It is that time of year again and even Sylestians celebrate the Holidays. We will be having special Holiday-related events from the 21st through the 25th of December.
Participating in these events will make you eligible for a one-time only bag of goodies with unique items inside! You will be able to earn rewards for every event you participate in (not just limited to one).
We are planning on launching the first event at night on the 21st. Events will run throughout each day for those in different time zones.
We look forward to celebrating the Holidays with all of those who participate
And if you are traveling this year, please be safe and avoid getting stuck in an airport like we currently are
Edited By 1 on 12/20/2012 at 9:59 AM.
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Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 12/20/2012 at 5:01 PM
Post #2
Just a quick update. Today, Faiona and I were traveling for the Holidays and we got stuck at Chicago. We were barely able to get out before they shut down the airport, but we were unable to get to our destination and are at a temporary place lol.
Basically, it's a little hard for us to both be available to help fix bugs, respond to questions, run events, and work on new features. So if it seems like we're a little slow atm, that's why.
But, we will still try to get the Holiday event implemented for tomorrow night. If anything changes, we will be sure to give an update.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 12/24/2012 at 11:44 PM
Post #3
The Esior's Haven Holiday Event will happen every 4 hours starting at midnight on December 25th until December 26th. There may not always be a warning prior to the beginning of the event, just an FYI.
This will be the last day for this event and other than the Forum games, the last chance to obtain the Winter Holiday Satchels.
We hope everyone has had fun through the course of Sylestia's first week and will be able to take part in a few of the events today
To everyone, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
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