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Forum Index > Off-Topic Discussion > Transformers Character Sheets for Story
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Level 28
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Posted: 1/27/2013 at 6:04 PM Post #1
This thread is for if you would like to have a character in a story I am writing the basic character sheet beginnings will be below. You may copy and paste the sheet beginning to make it faster. You may create up to 2 characters and 1 non-aligned character. (Non-aligned meaning they aren't Autobot or Decepticon. They are whats called a Megacon)

Vehicle type:
Faction (Autobot or Decepticon):

For those that dont know much about Transformers follow this link:
Edited By 1613 on 1/28/2013 at 10:53 AM.
Level 75
Nature Walker
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Posted: 1/27/2013 at 6:31 PM Post #2
Name: Belladonna
Vehicle type: VW Beetle
Faction (Autobot or Decepticon): Autobot
Description: She is an alert transformer, she likes to honk her horn a lot and she is pink.

Edited By 1 on 1/27/2013 at 6:32 PM.
Level 60
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Posted: 1/27/2013 at 6:33 PM Post #3
Name: Skitter
Vehicle type: Bike
Faction (Autobot or Decepticon): der.. autobot?
Description: Icon Roach Harley Sportster

Skitter is a girl, her frame should be mostly black, with some greys and browns thrown in. She is very fast, hyper, and skittish. She seems quiet and aloof to strangers, but those who know her well know she has an attitude and odd sense of humor, that can often get her in trouble. She lives for speed, and loves danger.
Edited By 1065 on 1/27/2013 at 7:05 PM.
Level 28
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Posted: 1/27/2013 at 7:04 PM Post #4
Name: SkyRaven
Vehicle type: Sonic Jet, Hyper Tank
Faction (Autobot or Decepticon): Multi
Description: SkyRaven works for both factions, and as a result of this both Megatron and Zeta Prime are aware of the actions. However Megatron tolerates this as SkyRaven only takes out the grunts of his army and thus makes it so he himself does not need to kill them for talking back. SkyRaven also has a bit a short temper when it comes to working with Decepticons. This short temper has resulted in many a Decepticon grunt being blasted before they can apologize. Because of this Megatron is quite lenient with SkyRaven, who admittedly hates StarScream almost as much as Megatron. He has also blasted StarScream many a time just to hear him in pain. SkyRaven tends to be very protective of his closest friends and would even disobey a direct order if it meant they would be hurt.
In his Hyper Tank form he can reach speeds of over 500 Miles an Hour and still fire his weapons at the same time with pinpoint accuracy.
In his Sonic Jet form he is capable of reaching up to 6 times the speed of sound and still not create a sonic boom, which surprised some of his earlier friends.
Edited By 1613 on 1/28/2013 at 7:39 AM.
Level 60
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Posted: 1/27/2013 at 7:05 PM Post #5
Name: Toya
Vehicle type: Off Road/MIlitary
Faction (Autobot or Decepticon): Both
Description: MWMIK (Jackal)

Toya is a fun loving spirit, and loves wide open spaces where she can let her wheels spin unfettered. She refuses to be "tied down" or "Labled" and can often be found playing and competing with both Autobots and Decepticons. She keeps herself very well maintained, but you wouldn't know it just from looking at her, as she is more often then not covered in mud and dust from her off-road adventures and playtime. Her favorite past times are playing in the mud and blowing stuff up.
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 1/28/2013 at 10:39 AM Post #6
Name: Hervard
Vehicle type: 1939 Buick
Faction (Autobot or Decepticon): Decepticon
Description: Though age should come with wisdom, it seems even transformers can have a bit of a problem when it comes to memory. Hervard has been around for a long time, but his usefulness only comes to light when he isn't forgetting things. Dementia has taken it's toll on the old bot and more often then not he is muttering to himself and shouting about things long since past. Still, he is a force to be reckoned with even if he is seemingly fragile. One would never want to be on the bad end of his boom stick; upgrades to classic cars never hurt so much. He is a pale yellow in color with shining chrome bits. Though it is apparent that some pieces have been "improved" and replaced with age, his frame is as it was from the beginning. However, he can still be spotted having an "accident" or two as any old being can be once they hit that level of incompetence. He can not travel fast, and instead his method of survival is one of simplicity: hit harder and run away. Cowardly, but not many can say they have survived as long as he has. These days the times of battles are far gone for Hervard (though he still puts up a good fight) and he is mostly coveted for his vast expanse of knowledge. Though his clear war cries are that of a decepticon it is said that his rather fuzzy memory has had him giving information to the wrong side.

What I imagine the old fart looks like
Level 28
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Posted: 1/28/2013 at 10:44 AM Post #7
Name: Cylus
Vehicle type: Beast Bot (Bots who take the form of beasts)
Faction (Autobot or Decepticon): No alignment
Description: Cylus is the leader of the Megacon's, who do not side with either Autobot or Decepticon. The Megacon symbol is a mix of the Autobot and Decepticon symbols. As the leader of the Megacon's Cylus gives orders to every Megacon in the region that they reside, however, out in the field the Megacon's take orders from his general's; Namals, OverJump (Who ironically does not know how to jump and refuses to learn), and SpeedZone (Who loves nothing more than to challenge his enemies to try and catch him), however, if he must he will join the fight himself.

Pay no attention to the fact that the photo is a pokemon. Cylus looks slightly like this just ALOT bigger and different colours.
Edited By 1613 on 1/28/2013 at 12:26 PM.
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 1/28/2013 at 11:09 AM Post #8
Name: Dazzil
Vehicle type: PT Crusier
Faction (Autobot or Decepticon): Megacon
Description: One too many bad fights has Dazzil a complete lover and not a fighter any longer. Where she was once a well known battle expert, seeing too many friends fall in battle to their deaths over something they did not truly believe in turned her sour. Removing every bit of weaponry from herself, she instead chose to use the power of her voice. To this day, she has never again fought-something that we can't say has gone well for her.
Taking the peaceful protests to the fullest extent she had herself painted and can often be found shouting at both other sides about the dangers of war and the loveliness of peace. The toxic gases from where she resides doesn't help her brain much either, and in true hippie fashion is generally high and extremely mellow. This does not make her stupid, but more far from it. She doesn't fear her own death, only the death of those she's since grown to love as her own family. Her favorite past time is growing flowers in a small patch-albeit the fact that they don't usually last very long. She also has a rather wonderful voice and tries, far too often, to entertain her comrades with happy tunes.

Minus the Bethel logo.
Edited By 934 on 1/28/2013 at 2:28 PM.
Level 28
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Posted: 1/28/2013 at 12:25 PM Post #9
Name: Namals
Vehicle type: Beast Type Constructor
Faction (Autobot or Decepticon): Megacon
Description: Namals is a laid back but still quite serious Megacon who, undoubtedly follows Cylus's every order. Along with GatorBlade, OverJump, and SpeedZone, he is a Constructor type Bot who, on more than 1 occasion, has taken Dazzil on in a singing contest, however as he does not have as much practice as Dazzil has lost on more than 1 occasion. Along with OverJump and SpeedZone, Namals has made it out of quite a few major fights with nary a scratch, and when he runs into trouble he tends to try to talk the enemy into giving up before resorting to blasting them, having been influenced somewhat by Dazzil.
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