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Level 75
High Priest
Joined: 8/24/2018
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Posted: 12/1/2018 at 3:56 PM
Post #1
Wishlist [Christmas]
Hey everyone! Smolblu and I are doing a giant Christmas Event! Heres the Wishlist:
Rules [Please read all]
1. There is no limit to how many wishes you have on this thread, However we would recommend that you have a few wishes of different difficulty levels
2. Please dont complain or harass other players
3. You are allowed to completed other users wishes if you believe you can.
4. Cross out or delete wishes that have been fulfilled
5. -
User ID:
Smolblus Wishlist
I would love any PB Venes, Griffis, Ryoris or Lighra
New Wish: Smols Stocking
Cottony5s Wishlist
My Wishlist is VERY long, so just go to my account info
New Wish! My Stocking
User: Caramelcoco
ID: 106191
1. Gold/Diamonds
2. PB/Themed puff or neph
3. A 6vis puff or neph :D
Edited By Caramelcoco on 12/8/2018 at 6:14 PM.
Level 60
Benevolent Brewer
Joined: 9/17/2018
Threads: 41
Posts: 721
Posted: 12/2/2018 at 3:22 PM
Post #4
Username: Winternova668
Wish 1: Gold/Diamonds
Wish 2: 6vis or 5vis Nephini's or Puff's
Wish 3: Amulet of youthful illusion. (I squealed when I saw someone gave me this XD actually I squealed when anyone gave me anything)
Wish 4: Exceptional genetic test kit
Wish 5: Female Vulnyx with cheetah gene
6. Female Tree Dryad Lunemara
7. Female Breaching Orca Qitari
8. Female Fairy Lights Lunemara
9. Male Umber Peacock Aurleon Thank you so much Jetstar!
10. Male Galactic Griffi
11. Male Tyrielle's Minion Griffi
12. Male Guardian Angel Griffi
13. Male Tree Moss Lupora
14. Male Glorious Sunset Vulnyx
15 . Female Flaming Soul Aeridini
16: Avatar Items
17: Help Nurturing my Hatchlings and Egglings.
18: Gender Swapping Philters
19: Greater Mutator Philter
20: Greater Pet Dyes
21: Lesser Pet Dyes
22: Pet Costumes
23: Relics,
24: Armors
25: Assessories
26. Help with the Winter Festival (once it starts)
27. Gold (So I can buy a tab in my stable)
28. Themed Griffis (That I don't have yet)
29. Themed Ferrikkis (That I don't have yet)
30. Stuff in my Stocking (Surprise me!)