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Forum Index > General Discussion > Buying pets just to resell. :<
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Level 60
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Posted: 1/26/2013 at 7:18 PM Post #1
I feel sort of sad when I see someone buying my pets just to resell them WAY higher.
I know it's just good business... but I always try to keep my sale pets sort of mid-range so someone who really wants them will have a better chance to get them.

Maybe I am just a softy.

It makes me not want to sell outside of the forum, sometimes.

Has anyone else ever seen this? Do you think I am just being a pansy, or do your pets actually mean alot to you?
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 1/8/2013
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Posted: 1/26/2013 at 7:32 PM Post #2
My pets mean something to me, but also, when I joined the faeloras weren't out, which are my favorites not because they are new but because they are deer-like and plant-like, two of my lifelong loves.
Because I want to devote to the species, instead of just selling my pets I'm donating them to a giveaway that I've seen is well run. I felt it less likely for what is happening to you to happen to me if I did this.
Level 60
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Posted: 1/26/2013 at 7:38 PM Post #3
That is really super sweet that you're donating them to a good giveaway. I think that perhaps people will join just to get something free, but mostly people who really want a nice pet will be the norm!

I hope to see your stables boom with pretty deer, dear~
Level 70
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Posted: 1/26/2013 at 7:51 PM Post #4
I thought this question, but for the equipables I put on the trade broker for 1g for those who are savvy enough to use the trade broker.
A profit can be easily gained by buying my stuff for 1g, then reselling it in the resell tab in your inventory for 100ish-g or whatever the resell value was.
At first I did it with the intention to help the community, especially since I wouldn't be the smart type to check the trade broker for equips, so I'd be rewarding the ones that did.

I also noticed a friend of mine go for considering to sell a pet I gave him for 1k because I knew he was looking for a flaming pet. Albeit it wasn't the colors he was looking for, I kinda didn't know how to feel. I'd feel torn if I wanted to sell my pets (so far, the only pets I catch are the ones I use to sell to others, and vice versa). Pets I win or take from another person, however, take extra consideration, but the ones I have so far aren't all too special; they're just unwanted pets because others needed space in their stables.

To answer the question, it'd depend the purpose of the the resell tbh. If it's for the breeding/traits, then this site kinda treats it like a commodity (like omg I need that fae dust, I'll buy it, and when I'm done, I'll have no quarrels giving it to someone else who would like to breed it as well).
If it was for the levels (which I never see), then that's kinda dodging the game's challenge.
Now if it's to just reap profits for one's own intent (which I see different from the ones above), then it's sorta...well. Depends the terms of the sell. How special the pet was to a certain person in the transition to selling it to another.
Level 75
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 1/27/2013 at 10:04 PM Post #5

I'll personally would maybe be hurted if I wished
dearly the person to KEEP the pets, but I try to go
as, I sent that pet to you without thinking of it to
return to me, then it's yours, YOU shall decided of
it's "fate" now... owo"
So even if I'll be a "bit" sad, I think it's just better
for me to let go of it~ P=
I wouldn't like to hold grudge to other~ :3
They maybe never though THAT bad or just REALLY
need that money too?~ owo"
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 1/3/2013
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Posted: 3/7/2013 at 10:06 AM Post #6
I care about my pets a lot, but recently I've just completely run out of room and I have a few personal projects I'd like to start so I'm selling the majority off pretty cheaply. (Even my reindeer Shee! D: EVEN THEM!)

I can't say I'd ever buy to intentionally resell for a higher price, I'd feel really bad! I'd rather resell for less than what I got them for, or even give them away to newbies. Send them to a nice home to help someone out like Shee did for me with a couple of Reindeer when I first started :3
Level 60
Nature Walker
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Posted: 3/7/2013 at 1:20 PM Post #7
I've resold a few pets that I've bought before, but never with the intention of making a profit by selling them for more. Usually when I buy a pet, it's because I think it's really pretty or because I need it for breeding and don't want to pay the breeding fee each time.
But my stables fill up fast and tabs can get expensive, so I have to clean them out every once in a while. I usually raffle them off for free, but if I'm short on money I'll try and sell them. If it's for a price higher than what I bought them for, it's probably just because I couldn't remember how much I spent on them and just made up a price. <//v//<;
Level 68
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Posted: 3/7/2013 at 3:31 PM Post #8
haaa...i do that sometimes...I keep finding so many cute pets!!! TT_TT
Level 60
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Posted: 3/9/2013 at 5:13 PM Post #9
ill admit sometimes i find a pet i think:
well i COULD breed it to make a wonderful baby

then i find a wonderful pet not long after buying
so i might sell the other one-but for the same/lower what i paid

but thats why i had to raise my prices on alot of pets

ive actually had someone message me (i had a "pets wanted" post)
trying t sell me the pet they bout from me...for over 5x what i sold it for (i sold it for 200-they wanted 5,000)
Level 60
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Posted: 3/9/2013 at 7:54 PM Post #10
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 3/4/2025 at 5:55:49am

ive actually had someone message me (i had a "pets wanted" post)
trying t sell me the pet they bout from me...for over 5x what i sold it for (i sold it for 200-they wanted 5,000)

This has happened to me often! Always the same user though... That's sort of a slap in the face, when a pet came from you and the person tries to overprice with that same pet.
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