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Forum Index > Groups, Guilds, Clubs, and Services > (Open) Free Eggs For Newbies
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Level 74
The Tender
Joined: 2/16/2017
Threads: 50
Posts: 3,975
Posted: 1/4/2019 at 2:12 PM Post #1
Free Eggs For Newbies

I used to message new players (I defined new as under a month of playing, whether they just joined or joined a while ago but only now made their starter) and offer them a free egg. But I missed a lot of people like this, and I'd like as many new players as possible to feel welcomed.

With this thread, I'm hoping to be able to give more new players a free egg and find people who also want to give free eggs to new players. If you're interested in helping, please fill out the Helper Form below.

Please ping me. You can ping me by clicking the blue @ at the bottom right of this post. Feel free to message me in my inbox! I'm happy to try and answer any questions you may have.

Both Forms will likely change over time to be better.

New Player Form (Please fill):
User ID:
Who would you like an egg from? (Ping them):
Do you have specific pairs you'd like them to breed? (List them if you do, skip this if you don't):
Do you have any Species, Color, or Trait preferences? (Optional if you answered the last one):
Comment (Optional):

Helper Form (Please fill):
What traits are you unwilling to breed?:
Are you alright giving away PBs?:
Are there any Stables/Tabs that are completely off-limits?:
What Species do you breed?:
Comment (Optional):
Suggestions (Optional):

Intro (You are here)
Helpful Threads
Edited By Toby on 7/27/2022 at 4:42 AM.
Level 74
The Tender
Joined: 2/16/2017
Threads: 50
Posts: 3,975
Posted: 1/4/2019 at 2:14 PM Post #2
Helpers and Their Info

Helper Form:
Username: Toby
What traits are you unwilling to breed?:
List of traits I won't breed for this thread (Only applies to females unless noted otherwise and will be removed once I've collected a large amount of Sylesti with those traits.):
Ferrikki: Parrot Fish, Crystalline Shimmer, All Victorian Traits, Spring Blossoms, Crystalline Ears.
Lighira: All Gazebra Traits (males too), Spring Blossoms.
Ny'vene: Night Glow Traits, Stegosaurus, Lucky Dust, All Frost Dragon Traits (except horns, males too), All Molten Traits (males too), Spring Blossoms.
Vulnyx: All Arcane Traits, Tabby, Spring Blossoms.

Are you alright giving away PBs?: No.
Are there any Stables/Tabs that are completely off-limits?: Main Gates, Themed, Themed 2, Projects and Missions, Ny'Vene 13 (PBs), and Sylesti Boarding.
What Species do you breed?: Only Ferrikki, Lighira, Ny'vene, and Vulnyx.

Helper Form:
Username: Orcastration
What traits are you unwilling to breed?: Any is fine.
Are you alright giving away PBs?: Sure....mostly
Are there any Stables/Tabs that are completely off-limits?: Try to avoid my sales tab and Orca's Picks.
What Species do you breed?: Mostly Qitari, Puffadore, and Zolnixi, but check my stables.

Helper Form:
Username: Earthprotector49
What traits are you unwilling to breed?: None. As long as I have pets with them, I'm willing to breed for them.
Are you alright giving away PBs?: As long as both the pets in the pair are originally mine, sure.
Are there any stables that are completely off-limits?: No, not really.
What Species do you breed?: Aeridini (limited number of pairs), Nyvene, Lupora, Zolnixi, Ryori (one non-themed pair ATM), Sylvorpa, Morkko, Aurleon, Qitari (limited number of pairs), Draeyl, Nytekrie, Faelora, Vulnyx (limited number of pairs), Lighira (one non-themed pair currently), and Ferrikki (one Volcanic Glacier pair).
Comment: Most of the pets I currently have, save for one non-themed Nyte pair & my one (non-themed) Ryori pair, are, at most, 3-vis. So just a heads up that trait options are pretty limited at present, at least if you want a pet with only visible traits. Having said that, I also have quite a few, mostly themed, pets without a mate of the same theme, so if you don't mind an offspring from a themed & non-themed mating and/or a mating of two different themed pets, I can do that, too.

Helper Form:
Username: Marionettez
What traits are you unwilling to breed?: As long as I have it, ill breed it.
Are you alright giving away PBs?: Yep! Nothing else to do with my themes anyways
Are there any Stables/Tabs that are completely off-limits?: Not really. All of the stuff in my 2nd stable isn't themed but there is a few pairs on the last tab in there
What Species do you breed?: A lot, but mostly Ferrikki, Lupora, Ryori, Sylvorpa, Vulnyx, and Zolnixi. Other than those I have themed for 1 Aurleon, 1 Draeyl, a few Bulboris, 3 different Faeloras, 3 Griffis, quite a few Kelparis, 2 Lighiras, a few Luffoxes, 1 Morkko, 1 Ny'Vene, 2 Nyketries, and 1 Puffadore. (Oh goodness that's a lot)

Helper Form:
Username: Soulshard
What traits are you unwilling to breed?: if I have it, I'll breed it
Are you alright giving away PBs?: if I bred them, yes.
Are there any Stables/Tabs that are completely off-limits?: no.
What Species do you breed?: Lighs, Nixi, Aurleon, Bulbs, Draes, Faes, Griffi, Kelp, Luff, Lunes, Lupes, Morkko, Neph, Nyts, Puffs, Qits, Ryo, Vorpa, Vulnyx.
Comment: Some of my pets have set mates I will only breed with each other. I tend to breed my themed females only with males of that theme if I have them. I will have it in my bio if I am about to breed all my pets. I usually breed once a week, for reference.

Helper Form:
Username: Izuku
What traits are you unwilling to breed?: none
Are you alright giving away PBs?: yes
Are there any Stables/Tabs that are completely off-limits?: none
What Species do you breed?: mainly Lupora, but also Aeridini, Aurleon, Bulbori, Faelora,
Ferrikki, Griffi, Lunemara, Morroko, Nephini, Puffadore, Ryori, Sylvorpa, Zolnixi
Comment: themes I own can be found on this thread:

Helper Form:
Username: Chamaeleontis
What traits are you unwilling to breed?: any non-restricted (red in generator)
Are you alright giving away PBs?: if its a fairly common theme, yes (more than 5 pages of pets set up to breed in Advanced Search)
Are there any Stables/Tabs that are completely off-limits?: no
What Species do you breed?: Zolnixi, Nytekrie, Puffadores, Lunemara, Ny'vene (not Cosmic themes), Qitari, Kelpari, Sylvorpa, Aeridini, Lighira, Morrko, Luffox, Bulbori, Faelora, Aurleon, Griffi (not Black Ice themes), Ferrikki, Ryori, and Draeyl.
Comment: I really enjoy breeding pets but I don't have space to keep them so I would love a ton of requests

Helper Form:
Username: Leah9531
What traits are you unwilling to breed?: none
Are you alright giving away PBs?: Yup!
Are there any Stables/Tabs that are completely off-limits?: Nope!
What Species do you breed?: Mainly Zolnixi, but I might have other pets.

Helper Form:
Username: T1g3r
What traits are you unwilling to breed?: None! I'll breed any traits.
Are you alright giving away PBs?: Yes, I have little interest in Themed/Exclusive/Purebreds.
Are there any Stables/Tabs that are completely off-limits?: Yes: Main
What Species do you breed?: Any non-fabled, but mostly Zolnixi, Aurleon, Qitari, and occasionally Lupora.
Comment: I love to help out newer players, breed pets, and give them away. A lot of the time (but not always!), I breed my pets to other players' pets, so if you want that, just tell me the other player's pet ID# (along with my pet, of course). I don't have any set breeding pairs right now and am willing to breed any of my pets. I also give away equipment, avatar items, and consumables to players level 50 and below. Ask me any questions.

Helper Form:
Username: Raidenei
What traits are you unwilling to breed?: Only the ones I don't own.
Are you alright giving away PBs?: Yep! As that's most of what I have.
Are there any Stables/Tabs that are completely off-limits?: Nope!
What Species do you breed?: I think it might go faster if I say what I don't breed(because I don't have pairs or I just don't like the species) I don't have any Bulboris, Luffoxes, Lunemaras, Morkkos, or Nytekries. I only have one Nephini, but I am willing to breed outside of my stables for him.
Comment: I love trying to help new players, but usually don't get to because I don't know how to answer their questions or my anxiety kicks in. So glad I can here!

Edited By Toby on 7/27/2022 at 4:27 AM.
Level 74
The Tender
Joined: 2/16/2017
Threads: 50
Posts: 3,975
Posted: 1/4/2019 at 2:15 PM Post #3
Extra Information

Please be patient when receiving an egg.
The helpers aren't on 24/7, some may only come on once every few weeks. Please be understanding and wait until they get back to you. As long as you asked a helper for an egg before your account passed what I would consider a "newbie" you will still get an egg.
Edited By Toby on 8/27/2021 at 7:07 PM.
Level 74
The Tender
Joined: 2/16/2017
Threads: 50
Posts: 3,975
Posted: 1/4/2019 at 2:17 PM Post #4
Links to threads that may be useful to new players
Feel free to suggest additions.

Boarding Service and Free Testing My thread where I offer to house pets you don't have room for until you do and Genetically Test your pets for free.
Newbie Mentoring A thread where people offer to mentor new players.
Edited By Toby on 8/5/2021 at 5:58 PM.
Level 74
The Tender
Joined: 2/16/2017
Threads: 50
Posts: 3,975
Posted: 1/4/2019 at 2:18 PM Post #5
Questions to New Players and Helpers
Help me improve this thread by answering these questions.

1. Should there be an egg limit? How many eggs would be a fair limit?
2. How many people can a new player request an egg from? Should there be a limit?
3. How do you define a new player? How long do they have to play before they're no longer new?
4. Can you think of a better name for the Helpers? Or do you think Helpers is fine?
5. Should we offer more than just eggs?

Suggestions from New Players and Helpers
Help me improve this thread by giving suggestions.

Frequently Asked Questions
Please check to see if your question has already been answered.

Q: What is a PB?
A: PB stands for Purebred. The offspring of two sylesti that share a theme. You can tell if they are a PB by the blue star and the name of the theme under the names of the parents and above the traits.

Q: How do I ping someone?
A: You can ping someone by clicking the blue @ at the bottom right of their post or by putting their username in the box under "Ping Users". If you want to ping multiple people, separate their names in that box by a comma.

Edited By Toby on 2/6/2022 at 7:24 PM.
Level 74
The Tender
Joined: 2/16/2017
Threads: 50
Posts: 3,975
Posted: 1/4/2019 at 2:30 PM Post #6
Possible Answers to My Questions
Some possible answers to my current questions.

1. Winternova668 Maybe make it so newbies can only take 2 eggs a week?
Edited By MissWoolyMouse on 1/5/2019 at 11:22 AM.
Level 74
The Tender
Joined: 2/16/2017
Threads: 50
Posts: 3,975
Posted: 1/4/2019 at 2:50 PM Post #7
Edited By MissWoolyMouse on 1/4/2019 at 8:11 PM.
Level 74
The Tender
Joined: 2/16/2017
Threads: 50
Posts: 3,975
Posted: 1/4/2019 at 8:11 PM Post #8
Open now, I guess. Feel free to start posting and giving suggestions on how I can improve this thread. Thanks!
Level 60
Benevolent Brewer
Joined: 9/17/2018
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Posted: 1/5/2019 at 1:55 AM Post #9
Helper Form:
Username: Winternova668
What traits are you unwilling to breed?: I'm willing to breed any trait as long as I own it.
Are you alright giving away PBs?: Absolutely. I like to welcome new players to sylestia with PB's actually.
What Species do you breed?: All species except Luffox, Aurleon, and Ryori
Are there any stables that are completely off limits?: Nope!
Comment (Optional): Hello! I hope I can help out!
Suggestions (Optional): Maybe make it so newbies can only take 2 eggs a week?
Edited By Winternova668 on 1/5/2019 at 12:38 PM.
Level 74
The Tender
Joined: 2/16/2017
Threads: 50
Posts: 3,975
Posted: 1/5/2019 at 11:36 AM Post #10
Hi! Thank you for joining! I'm sure you'll be a great help. Thank you also for the suggestion. I should clarify that the question "What Species do you breed?" is for if a Newbie is looking for specific species. So, if it's alright, could you change that part to something like All or All except xy? Just so a newbie can know what species people have.
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