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Forum Index > General Discussion > Guilt Feelings
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Level 25
Joined: 4/12/2018
Threads: 3
Posts: 5
Posted: 4/15/2018 at 11:28 AM Post #1
So I just completed the boss battle in Fungus Grove, right?

When we confronted the Cereth-whats-his-face and I was given the option to negotiate or attack, I chose negotiate. Normally Id be like heck no Im not betraying the fairies man but I chose negotiate because i thought I might hear something else of interest/use. But nope- apparently negotiate=immediately spill the beans, to which the boss was just like oh thanks now kill them.

And now I feel bad because upon completing the quest the Queen was like we are disappointed in you for spilling the beans on us and I was like oh no gosh I didnt mean it sorry

I thought there would be another option, like, tell him what he wants to know or nah nevermind fight instead.

So yeah. Oops.
Level 70
High Warlord
Joined: 2/16/2013
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Posted: 4/15/2018 at 3:34 PM Post #2
I went through something like this myself with the storyline, except in a much saltier form.

I don't remember exactly where in the story it happens, (I think in the Nightfall Bandit Camp?) so if you or anyone reading this isn't there yet, I'll spoil-guard it.

And it's also possible that I'm remembering details wrong, because I did the story like, four or five years ago. It's been long enough for me believe I have a margin of error. Hopefully not, though.

*Spoilers and salt, highlight to read*
There's a point where you need to choose between helping Esior's Haven's Sheriff Thyrm in battle, and saving captured Jinxie. Earlier in the story, I am explicitly told that I need to protect Jinxie, that I can't let the enemies take her, etc. It's noted that Thyrm is outnumbered, but it didn't implicate that his life is in danger. He's a seasoned Sheriff, my thought process was that he can handle himself until I get Jinxie, and then I can help him out. Because I have to protect Jinxie no matter what, because that's what I was told to do.

So I go for Jinxie, go through a battle to get at her, save her, and come back to Sheriff Thyrm, except he's DEAD. And I get treated like a criminal because I let him die, "Here's your reward, now get out of here because we hate you, you're the worst, don't ever come back!"

That outcome made me angry, because I felt like it was unfair to punish me for not knowing that the Sheriff's life was in danger if I didn't help him right then and there, especially after the importance they placed on prioritizing Jinxie's safety. I genuinely believed that if I didn't save Jinxie first, the enemies were going to get away with her, and then the world would be doomed, because Jinxie's been made out to be just that special. I would have appreciated some kind of line like 'he won't last much longer alone' or something to establish that he was in immediate mortal peril, so I could actually have the awareness that he was going to die if I didn't help him.

*End of spoilers*

In short, I felt like I had been mislead into making a decidedly wrong decision by the story context, and I got salty about it.
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 4/15/2018 at 4:33 PM Post #3
I killed the sheriff on accident.....
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