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Forum Index > General Discussion > Hamilton-Sylestia Parody
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Author Thread Post
Level 54
Joined: 8/4/2017
Threads: 72
Posts: 783
Posted: 10/2/2018 at 10:28 PM Post #1
Hey!! I know that I havent been on Sylestia in FOREVER (sadness) and I know Hamilton is kinda old now, but so is this song, and I wanted to finally share it with this community.

Just imagine this with the music. I might make a music video later with the words on it.

The Sylestia Siblings


Krinadon-Phillip Schuyler/Aaron Burr
Livinginmyownreality-Thomas Paine/Thomas Jefferson


Theres nothing veterans love more
Than going on the threads and explaining stuff to the poor
They pull up in their avatars and talk
To the newbies on the threads and they watch them gawk!
Take LadyMoriarty, the player is loaded
Oh-oh, but little does she know that Flute, Lokiari, and Faiona are sneaking on the forums to watch Krinadon at work work!
Work work!
And Flute! (Work work!)
The Sylestia Siblings!
Lokiarti, Flute, Faiona! Work!

Krinadon said dont reserve your posts
Krinadon doesn't need to know
Krinadon said not to sell these items
Like I said you're free to go, but
look around, look around,
the festivals happening in sylestia! (Sylestia.)
It's bad enough Krin wants to revamp the fest
People shouting in the forums
It's bad enough therell be threads everywhere
Bumping here and there!
Look around, look around,
Lokitari remind me what we're looking for
(He's looking for me)
Faiona I'm looking for a themed pet! Pet!
I'm looking for a themed pet! Pet!
I'm looking for a themed pet! Pet!
Woah woah! (Woah work!)

(Woo) theres nothing like summer on Sylestia
Someone digging sand next to someone making Faeloras
Excuse me Krin, I know you work hard,
But could you put more in the Zone by far?
Why we wasting all our time, generating pets,
Searching for a contest that will suit em best
Fai, you disgust me
Ah, so you dont trust me
I make the contest threads, Krin you can trust me!
I've been reading all guides written by Living,
so some say that I'm intense or insane
You want the ferikki? I want the Griffi!
So listen to my declaration!
We hold these truths to be self-evident that all pets are created equal!
And when I meet Living (uh!)
Imma compel her to include players in the sequel! (Work!)

Look around, look around at how lucky we are to be online right now!
Look around look around at how lucky we are to be online right now!
The festivals are happening in Sylestia and we just happen to be in the greatest server in the world!
In the greatest server in the world!

I've been reading all guides written by Living,
so some say that I'm intense or insane
You want the ferikki? I want the Griffi!
So listen to my declaration!
We hold these truths to be self-evident that all pets are created equal!
Look around, look around at how lucky we are to be online right now!
The festivals are happening in Sylestia and we just happen to be in the greatest server in the world!
In the greatest server in the world!

Work work!
Work work!
And Flute! (Work work!)
The Sylestia Siblings!
Were looking for a themed pet! (Work work) Hey! (Work work) Woah!
In the greatest server
In the greatest server
in the wo-o-o-orld!
(In the greatest server in the world!)


Please dont hate me for being gone :|
I a curious to see how the community has changed since I left. I hope its still as welcoming and kind as it was.

Until next time,
Edited By Elyiana on 10/2/2018 at 10:29 PM.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Site Administrator
Joined: 12/17/2012
Threads: 1,173
Posts: 15,001
Posted: 10/3/2018 at 2:32 AM Post #2
Thanks for sharing. =)

Hope all is well!
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