So, I was going through the Nightfall Bandit Dungeon, and I was skipping all of the enemies, and I eventually came to a door. The door had you pick between 5 runes, and I already went through once, and the last time, the door shot a bunch of water at me and my Syleties, so I decided to pick the water rune, and it worked. But, after I opened the door, this Vulnyx named Gloom started a battle with me. I was doing decent, got him to 70% health, but that's when this became a nightmare. He healed to 84%, and I got him down to 70% again, and he kept healing himself to 84%. Again. And again. And more. And I finally just exited, because I was so sick of that monotonous healing cycle! And my team is bad! Two of my pets (a Ryori and a Ny'vene) are level 43, and my Griffi is level 32! They don't even wear any equipment to boost their battling prowess! And, don't think I don't know they will help, because I do know. I just don't like wearing armor, or using any battle enhancing item because of my philosophy: If I can win with this stuff, then I shouldn't have won at all, because without it, I won't be able to do it again, and I want to beat it with pure skill and strategy. Also, I usually feel as if the drop chance for the items I get is random, and I won't be able to use it again if I got rid of it, or something similar, because it was simply a drop based on luck. And I hate luck. I loathe it with a passion! That's simply because you can't depend on luck, but you can depend on skill. That's why I hate RNG so much, although I've already had this rant before. I know, that's a pretty stupid philosophy, but I'm pretty stubborn when it comes to following it. But I got highly off-topic there. You might be thinking, "Well, why don't you just grind for levels, and solve your problems?" First of all, to argue with that, the fact that once you get past an area (like getting from Esior's Fields to Esior's Haven), that area is usually just not good for grinding, because there is usually some really tough enemy (like Thunder and Bolt) you have to get past to complete the area, and you usually had to grind for a high level, so that makes it so the normal enemies give you really low experience when you (finally) defeat the high level bosses, of sorts. You could just move on to the next area after that, and just continue until you get stuck all over again, but that won't get you enough levels in time. And I know that a good way to grind for levels is to send your pets on missions. I had to do that to get past Thunder and Bolt, and it worked, but it was just so time consuming! I can only deal with certain kinds of tedious things for so long, and grinding is one of them. And there is a chance your pet will fail the mission, which is an even bigger waste of time! And, I know what you might be thinking, like "Can't you just use Experience Orbs on your pet, and give them levels?" Well, I like to make it seem like I earned it by grinding. Yes, I'm well aware that this statement is counterintuitive to my previous statement about the atrocities of grinding for levels, but, as I've previously stated, I like to feel as if I've earned it. So there. I don't really know what else to write, and it's about time I stop writing, anyway. Sorry for that horridly long wall of text, but I wanted to get my point across, so I did. Well, not all of my point, but enough of it, clearly. I kind of just wanted to rant about the battling system, and how I think it's kind of unfair. So, thanks for reading, if you took the time to! |