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Level 75
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Posted: 7/10/2018 at 10:38 PM
Post #1
You are a young Viking on the island of Berk, where dragons and people live in harmony.
Anyone may try to hatch a dragon, but those 'anyone' will get a common breed - Gronkles, or Nadders, perhaps. If you want to recive a truly rare dragon, from Deathsongs to Scaldrons, you must complete the Dragonflame Trials, new tests to determine the worthy. These Trails were recently put into place by Hiccup, Astrid, aand of course their dragons Toothless and Stormfly.
You have decided to try to get a special dragon, and complete the Dragonflame Trials. A warning, though, before you begin - though the administers of the trials do there best to prevent it... not everyone survives the Trials.
Use good grammar
At least 3 lines per relpy
Post at once a week or notify me if you can't
No playing your own character's dragon
I assign dragons, don't be angry if you don't get your desired breed(s)
Have fun
Be nice
Use HTTYD-style curses. Ex. Holy Night Furies, etc.
((Don't put stuff in parenthesis))
Age (13-16)
Preferred Dragon Breed(s)
Likes (3+)
Dislikes (3+)
Strengths (3+)
Weaknesses (3+)
Fears (3+)
Hopes/Dreams (optional)
Parents (optional)
Crush (optional)
Level 75
Joined: 1/19/2018
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Posted: 7/10/2018 at 10:39 PM
Post #2
My Form
Aren Sundavar Dawnracer
Preferred Dragon Breed(s)
Desert Wraith, Razorwhip, Skrill, Death Song, Stormcutter
Bold, sassy, cunning, sarcastic. She is brave and loyal, but her mood can go from bright cheerfulness to brooding and angry in a matter of moments.
Name: Magnus 'Mag' Shieldbearer
Age: 16 years old
Gender: male
Preferred Dragon Breeds: Deadly Nadder, Boneknapper, Snow Wraith
Starter Dragon: Dawnbreaker (female, 4 years old)
Personality: Mags is a hard worker that never leaves a task unfinished. If he is asked to do something then he won't stop working until it's done correctly. Everyone seems to think his a strong tough guy but in reality he is sweet and has a soft spot for animals. He tends to be a bit cold to people mainly because he doesn't like holding long conversations due to them interfering with work.
Backstory: Not really much to tell. He was born to a broken family, his mother having died giving birth to him. Raised by a single father wasn't so bad, though it did mean there was much more work to be shared. He took on the role of cooking and sewing while his father was out fixing fences and working with the blacksmith. When his father fell ill and passed he was left alone with the farm which soon fell into disrepair. The sheep were all eaten when a rouge dragon came through, and only Lancelot was spared. Now the two do odd and end jobs to make ends meet.
- animals of all kinds
- any kind of manual labor
- sewing
- cooking
- snowball fights
- Idle talking
- being told he can't do something
- frogs
Strengths: Due to the amount of work he does, Mags is very strong physically as well as mentally. He's very hard to get worked up and hardly gets angry. When it comes to work he is always the first to volunteer, and works great on his own. His experience with animals makes it easy for him to calm and tame wild or frightened animals.
Weaknesses: Mags can't swim making his deathly afraid to get anywhere near water, even if it's a shallow pond. He finds it hard to sit still without anything to keep him busy, and tends to bring along some sort of project if he knows he is going someplace that would involve sitting. He is also very shy around girls.
- drowning
- messing up in front of a girl he likes
- losing a limb
Crush: none, open (heterosexual)
Other: has a pet sheep at the moment named Lancelot
Edited By Hawkeye on 7/23/2018 at 1:24 PM.
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 8/21/2016
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Posted: 7/11/2018 at 4:42 AM
Post #6
Name: Svala Audbjorndottir
Age: 15
Gender: female
Preferred Dragon Breed(s): a TripleStryke, Silver Phantom, ShiverTooth or a Razorwhip
Not mine
Personality: she is extremely cheerful and energetic. She loves everyone and everything. She is very talkative. She cares deeply for her friends and family and will do anything in her power to keep them safe.
Backstory: she has never been as strong or brave as other Vikings but still loved to watch and train with them. She often found herself getting into trouble like when she cut off one of her toes trying to use an axe or when she angered a dragon and almost got burnt to a crisp. She was never discouraged and continues to try to be the best she can be.
Likes: almost any living thing, talking, learning new things.
Dislikes: silence, mean people, seeing those close to her hurt
Strengths she is a quick learner, she rarely gives up and not easily discouraged
Weaknesses: she is physically weak, she cant seem to share negative emotions, she is very clumsy
Fears: spiders, being alone, death
Hopes/Dreams: to be friends with everyone
Crush: none open
This is a work in progress, will not be able to finish it till later today, I am going hiking.
Edited By Bluepearl13 on 7/12/2018 at 11:37 PM.
Level 19
Fancy Pants
Joined: 4/8/2018
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Posted: 7/11/2018 at 12:49 PM
Post #7
Shreya Zerelda Dawnracer
Preferred Dragon Breeds Stormcutters, Changewings, Typhoomerang, and Skrill
Appearance But with this outfit.
Not my art.
She is a very unique person to say the least. She is extremely intelligent and excitable and has an expansive knowledge of the supernatural, magic and most all mythologies and lore. She is an excellent warrior and an amazing assassin. She can be very strong willed and determined from time to time. Around others she see seems nice but crazy but on the inside. She holds much anger and sorrow. She is a very weird person and others often think of her as a psychopath.
Flying creatures and reptiles.(But not snakes)
Water(because she can't swim)
Narrow-minded people
She is fast.
She can weave through a crowd quickly and nearly noticeably. She has an eye for all the small details that most people never seem to notice.
She has an expansive knowledge of the supernatural, magic and most all mythologies and lore.
She can't swim.
She gets nervous around huge crowds of people.
Because of her knowledge of the supernatural and such, she was picked upon by her peers at school.
Huge spiders and snakes.
Enclosed spaces
To be a dragon master.
None, Open Homosexual
Edited By Dracontamer on 7/12/2018 at 4:44 AM.
Level 62
Joined: 8/23/2016
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Posted: 7/13/2018 at 3:27 AM
Post #8
Velos (nickanem: "The Night Guard"
Preferred Dragon Breed
Timberjack, Desert Wraith, Foreverwing, Hobblegrunt. Something defensive or supportive.
Appearance Personality
He is partially blind and has poor eyesight, he can not spot anything that isn't moving and isn't out there. He relies a lot on his instincts and has a good grips on when someone is staying still and watching him. His hands move instinctively when using a weapon to stay on defense and counter. Velos is very defensive and quiet, although he is friendly. he is hopefully at craftsmanship and wishes he could read, as he loves hearing stories. He does try and do sketches and art to make up for it.
Velos has bad habits of staying up all night and sleeping during the day, which is hard during the two weeks on summer on Berk. Velos keeps to himself and is someone you can trust and talk to, he doesn't push anyone to share information and listens quietly and only offers solutions when asked and even then it's very gently. Velos is against fighting and plans always to keep the island defensive, he likes trying to help with production rather than slow it down. He has a very good memory for things and will note anything he should know die, making him a good scholar to make up for his eyesight.
Velos also enjoys supporting people or being at the front lines, he is the backup and prefers fighting hand to hand. Velos also has standards and will never use traps, thinking them to be dirty tricks. He isn't great at negotiating but can try. He can be impatient but hides it to himself. He is friendly to everyone. Velos is also strongly religious towards viking gods. he doesn't like leaving home, but will if it means mapping territories. He is very calm and relaxed, even during disaster. He believes in fate.
The light around effects his eyesight. He can see best in darkness and worst when the sun is at full peak. Velos has a very calm view on death, believing it's okay to die if your time has come and those dead should not be mourned but left to rest.
He grew up on Berk, but it is unsure who his parents originally were, he was found on the streets and brought up by a kind family. He was raised as a quiet child who didn't socialise with humans much and was kept away from dragons, although he saw them around he didn't touch or communicate with them. he was taught to keep his head down and not to disturb people and he obediently didn't. he went to school for vikings and struggled in the classes related to dragons, although he wants to learn more about them he was raised to be afraid of them.
He likes the rain and the darkness, he also likes art and creative things. Velos loves being read a story. He enjoys eating savory foods and explained the world around him when he can't see properly. he prefers people that come and talk to him instead of him having to approach them.
He isn't someone who regularly dislikes things, but he does have a dislike for spicy foods and doesn't understand why anyone would like them. He dislikes people who put aside the quieter ones as useless. He also dislikes people who disrespect the Viking Gods, thinking it's spiteful to disrespect them.
He is patient and good at reassuring allies, he is not mentally wounded by death, Velos tends to make less but stronger bonds and nurture them. He can easily make quick decisions or sacrifice himself. He is good at close weapon combat by automatically responding to movement to counter it defensively. he can recognise people by voice and their footsteps.
Velos is weakest fighting in the daytime, he is also very bad at long distance fighting such as archery or even on dragons. He is weak at craftsmanship and reading, or anything to do with his sight really. His other weakness is loud noises, he can't concentrate or pinpoint things with them.
He is afraid of being told he is useless and will have to retire, so he hides how bad his sight actually is. Velos is afraid of the two week summer on Berk and dreads it. He is also afraid of fire and become anxious around it.
To not be looked down upon and to be able to draw a mystery class dragon
Working at Berk in the village, they look after chickens.
Edited By IvyCat on 7/13/2018 at 3:36 AM.
Level 75
Joined: 1/19/2018
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Posted: 7/14/2018 at 10:31 AM
Post #9
Dragonrider1542 has joined! They will be the last person.
I will get my character up ASAP, I was at summer camp all last week, and I get one day off (today) before I go off to a different session, for a week.
Other Stuff
Dracontamer, could Shreya and my character (to be named Aren) be twins? Shreya is pretty cool.
Level 75
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Posted: 7/14/2018 at 10:33 AM
Post #10
Oof, I keep pinging the wrong people. I was up until about 4 AM last night, in my defense. Bluepearl13, see above post.
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