
If you go for the aeri as the Tank instead, again, could stay as HP, swap to Agi, or make it Int (because Shadow pets have the Force ability, which heals in relation to damage dealt.)
The other pet would thus be the Attacker, and you'd want to make their prof. either 1 in attack, or 1 in Dex, probably attack as they aren't Air or Fire elements.
Whenever you can, and have access to Sanctuary of Saerielle, I suggest going there and buying the third pet slot, too.
Level 35
Joined: 2/2/2016
Threads: 3
Posts: 18
Posted: 4/24/2018 at 6:55 PM
Post #8
Thanks for the advice.
P.S I haven't really gotten into how the in-game stats effect battles.
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