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Level 72
Maze Runner
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Posted: 1/5/2019 at 1:03 PM
Post #1
Hi there! ^_^ I figured we could use a thread where people could find/make sure there's someone else around to play Snow Wars vs other real people before sinking a bunch of time just sitting wasting a bunch of time not knowing if they'll be able to play. #^_^# I looked around some for a thread already like this, but I didn't find one and this seemed like the best place for it... #D_D# My apologies if I'm wrong...
So, I for one, would like to get in at least 25 plays against real players. Anyone. If you are around and might like to play but don't have any Snow Wars Tokens to play, I will send you some so that you can at least try to play against me. xD I just really don't like wasting my time when I don't have much to spare just waiting... D_D;
I never use Booster Cards, so don't feel like you have to use them against me. I mean, if you like to always use Boosters, you can feel free to use them against me if you want. I'm currently ranked as Tier 4 against the AI (136-53 wins to losses at the time of first posting this), if that's any indication of what my "difficulty" may be, though I have always found real people more difficult than the AI. ^_^;
Please ping me (or anyone else that signs up here looking for real players opponents) if you are around and willing to play vs real player. :D
I will update this post when I am going to be unavailable for more than a few minutes. It may take me a few minutes to get a ping if I'm playing vs the AI but I'll try to check in often.
My current status: Finished with mine, but let me know if you need an opponent. (Ping me please so I know someone is around. ^_^ )
Edited By Varyntha on 1/24/2019 at 3:03 PM.
Level 70
The Tactician
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Posted: 1/5/2019 at 7:13 PM
Post #2
I will be looking to fill up my task log after the current leaderboard competition is over. (Considering how much I'll be nurturing pets on the side, I may take way too long to respond to any challenges right now so it's better to wait.)
My only condition is no cards and no ranked matches. I want to save the cards for the upper tiers for the task list, and I want to get used to the frostbite meter before having to deal with frostbite + boosted enemy units. Frostbite is introduced way too late in the AI tiers and has more of a learning curve than I expected with dealing with a lot of different factors.
My current record upon writing this post is:
Player AI Rating: 1879
Record vs AI: 87-3-3 (I think this is 87 wins, 3 ties, and 3 losses. Or maybe that is wins - losses - ties?)
I have around 250 tokens in my inventory. Yeah, I haven't been aggressively going after the tiers. I also haven't done pvp yet. This is my first winter fest on here.
Other things to know: I work the graveyard shift and will have a load of work since after the holidays is a busy time for the company that I work for. It is best that you message me and set up a time beforehand. Sometimes my work schedule changes last minute.
Level 72
Maze Runner
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Posted: 1/5/2019 at 8:52 PM
Post #3
Sorry about the absence. >_<; I had to unexpectedly take care of a scorpion situation... S:
@Nightstooth, Lol, I hadn't even known there was more than one way to do a Player Vs Player match. xD But I went and checked it out after reading your post and found the Friendly Match where you can type in a player's name. I wonder if those count towards the Festival Task Log and if there are rewards for playing them. It seems like if it doesn't give rewards, it may not count towards the Tasks... But I am willing to try and see. ^_^ I believe the Record is wins-losses-ties because I have a 0 in the 3rd slot and I haven't had any ties (and I've lost a lot since going up against Tier 4s consistently xD ). :D
I was going after Tiers pretty agressively, but only to Tier 4 because I wanted the rewards. xD I'd like to have the Tier 5 reward too, but I don't know if I can get there, especially before tomorrow. >_< I hope you are enjoying your first Winter Festival here! ^D^
If you want to schedule a pvp with me, just let me know! ^_^
Level 72
Maze Runner
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Posted: 1/6/2019 at 10:32 AM
Post #4
Okay, I managed to get in some PvP in ranked and there is no using Booster Cards at all, so I guess no one has to worry about that. xD There were rewards on wins and losses and wins, losses, and the other person not setting up their pieces in time all counted towards the Festival Tasks. ^_^ This is what I have learned so far. I still need more plays on PvP to complete the final PvP Task, so anyone still feel free to let me know if you are going to be playing PvP or are willing to play. ^_^
Level 72
Maze Runner
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Posted: 1/16/2019 at 9:46 AM
Post #5
I am looking for real people to play against again! ^D^ If anyone is available, let me know! :D
Level 72
Maze Runner
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Posted: 1/23/2019 at 11:27 AM
Post #6
I'm trying to get 5 more plays against real people in, today if possible so that I can stop worrying about it. ^_^; Though if after that someone needs an opponent, let me know. ^_^ I'd be happy to pay it forward. ^_^ If you're willing to play PvP but don't have any Snow Wars Tokens, let me know and I can send some. (I bought a whole lot before I damaged my eyes and had to quit playing for quite a while, so now I have more than I will probably be able to use before the end.) ^_^
Level 72
Maze Runner
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Posted: 1/24/2019 at 3:02 PM
Post #7
I have now reached my 25 goal, but if anyone else needs an opponent, let me know (with a PM or a ping for best result) and I will try to be available. ^_^
Level 74
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Posted: 1/24/2019 at 10:49 PM
Post #8
want to play? :D
Level 72
Maze Runner
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Posted: 1/24/2019 at 11:00 PM
Post #9
Are you still around and needing an opponent? ^_^
Level 74
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Posted: 1/24/2019 at 11:01 PM
Post #10
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