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Forum Index > General Discussion > I need gold for a new stable tab!
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Level 15
Joined: 1/2/2019
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Posted: 2/25/2019 at 1:03 PM Post #1
Nevermind I have to earn the money myself...

Which is kinda weird to me because Oreoquack has done things like this plenty of times and never had a problem...
Edited By Memebean on 2/25/2019 at 10:30 PM.
Level 70
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Posted: 2/25/2019 at 9:48 PM Post #2
I think Somneli put it best. ((This is a different forum but it had a similar topic))
Author: Somneli
Time Posted: 1/7/2019 at 7:57 AM
Heads up that asking for free things is against the rules on this site.

You might consider sending your pets out on missions - that's the most commonly cited means of earning gold easily.

As to what they are, mission guide is here
Level 15
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Posted: 2/25/2019 at 10:24 PM Post #3
Level 70
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Posted: 2/26/2019 at 12:23 AM Post #4
Author: Memebean
Time Posted: 2/25/2019 at 1:03 PM
Nevermind I have to earn the money myself...

Which is kinda weird to me because Oreoquack has done things like this plenty of times and never had a problem...

Under the Terms of Service, III. G.: You may not beg or ask for items, gold, diamonds or any type of asset from Staff or other players anywhere on the Site.

You are more than welcome to post and ask for trades or selling things, but saying you need gold without offering anything in return is flat-out begging.

Plenty of other newer players go around begging for stuff and disregard the rules, but that doesnt mean you have to as well ^-^ You can do better than that. Its really not so hard to make gold. Everyone is more than capable of earning gold without having to beg. But I guess it is far easier and faster to ask for free things than actually put the effort into getting it. And, well, they often DO get that money they begged for, because sometimes the players who have a lot of gold to spare are alright with tossing their extra money at whoever without caring that those players asking for free stuff are going against the rules.

There are tons of player guides and other resources on how to make gold fast. You can ask almost anyone, the community is very helpful, for further advice. (PM me if you would like. I am not too advanced but I can earn my own gold well enough C:)If you have little stable space, you can release pets, or put some up for sale.
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
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Posted: 2/26/2019 at 4:41 PM Post #5
Ah, I've been quoted. :P

As Dusklash said above, asking for gold in and of itself isn't necessarily wrong - but if you ask for gold and give no indication of intent to repay, give an item, give a service, etc., that's when it starts becoming a bad thing.

If you asked for a loan, for example, and paid back the gold in a reasonable amount of time, that would be just fine.

Dusklash also mentioned that there are guides about making gold, which is true. Here's one that pretty much covers everything.
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