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Forum Index > Find Roleplayers > Running with the Wild (open)
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Level 62
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 12/31/2018
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Posted: 1/1/2019 at 10:06 PM Post #1
Running, indeed.

It was all he knew how to do. Run, fight, survive. He fought whatever hindered him from traveling. He wasn't like other people. He had something most others didn't. He had a price on his head. After escaping that dreadful place, who wouldn't? It had started with a few small experiments, and turned into a genetic project, soon, he was less human than anything else.
He went berserk. He tore out of that place, away from the torture, although his scars only reminded him more vividly of the wounds. He left, disappearing into the darkness that night, never to return.

Or so he thought.

He had been running and hiding for years, a loner with no family left. They managed to hunt him down, and in the end, he was no more than a bloody heap in a cage. Brought back to the lab,
awoke in a frenzy. His mind had lost all senses, and he rattled his cage, unable to free himself. The collar they'd put on him kept him from doing any damage. So, as the months dragged on, he was placed in isolation. Tortured, once more. And then... You came along.

You were supposed to be food. Nothing more than something he was eventually to fight and kill. You were just another experiment. You had no idea.
All your life, the only thing you knew was the lab. You were created there. The scientists babied you and took good care of you. It seems they'd tried to hide the past from you. They tried to keep him away from you. You were free to roam freely about the lab, anywhere you wanted you could go, excepting on section. That was section 6, and you never really paid much mind to the fact you weren't allowed in there.

At least, not until now.

Your curiosity got the better of you, and you wandered into the section unsupervised. Nobody knew you were there, it was supposed to be a simple investigation. Each section out of the seven had 99 separate cells. You checked each one as you wandered the halls, and found them all empty. To be honest, you were getting a little nervous. Some of the old cells were stained with splotches of old, dry blood, while others had claw marks and all sorts of scratches upon the walls. You were startled, at first, when you heard some loud slam a little ways down the hall. You were through fifty of the cells already, and this was the first sign of life you'd encountered so far. Cautiously, you approached the source of the sound. Cell 66, the old letters were faded, but clear. Inside the cell was a cage, and inside the cage, a black mass laid, looking worn out and rather injured. Blood drops dotted the floor in front of the cage, and some looked fresh.

Suddenly, crimson eyes open and peer at you with hostility. The black mass moved, standing, but unable to draw itself to its full height because the cage was too small. Sleek fur was caked in places with blood, and a low growl-like hiss echoed through the hall. The panther-looking animal bared sharp teeth at you, but it collapsed a moment later as its legs gave out. Blood dripped from beneath the studded collar around its neck, and a soft, involuntary whine slipped from the massive feline's jaws.

This is a roleplay where you're a lab experiment, unassuming and young. You're encounter with dark secrets of the past begin to make you wonder what the true reason for all the pampering in your lifetime was for. And now that you've discovered the truth about a cruel past and an ill-tempered experiment, you're beginning to second-guess your life.

This roleplay is now closed. Thank you to those participating!

Main gene: (this is basically just the place you put your "other half". (I.e. the animal you were combined with)

I'm new to the game (as you can probably tell) so I'm unsure as of now as to how the pinging system for the site works, but I'm not new to roleplaying! It's late for me, so I will not be on tonight to answer questions but if you have one, please feel free to ask! I'll hopefully get my character's sheet up tomorrow. Thanks for the patience! Oh, and call me Genos!

RP Thread:
Edited By Genosdotexe on 1/5/2019 at 9:11 AM.
Level 63
Joined: 6/2/2017
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Posted: 1/2/2019 at 11:34 AM Post #2
Hey Genos! I'm interested in joining, can you save me a female slot?

Also to get more rpers, we can move this to 'Find Roleplayers', so hi Krin, I'd love it if we could move this to that category. Thank you so much!
Level 74
Joined: 11/1/2018
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Posted: 1/2/2019 at 12:03 PM Post #3
Name: Stranger Things (call me Strath)
, Project 702, +10 different nicknames I don't want to discus (find them out yourself, hehe)
Age: 18
Main gene: (this is basically just the place you put your "other half". (I.e. the animal you were combined with) I'm a qitari but part lunemara
Gender: female
Personality: kinda sarcastic, kinda analyctical, total bookworm
, hates crowds, loves the dark for some odd reason, thinks her colors are totally off.
Oh yeah, did I mention that my character has a chronic fear of getting dirty and forgetting stuff she KNoWS she remembers?
She can't really see that great.....usually she wears thick glases but only when I really have to...

I have the power I'm not sure. To be defined as the rpg progresses! I can't go human....just switches between qitari ad lunemara. But I act human....except for my creepy stares *evil laugh, chockes on spit*
Edited By Orca2whale on 1/6/2019 at 1:05 PM.
Level 70
Warden of Umbra
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Posted: 1/2/2019 at 12:09 PM Post #4
Hello Genos! Thanks for making this roleplay.It sounds very amazing.Also you can ping someone by using the blue @ button at the bottom of someone's post.You can also make a thread in "Find Roleplayers" and have more people be involved with the roleplay.

Name:Ricky Claneer or Project 626(Yeah I know, crazy last name I made up, but it means group or clan member.)

Age:19, almost 20

Main Gene:Wolf, with a few minor genes of other animals.



Personality:Ricky is skittish most of the time, being an awkward one to meet.When she does have a friend however, she'll be caring.She is also quiet and reticent, keeping to herself at times.She will only help her friends out and not her foes.

Her flaws include...
-Acting younger than her age at times
-Getting herself into harm
-She is only able to stay in her half form for 30 minutes.
-Unstable magic

Her powers include...

Her Human Form:
(She can't go complete human)

I actually have a few questions.
-Are you allowed to have more than one main gene?
-Can you have a few powers?(Like 2 or 1?)
Edited By Fluffyfoxley462 on 1/3/2019 at 3:39 PM.
Level 62
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 12/31/2018
Threads: 9
Posts: 368
Posted: 1/2/2019 at 7:55 PM Post #5
Okay, so foxley and Shayni, I think three is enough for me, I'm not exactly the best with big crowds, so I'm good with this. Thank you for the suggestion, though! Shayni, I'll make sure to ping you on my posts.

Foxley: you have one main gene, but you can have smaller genes that play a part. As for the special abilities, yes, you can have a few. My own character has a few abilities that wouldn't really be natural.

And to both you and orca, the sheets look great! You don't necessarily have to be a sylesti, and try to keep in mind they're also supposed to be at least partially human! ^^

I'm gonna close the rp for now, but Shayni you can pop your character in whenever! :D

I myself am gonna work on getting my character sheet up.
Level 62
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 12/31/2018
Threads: 9
Posts: 368
Posted: 1/2/2019 at 8:26 PM Post #6
Name: Project 66, nicknamed Wraith
Age: About 32
Main gene: Black Leopard, with hints of a coywolf
Gender: Male
As a human-like form:

((He has, in this form, sharper fingernails that act more like claws, and elongated canines.))
As his current (animal) form:

On both pictures, his eyes are actually a crimson color, although he does have trouble seeing out of his left eye. His body in either form is littered with scars and generally he looks very malnourished.
Personality: Grumpy, slow to trust, and extremely pessimistic. Calls everyone "kid" and doesn't like to be called a pet. In a healthy state, he's quite reasonable. He has a soft spot for younger creatures, and will generally give them a chance to prove their not complete fools.
Other: A powerful creature, he was created as a weapon. However, as you've already learned, He doesn't like being mistreated as much as he was, and fits of anger are rather unavoidable. He's quite on the "I'm already a murderer so I don't care who I kill anymore" state of mind, and only younger experiments ever get a chance at mercy. He has an accelerated healing rate, which is the reason he hasn't died yet. His collar keeps him in his non-human form, and although it's studded on the outside, the inside of the collar has two and a half inch spikes that penetrate his neck if he tries to remove it or if he tries to do something like (and he doesn't care about his own safety) break out of his cage. His collar is, actually, magic which is why it keeps him in one form. He also knows a good deal of magic himself, although he can only use it in his human form, and it drains him mentally. He rarely sleeps, and without his collar restraining said magic capabilities, he would be able to move through shadows.
Edited By Genosdotexe on 1/2/2019 at 9:09 PM.
Level 70
Warden of Umbra
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Posted: 1/2/2019 at 8:38 PM Post #7
Nice! I like it.I'm adding a few things to my character.
Level 62
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 12/31/2018
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Posted: 1/2/2019 at 8:39 PM Post #8
Thank you! And okay! I'll review it real quick. ^^
Level 70
Warden of Umbra
Joined: 7/12/2017
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Posted: 1/2/2019 at 8:45 PM Post #9
I added them on my character sheet.
Level 62
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 12/31/2018
Threads: 9
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Posted: 1/2/2019 at 9:02 PM Post #10
She looks good!

*quietly remembers magic is an actual thing in this rp universe* oh right uh one second
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