Forum Index > General Discussion > potential guide- Field Guide to Sylesti
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Level 75
Hand of Destiny
Joined: 11/2/2014
Threads: 94
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Posted: 10/1/2018 at 3:05 AM
Post #1
I figure it'd be useful to have a guide that covers things like species locations, the meanings of star colours and star count, genetics etc.
Field Guide to Sylesti
Rarity & Star Count
Species (overviews)
> Starters
> Other regular
> Fabled
> Puffadore
+ common chatbox name shortenings?
Sylesti Locations
+ Incl. FG vene eggs, Scale Shop, Fest Zone, LG
+ level averages of areas
+ rarities found in each area
Short Glossary
> Tamed, Themed, Tagged, Generated, Exclusive, Offspring
+ Links to the seasonal available theme overviews?
+ Stats of, incl. LG Wild Stat/rarity
Essence & Generator Overview + link to indepth Guides (Essence & Restricted Trait)
Traits and Genetics/Inheritance
Stats and Breeding
+ links to indepth Guides (Xavion's 6v guide, Flute's Stat breeding guide)
Sylesti Growth & Nurturing
Profs, Equips, Team Setups overview
+ link to indepth Guide (Rixva's Prof & battling guide)
Putting this here so we can get other peoples opinions on other things we might want to add to this, the kinds of things they'd think would be helpful (which are also relevant to the title at hand), if we should put them in a different order or if we should alter something, other guides we might want to include as a link.
Also would be helpful if people might provide LG pet info (species/rarity/stats (I'm pretty sure all non-themed rare+epics are 3 star, and Themeds are 4 star, but we haven't run into anything higher than epic ourself (unless you count an epic theme as higher than regular epics)), or if anyone has kept a record of eggs/hatchlings they've found (location/species/trait count)
+ Suggested Additions +
> Section on Advanced Search
> Outcomes of trying to trap pets
> Full stables (In battle; unable to release sylesti)
-~ LG pets ~-
(making a link pile so we can quickly see correlation or averages)