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Forum Index > Other Fiction > Warrior Cats Plot Planning
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Level 70
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Posted: 1/16/2019 at 6:43 PM Post #1

I've been wanting to try my hand at a comic for a while, and I've gone over a few plots. But a few inspirations make one stand out.

What if Mapleshade hadn't lost her kits or gone mad?

This brings up major plot changes. Mapleshade solely and personally created major plot lines when she lost her kits and subsequently went mad. She created the Dark Forest we all know and love. She manipulated Riverclan and Thunderclan to bring tragedy. She influenced Thisleclaw, and thusly Tigerstar. Her tragedy brought so many other problems generations later.

So, what if it didn't happen like that?

Instantly problems vanish, but new problems also arise with it. What should change, what should stay the same? With the lives of her three kits, everything changes for the worst. By living, how does our favorite story change?

I'm having the most trouble with how the change should occur. Should Ravenwing decide not to share the secret? Should Mapleshade not go along with the assumption that Birchface is the father? Should she cross the river later, when the floods have died down?

I suppose that brings up the question of, "Where should the kits be raised?"

If Ravenwing keeps quiet, or she refutes that Birchface is the father, it seems more likely that the kits could stay. After all the reason why Ravenwing refuses to stay quiet is because she let the clan believe Birchface was the father. And, Oakstar was Birchface's father, which makes Mapleshade's betrayal to allow the assumption all the more personal. If she simply refuses to let anyone believe who the father is, not refuting but not confirming in a clearer way, it takes Oakstar's personal feelings out of the equation. Mapleshade has no longer lied or mislead her clan. She simply didn't want to name the father, which is completely a queen's right and accepted in the books.

However, if she keeps that but has more awareness about the river (honestly, she should realize that kind of thing, an oversight on the writer's part tbh or deliberate), she can simply go off the territory or ask her clan to let her kits stay until the flooding goes down, or she can get Riverclan to escort her and the kits over so they will be safe. This would have to be allowed, because per the warrior code no clan can neglect any kit in danger. Casting them out would put them "in danger", and allowing her to wait in safety or go get help to bring the kits to safety would have to be allowed.

That all being said, what about Starclan? Her kit's death is her punishment, right? but per all the other mixed clan situations, this is the only one to go so poorly. And, it's the trigger for so much more. It was supposedly the ancients that sent the Three, right? How would they know when to send them and why? Surely they can see that Mapleshade is a major trigger to such a future. Why would they allow it? As Mapleshade said, "Her only wrong was falling in love.", which many, many others have done and been forgiven for. Such a harsh punishment does not seem remotely fair OR what Starclan would do.

I think Starclan simply meant that the kits were meant for Riverclan. They had Riverclan strengths and would have struggled in Thunderclap while longing for the river, feeling trapped by the undergrowth and freed by the water.

SO! With all my thoughts down, I humbly ask for the opinions of other fans, and those who might enjoy reading such a thing. ^-^

Thank you for your time~!
Level 70
Joined: 10/11/2016
Threads: 7
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Posted: 1/16/2019 at 6:59 PM Post #2





Edited By Laceandribbons on 1/16/2019 at 8:53 PM.
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/5/2016
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Posted: 1/16/2019 at 7:21 PM Post #3
Ooo looks super fun to me and it would be super interesting to see
Level 70
Joined: 10/11/2016
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Posted: 1/16/2019 at 7:22 PM Post #4
Which change would be the most interesting to you to read/see?
Level 70
Joined: 10/11/2016
Threads: 7
Posts: 282
Posted: 3/22/2019 at 7:39 PM Post #5
I decided that changing Mapleshade's story would involve a lot more planning than I'd like for the long term, so I'm back burnering it for now.

Instead! I'd like to explore a Scourge AU!

It always struck me as very odd that Bluefur never did anything about the attack on Tiny. So while she isn't fast enough to stop Tigerpaw from injuring him in his first attack, she steps in and stops it before Tiny can get hurt further. She offers to take him home, and when he tells her he'd be thrown in the river if he returns, offers to instead take him back to the clan for care.
Tiny accepts, drawn by the allure of the forest despite the attack. Sunstar hears the story as Featherwhisker treats the kit's injuries and agrees to let him join the clan, under the care of Bluefur, as Nightkit.
Bluefur cares for Nightkit as her own son, and Whitekit gets a foster brother around his age.
Because Bluefur reports Thistleclaw's disregard for the Warrior Code and was passing that knowledge down to Tigerpaw, Sunstar revokes his mentorship of the apprentice. Tigerpaw is given to Rosetail instead, and while Sunstar considers putting Thistleclaw back on apprentice duties, he decides taking his apprentice was punishment enough and that he'll simply watch to make sure he doesn't slip up again.
Thrushpelt offers to help Bluefur with both Whitekit and Nightkit for their last moon or so in the nursery so that she can still complete warrior duties, and Bluefur accepts reluctantly. She doesn't want Thrushpelt to get the wrong idea, but the help is undeniable and he understands he hasn't captured her heart yet.
When the two are apprenticed, Whitepaw to Patchpelt and Nightpaw to Bluefur, Nightpaw is still scared of Tigerpaw, but Whitepaw mediates fairly well. Rosetail has begun helping Tigerpaw lose some of his edge. Rosetail is a stern and stubborn mentor, instilling values into Tigerpaw that Thistleclaw could have never done. Tigerclaw is later named a warrior, Whitestorm and Nightfrost following not long after.
When Bluefur becomes pregnant and retires to the nursery to have Stonekit, Mistykit, and Mosskit. Thrushpelt again takes up the role as father despite knowing he isn't, and Bluefur bonds with him further. This time, Featherwhisker voices his concern to Bluefur and she admits Thrushpelt isn't their father, but she has decided that she will no longer contact their father and that Thrushpelt will raise them as his own. Featherwhisker is uncertain about the kits but receives no guidance from Starclan on the matter and lets it go.
When Tawnyspots becomes ill, this time Sunstar doesn't have to make a choice despite the circumstances. He names Bluefur his deputy and takes the duties himself until she her kits are old enough to be left with their father for longer times. After all, a deputy can still do so as a queen.
Bluefur still decides that Oakheart has a right to his kits, and brings him Mosskit. Mosskit is given to Greypool, and the clan is told she wandered off in the night. While search parties are sent out, they catch scent of a fox in the area and mournfully inform Bluefur that it is likely the fox got her. When named apprentices, Stonepaw is given to Lionheart, Mistypaw to Goldenflower.
Because the events of Spottedleaf's heart never happen, Spottedleaf does not become a medicine cat. While she had an aptitude for it, her heart was set on the path of a warrior, and she became a medicine cat because of Thistleclaw. So, she stays as Thrushpelt's apprentice and becomes a warrior.
After Bluefur becomes Bluestar, she and Thrushpelt have their first litter, Stagkit, Softkit, and Owlkit. Owlkit shows his healing talents and a special connection to Starclan. Featherwhisker takes him as an apprentice at the right time. Softpaw is given to Spottedleaf, Stagkit is given to Rosetail.
They later become Stagwhisker, Softsplash, and Owlsight. Thrushpelt is later killed defending the clan from a fox.

Because canon is sketchy in this area, I'll be going off the allegiances from Spottedleaf's heart, but with nothing canon from that book. It's just the most current reference for Thunderclan. Since I also have lost my Bluestar book, things might be a bit out of order or done differently. I'm researching as much as I can, but since her era has been redone several times in different ways, it's a bit confusing.

Here is where we begin in the first arc. Softsplash is mates with Longtail, and at some point has Chestnutpelt, Cherrypaw, and Lynxshade.
Owlsight is the one to receive the fire message, sharing it with his mother. When Tigerclaw kills Redtail, Bluestar still names Lionheart deputy next. When Rusty is brought to camp and is attacked by Longtail, the jeering grates on Nightfrost's nerves. After Rusty loses his collar and becomes Firepaw, he offers to mentor the tom. It is then revealed to the younger cats that Nightfrost is indeed not clan born himself when Tigerclaw mentions a kitty pet training a kitty pet. Bluestar reprimands him, reminding him Nightfrost is every bit a warrior.
While the events begin unfolding in fairly the same manner, Owlsight is the one to treat Yellowfang. At the gathering, Nightfrost also overhears Ravenpaw's story as he watched over his apprentice. He becomes suspicious as well, but does not dismiss it as Firepaw does. Mistyfoot and Stonefur agree that they shouldn't harm Yellowing and hear her story, defending her from Tigerclaw and Darkstripe. Later, Nightfrost accompanies the group to the Moonstone.
In camp, Stagwhisker mourns the loss of Rosetail after the battle, Stonefur and Greypaw mourning Lionheart.
Since Nightfrost had not shared some misgivings and suspicions about Tigerclaw to his foster mother before they left for the Moonstone, Tigerclaw is named deputy. Nightfrost is stunned that Bluestar would chose the fierce tom, but does not want to challenge his leader nor his new deputy's loyalty, vowing to keep an eye on Tigerclaw himself. He shares his suspicions with Stonefur, who agrees to also keep watch on the older warrior.
The clan happily welcomes Yellowfang into the camp, and Owlsight agrees to split the den with her as she was the elder. When Firepaw later has his battle training, it is with Nightfrost. Firepaw shares his worries with his mentor, knowing it was his best chance to get word to Bluestar. Night frost considers him and agrees, having noticed the off-behavior and agreeing that Ravenpaw is a good cat. When Ravenpaw tells the true story of the Riverclan battle, Firepaw shares that he can trust Nightfrost as well, and relays the information to his mentor.
Later, Spottedleaf is still killed trying to defend the kits in the nursery. Instead of Ravenpaw being taken to the barn, Nightfrost agrees to keep an eye on Ravenpaw and keep him safe.
Nightfrost and and Ravenpaw are also on the patrol send to find the kits.
When they return, the group tells that Ravenpaw is no traitor and helped in fighting Shadowclan, and had defended the kits during the battle. Alongside Fireheart and Greystripe, he is promoted to a warrior by the name of Ravenstreak.
With the clan's view of Ravenstreak restored, Tigerclaw must make another plan to take out his former apprentice. Bluestar's kits, however, are not going to let anything happen to the new warrior, as Nightfrost has become especially attached.

Nightfrost agrees that they need more evidence before alerting Bluestar of Tigerclaw's treacherous deeds, but it is decided that he should be the one to say something. Fireheart's conversation with Bluestar does not take place, instead, Nightfrost admits the doubts to her and is brushed off since the two have always been at odds. Ravenstreak joins the gathering. Later, he is also tasked with finding Windclan with his friends.
Ravenstreak suggests stopping by Barley's barn still
Instead of Cinderkit and Brackenkit becoming apprentices early, Softsplash's kits are promoted. Chestnutpaw, Cherrypaw, and Lynxpaw are given to Greystripe, Fireheart, and Ravenstreak respectively. Cherrypaw takes the place of Cinderpaw in this part of the story.
Greystripe is still rescued by Silverstream.
When white cough breaks out, Mistlekit is seen in the nursery. Instead of Frostfur watching the ailing Bluestar, Mistyfoot watches over her mother, with Softsplash. Owlsight works tirelessly on his mother, while Yellowfang asks Fireheart to fetch catmint.
Cherrypaw goes to meet with Tigerclaw, falling into the trap laid for Bluestar. Unlike Cinderpaw, Cherrypaw is not lucky enough to take a glancing blow. She is returned to camp. The next day when Fireheart goes to check on his apprentice, he finds out she is not going to live. He apologizes profusely to Softsplash through his tears, who tells him it was not his fault, Cherrypaw was too reckless and headstrong for her own good. Lynxpaw and Chestnutpaw sit with their sister as she passed. Longtail wants to berate Fireheart but Softsplash has already forgiven him.
With Fireheart and Greystripe fighting, Ravenstreak is unsure about who's side to take. He leans more towards Fireheart's, also disagreeing with Greystripe's behavior.
During Fireheart and Greystripe's argument, Ravenstreak tries to split them apart but fails. He and Nightfrost separate the two as Bluestar demands to see Fireheart in her den.
Cloudkit is given to Fireheart still, and he reluctantly accepts the kit. When the clan disapproves and Fireheart defends them, Nightfrost once again also jumps to the defense.
When Brokenstar attacks, Fireheart is not the only warrior in camp. Lynx paw is sent to fetch Tigerclaw's patrol. Stagwhisker and Softsplash stay behind as well, Softsplash having been grieving and Stagwhisker comforting her. During the attack, Stagwhisker is felled by a blow from Blackfoot.
While he recovers with Brokenstar, the attack on Windclan happens the same, but with Stonepelt helping to free Fireheart from Leopardfur. Mistyfoot defends Fireheart letting Silverstream go, saying he'd injured the she-cat plenty.
Throughout, there is a deepening relationship between Nightfrost and Ravenstreak. Stagwhisker retires to the elders den early due to his injuries. Softsplash agrees to help Nightfrost and Ravenstreak have kits of their own.

Mistyfoot and Stonefur are replaced in Riverclan by Greypool's last kit, Swanrunner, and Mossflower. Instead of Redtail attacking Stonefur, he attacks Mossflower.
When Fireheart later goes to Silverstream, he meets with Mossflower instead of Mistyfoot. Mossflower is the mother of Reedkit, Primrosekit, Pikekit, and Perchkit, mates with Blackclaw in place of Mistyfoot.
Mousefur takes Thornpaw as her apprentice, Brightpaw to Whitestorm, Cinderpaw to Sandstorm, and Brackenpaw to Mistyfoot.
When Fireheart brings his findings back to Thunderclan after his talk with Greypool, he first goes to Nightfrost, Stonefur, and Mistyfoot. The story is familiar to them, but they can't quite place it. This is where canon divergence begins in more extreme doses. Fireheart brings his concerns up to Bluestar, but before Bluestar can kick him out, the older three enter the den. They all agree with Fireheart and claim that Tigerclaw is the one who's loyalties they should doubt, rather than Fireheart and Ravenstreak's. With several of her senior warriors, her kits, against Tigerclaw, Bluestar reluctantly agrees to watch Tigerclaw closer, but to not demote him quite yet. He has one last chance to prove his loyalty. She does not say anything more on the stolen kit.
Instead of Cinderpaw gathering herbs with Fireheart, it is Owlsight. They take CloudKit with them to gather herbs still. Fire heart and Owlsight are becoming friends overtime. As a general note, Spottedleaf still acts as Fireheart's spirit guide.
Chestnutpaw is worried about his sister Lynxpaw, and Swiftpaw becoming warriors before him due to Greystripe's neglect. Fireheart and Sandstorm take him out hunting.
When Fireheart tracks Tigerclaw, instead of reporting just rouge scents, he reports Tigerclaw. Without anything solid to go on yet, they must wait and see what is happening.
Fire heart and Greystripe rescue Reedkit and Perchkit. They are taken back to the camp. Once suspicion is cleared, they offer to help hunt for Riverclan. They enlist Ravenstreak into their plan.

More to come. Mistleberry, Snowlight.
Edited By Laceandribbons on 3/24/2019 at 11:47 AM.
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