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Forum Index > General Discussion > How do you name your Sylestis?
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Level 74
Nature Walker
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Posted: 5/16/2018 at 7:28 AM Post #1
I personally like to give my Sylestis uncommon and foreign names that have meanings. For example, I named one of my Sylvorpas Tyrian because it means purple, which he is.
Edited By Eustoma on 5/16/2018 at 8:05 AM.
Level 60
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Posted: 5/16/2018 at 1:34 PM Post #2
You click on your creature and select the button named 'Manage Pet'. You should be able to name it from there :)
Edited By Creaturedreamer on 5/17/2018 at 12:17 PM.
Level 74
Nature Walker
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Posted: 5/16/2018 at 10:06 PM Post #3
XD I mean, how do other people choose names for their Sylestis?
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 5/17/2018 at 2:20 AM Post #4
Lol xD!!

I just name them whatever pops in my head at the time. Sometimes it's just something that sounds nice (like Kaylanna, my starter pet); other times its based on a place (like a Korean name for my Korean Fire Camellia Griffi), or an occasion (like Dragon during the dragon festival), or based on a color or trait they have (like Storms or Purple Heart).

Really, I don't have a proper naming scheme...just whatever! :D
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 5/17/2018 at 2:45 AM Post #5
I used to find names with meanings that sounded odd but meant something relevant but that gets hard and time consuming sometimes so I changed tactics (this is why old pets don't always match my naming schemes). Now I have a different way of naming each species I collect.

Ferrikki - Are named after otters from a book series Redwall. Having run out of female otter names I might start naming them after squirrels too. It takes a long time (and I think I have two Reedtails) but now I've made myself a list which helps.

Lupora - I use a couple of different generators. Mostly a dog name generator but sometimes a hellhound or werewolf name generator. Just click till I see something I like.

Ny'vene - I use mostly a generic dragon name generator, but sometimes a wyvern, dragonkin or dragonborn generator.

Ryori - I have a ghost name generator but am not fond of it, have to find something else.

Zolnixi - A Kitsune name generator, it means some have real Japanese names with meanings while others just sound Japanese.
Level 60
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Posted: 5/17/2018 at 12:15 PM Post #6
Ooh! Sorry, I misread the question XD

I usually name my Sylesties on what element they are. (Winterwatcher, my Draeyl, is a bad example because she's got the Fire element :P)
Edited By Creaturedreamer on 5/17/2018 at 12:16 PM.
Level 74
Nature Walker
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Posted: 5/17/2018 at 11:57 PM Post #7
Could that be the ship Winterwatcher from Wings of Fire?
Level 60
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Posted: 5/19/2018 at 3:48 AM Post #8
yes it could
Level 75
Terrifyingly Thrifty
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Posted: 5/19/2018 at 10:13 AM Post #9
It depends on the pet :D

If it's tamed or exclusive - then anything goes. I do tend to stick to a specific theme for a specific kind. So, for example, tamed lunemara I find out in the wild as eggs tend to have the word 'lost' - so lost boy, lost his way, tribe lost, etc. My exclusive anthias lunemara tend to follow extra-terrestrial type naming.

Offspring tend to be derived from the parent names. But I try to make them 'new' for each generation.

So as a crappy example:
if I had mother called red, and a father called blue, then the offspring could be called purple
then if I had a mother called cat, and a father called dog, then the offspring could be called Catdog
then if purple mated with catdog, the offspring could be called Purple Catdog
then if purple catdog mated with a pet called ---yeah you get my drift xD

Offspring with un-named parents can be named similar to exclusives and tagged - actually since many of these are my regens, they can be pretty wild card.
Offspring with weird parent breeding code names (like FFGGEA) are treated as if the parents were un-named.

And there are always exceptions to my system of rules. Occasionally I'll let people name my pets for me.
Edited By Amarok on 5/19/2018 at 10:15 AM.
Level 71
Nature Walker
Joined: 3/17/2016
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Posted: 5/19/2018 at 2:10 PM Post #10
I have a list of my past and current naming schemes on my profile. Originally, I tried to give an "Old English" feel to words (eg. Thorne, Rayge). My next naming pattern was generally 2+ words that described the pet (eg. Plague Bearer, Ocean's Wisdom). After that, I put two words together to form a name similar to those of NightWings from Wings of Fire, or Warrior cats (eg. Nightshadow, Starbreather). Fourth was names with actual meaning (eg. Hinto Aeluin, Vartan). What I'm doing currently is just making names up from my head (eg. Tianavide, Rayenara).
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