Forum Index > General Discussion > Interest Check-Guide for the Generator
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Level 70
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Posted: 9/8/2018 at 9:05 PM
Post #1
Yup! So Im planning to make a guide for the Generator! But where do I start (what topic bout the generator)? Heres the list of the big stuff that I know that should be covered (probably not in this set order&some of this stuff already has a big guide)
.05. General reason to use the generator have you heard of our lord and savior the Generator?. For breeding and contests (I feel like I missed other uses)
1.How it works (hex code, genes, mutations, trait points ) the basic stuf
2. Colors and appeal for contests that are hosted by players (following the theme they gave)
3. Actually posting the image/copying a design (just cause you never know who forgot how)
4. Various beginning mistakes/quirks
*this is my short summary of the main big topic
Anything else you would want/dont want in this guide?
Also PING ME cause I wont know otherwise!
Edited By Xiaoyao8 on 9/9/2018 at 6:50 AM.
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
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Posted: 9/9/2018 at 12:10 AM
Post #2
I think we cover some of these points in our own guides...
> Theme Contests/Theme Contest Design covered in Guide to Themed Pet Design Contests, though not quite as much on the 'appeal'
That guide also covers Image posting (post 8, "How to get your image, Visual Guide")
(Although frankly, sometimes one despairs at the number of people who somehow don't even seem to glance at it despite it getting linked in the first post of the design contests)
> Obtaining Essences, loading Essences, saving designs, etc covered in Guide to Essences (I'm actually... really glad you posted this because it was the kick we needed to finally update the thing with the redone version we've had lying around for months)
Also has a brief overview of vis/carry/hidden + trait dominance
So maybe a guide more focused on how to use the generator in-depth? We have basic stuff, so something that covers it maybe in a different way might be handy for some people.
Something that covers the consideration of how to make a theme design that is appealing? Colour selection?
Covering beginner mistakes also sounds sensible.
Level 70
Joined: 11/2/2014
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Posted: 9/9/2018 at 6:44 AM
Post #3
Yeah I knew some a lot of this stuff was covered in, but thanks for pointing out which ones!
-Covering how to post images is pretty well covered but it might be useful to add it againi totally agree with you on how many people dont know. I just noticed some people dont know how to copy a design link from a post into the generator (which is waaaay quicker than entering the design colors&genes by hand)
-So a bit on trait points, visible, and carried genes?
-Yup those are the points Im trying to do but Im glad you summed the up better then me XD
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