Okay, first, we'll link to the breakdown we did on
Grechtinjuarez's team, because we covered a bunch of information on elements, team setup etc. there.
Name: Sweetie
Level: 26
Element: Water
Prof.: 1HP
Relic: Relic: Int/Dex, rare, lv15
Armor: Str/Dex, rare, lv20
Acc.: Str/Dex, rare, lv20
Acc.: Int/Agi, rare, lv20
> Definitely replace the relic, as Sweetie is a Water element (Physical/Str) while the relic is Magic/Int type
> The Str/Dex stuff is fine if you're using her as a water attacker, though water is designed more as a tank.
> Water tanks want Assassin (Str/Agi)
> Int/Agi accessory also would do better elsewhere
Name: Sunburst
Level: 26
Element: Light
Prof.: 1HP
Relic: -
Armor: Int/Agi, rare, lv20
Acc.: Disciple, rare, lv15
Acc.: Evoker, rare, lv10
> This one would be the Light Healer
> Get her an Evoker relic ASAP. Or an Illusionist relic. Get her a
relic, that's where most of a pet's damage output comes from (the number where it says, for example... "Magical Damage: 53"? that's a +53 to the damage output. A Legendary level 25 equip has a damage bonus of
> Light Healers want Int prof, not HP.
> disciple gear is Eh
Name: Nightfeather
Level: 29
Element: Shadow
Prof.: 1HP
Relic: not-disciple, uncommon, lv0
Armor: Evoker, epic, lv15
Acc.: Assassin, epic, lv5
Acc.: Evoker, rare, lv15
> Evoker is fine for a Shadow Attacker
> The relic is both uncommon
and level 0
and pseudo-disciple, it's like. The Worst.
The Worst.
> Assassin is more for either Earth or Water Tanks, as it boosts Strength and Agility.
> Shadow Attackers would want Int prof, Shadow Tank would want Agi, Int, or HP.