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Forum Index > General Discussion > Reasons (stories) for Very Expensive CoD...
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Level 75
Terrifyingly Thrifty
Joined: 4/17/2015
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Posted: 6/14/2018 at 7:01 AM Post #1
This is just a fun game to play

So when you sell an expensive thing, often you will send a CoD for a mushroom (or other useless item) worth 200k (or some other ridiculous price). Or perhaps you're 'buying' the item for a ridiculous price...

have you ever wondered how the CoD works in an RP sense?

This is the place to share creative stories of why those items can be sold for so much.

So for example:

Sold a Blue Sap for 80k (to sell 8 ferts)

The RP reason:

This sap can only be extracted from a specific species of tree, on a specific planet, while it is being bathed in the rays of a supernova

Sold a Strawbuggy Abdomen (red) for 100k

The RP reason:

Extracted from a nearly extinct species of insect called: Gullibillicus stupidicus

Okay - your turn!

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Edited By Amarok on 6/19/2018 at 7:12 PM.
Level 56
Joined: 5/18/2018
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Posted: 6/19/2018 at 2:24 PM Post #2
sold an experience orb level 27 for 1 mil

it was harvested from the old essences of the nonexistent sylestis that used to roam the earth but some of the essences don't work so they have to use many to get one

lol did i do it right
Edited By Theamazing on 6/19/2018 at 2:25 PM.
Level 72
Maze Runner
Joined: 9/3/2014
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Posted: 6/19/2018 at 3:14 PM Post #3
Lol, can I get pinged to any additions to this thread? xD
Level 75
Terrifyingly Thrifty
Joined: 4/17/2015
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Posted: 6/19/2018 at 6:28 PM Post #4
@ Thea

Yes, you did it right and holy heck that's Savage! I'll never look at my pile of orbs in the same way again.

@ Vary

yes you may be pinged XD
Level 75
Terrifyingly Thrifty
Joined: 4/17/2015
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Posted: 6/19/2018 at 7:20 PM Post #5
So I bought a Fairy Mushroom for 100k, and this is why

This mushroom might look like any other common variety of fairy mushroom but don't be fooled! I was approached by an experienced Mycologist who said that THIS particular specimen had an odd number of warts

(as opposed to an even number. Hey: Did you know that 99% of fairy mushrooms have an even number of warts on the head? The number can vary, but it almost always settles upon an even).

Mycologists around the world are baffled by the significance of the Odd Wart Mushroom but hypotheses suggest that it's some form of genetic mutation that might make these mushrooms Gifted Entities (much like how left handedness is considered to be rare and gifted). Of course I bought the mushroom because, Gosh, my supply of odd things is not complete without a Gifted Odd Wart Mushroom.
Edited By Amarok on 6/19/2018 at 7:23 PM.
Level 70
Warden of Umbra
Joined: 3/3/2014
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Posted: 6/19/2018 at 7:40 PM Post #6
So one time I had no mushrooms and had to send one of those dinky little healing potions that heal for 100 health, but what I didn't realize is that:

A renowned healer and mage approached me the next day with hope and dismay equally warring on her face.
"You don't happen to have a healing potion that heals for 100 health, do you?" she asked, and as I told her that it was gone, her face fell and she sighed.
"Oh no . . ." she murmured. "I was hoping . . ."
"Why? What was it?"
Her eyes are sad. "That wasn't a healing potion you sold -- it was glamoured to appear like one. It was actually a very old and powerful spirit that has been missing for centuries. That spirit protects Sylestia and all of the creatures within it, and since it has been gone, strange things have been happening -- strange and bad things, like the dead rising."
I asked her if that was why so many horrible things like Vierna and her horde of undead were taking control of Sylestia, and she nodded. "I am one of the only people who knows this, and I am also one of the only ones who could have freed the spirit . . . and now there is no hope. It's gone."
I grasp her shoulders. "We will find it again, I promise. We'll get the world back to rights."
Level 75
Terrifyingly Thrifty
Joined: 4/17/2015
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Posted: 6/19/2018 at 7:54 PM Post #7
Oh Nuuuuuuu. I think I have some of those 100 health potions...hmm could any of them be the one...?

(A nice reversal story! Clever. Definitely do these as well)
Level 70
Warden of Umbra
Joined: 3/3/2014
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Posted: 6/19/2018 at 7:56 PM Post #8
Hmm I'm not entirely sure . . . we might have to seize and inspect all of your potions to investigate further XD
Level 75
Joined: 11/29/2016
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Posted: 6/19/2018 at 8:12 PM Post #9
Sold a Frost Token for 600k
RP Reason: The frost token, is derived from the essence of frost giants and occasionally the remains of Tyrielle and her Minions. However, the frost giants are going extinct so the only way is to beat up Tyrielle. Or find the occasional chest that can only be found in the region of Fakelandia. But that doesnt exist. Unfortunately.
Level 75
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Posted: 6/19/2018 at 8:14 PM Post #10
Oh my, how terrible... I think I have some..
(nevermind I have 1503 lol)
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