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Forum Index > Official Games and Contests > 2019 Spring Festival - Outdoor Scavenger...
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Level 75
Nature Walker
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Joined: 12/17/2012
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Posted: 4/17/2019 at 8:11 PM Post #1
To celebrate the Spring we will be having an outdoor scavenger hunt! So yes...this means you must go outside to find the items on the list. If you take any pictures indoors for any of the listed items then it will not count. :)

Once you have found something on the list I ask that you take a picture of it with a piece of paper with your Sylestia username and the date on it. This is so that I know that you are the one that is actually finding the things. :) You also must include pictures, if you don't then your scavenger hunt will not count.

You may not use the same image for multiple answers.

Additionally, please do not use the same submission as you may have used in previous Scavenger Hunts. We ask that you seek out new places and things!

Once you have found everything that you could, come back and post your pictures here in the correct order of the list. If there is a difficult picture where you can't photo whatever you're trying to photo and also get your name tag in it at the same time, you may take a picture without your name tag in it THEN immediately afterwards take a photo of your name tag in the area where you were trying to photo. So you would list both photos for that point on the forums.

You do not have to find everything on the list. But for each one you find you will receive a point. The more points you have the more times your name will be included in the random generator for when we do the prizes.

Everyone that also participates with at least 12 scavenger finds will receive the Title: Nature Walker.

Note: Please be respectful of nature. Do not harm anything of nature while you are outside. Please do not remove, destroy, or harm any nests or anything of that sort. And please leave everything that you find outside (unless it is litter, then you can remove that and throw it away). Also, please do not endanger yourself or others to obtain any of these pictures. Thank you!

A Player Guide on How to Upload Images

Scavenger List

1. Find something edible.

2. Find some litter and throw it away

3. Find something blue

4. Find some wildflowers

5. Find a vegetable plant

6. Find a hole in a tree

7. Find a tree stump

8. Find a rock with at least 3 colors

9. Find a fountain

10. Find a bird bath

11. Find a worm

12. Find an animal made hole in the ground

13. Find a spider's web

14. Find a bug in a spider's web (that isn't the spider, don't put the bug in the web either)

15. Find some dew on plants

16. Find a caterpillar

17. Find a reptile

18. Find fungus on a tree

19. Find a nest

20. Find something outside that you think is beautiful


Everyone that participates and finds at least 12 Scavenger objectives will receive the Title: Nature Walker and other participation prizes. Additionally, players will receive one point for completing each objective with a maximum of 20 points. Each point will get your name entered an additional time into the random drawing for the grand prizes.

The top ten names randomized will receive prizes. Players can't win "multiple" times. The Scavenger Hunt ends when the Spring Festival 2019 is over.
Level 75
Nature Walker
Site Administrator
Joined: 12/17/2012
Threads: 472
Posts: 4,706
Posted: 4/21/2019 at 4:38 AM Post #2
This thread has been moved to: Official Games and Contests.
Level 75
Nature Walker
Site Administrator
Joined: 12/17/2012
Threads: 472
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Posted: 4/21/2019 at 4:39 AM Post #3
Happy Spring Festival!
Level 60
Stocking Stuffer
Joined: 8/17/2018
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Posted: 4/21/2019 at 4:40 AM Post #4
You too
Level 66
Joined: 3/30/2019
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Posted: 4/21/2019 at 4:42 AM Post #5
beautiful <3
Level 70
Warden of Umbra
Joined: 6/4/2017
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Posted: 4/21/2019 at 5:00 AM Post #6
Reminder to go outside :)
Level 60
The Tender
Joined: 4/11/2019
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Posted: 4/21/2019 at 6:37 AM Post #7
This is a great way to get us outside more. Good thinking!

Happy Spring festival. :)
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Joined: 4/25/2017
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Posted: 4/21/2019 at 9:14 AM Post #8
Reminder ping. ^^
Edited By Cececat7275 on 4/21/2019 at 9:15 AM.
Level 70
Joined: 6/16/2017
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Posted: 4/21/2019 at 10:41 AM Post #9
1. Find something edible.

2. Find some litter and throw it away

3. Find something blue

5. Find a vegetable plant

6. Find a hole in a tree

7. Find a tree stump

8. Find a rock with at least 3 colors

9. Find a fountain

10. Find a bird bath

11. Find a worm

12. Find an animal made hole in the ground

13. Find a spider's web

(Hard to see but you can see particles suspended in the strands)

14. Find a bug in a spider's web (that isn't the spider, don't put the bug in the web)

15. Find some dew on plants

16. Find a caterpillar

17. Find a reptile

18. Find fungus on a tree

19. Find a nest
[img]" style="max-width:500px; display:inline" />
I cant the image to work for some reason rrrrgg
Little dilapidated, but you can see it where the plastic trails out.

20. Find something outside that you think is beautiful
Edited By Amberpaw on 5/6/2019 at 9:42 PM.
Level 60
Joined: 3/25/2019
Threads: 4
Posts: 254
Posted: 4/21/2019 at 12:00 PM Post #10
I don't think it's possible for me to find all of the things on the list because of where I live. Also it's cold, rainy, and muddy outside so I don't want to go it in nature. :(
Edited By Gottachatchemall on 4/21/2019 at 12:00 PM.
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