Forum Index > General Discussion > Spring Blossom Ferrikki/Nephini event pl...
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Level 75
Joined: 8/21/2013
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Posted: 5/20/2019 at 6:14 PM
Post #1
Hey guys~! We had a pretty good night last night when we pre-planned for these, so I figured we might be able to try again tonight. Last night we were able to get two back to back Ferrikki events followed by some regular and then a Nephini event all chained together.
I'm currently collecting enchanted water to pull a Ferrikki event at around 9pm server time. It takes 2500 enchanted water to trigger an event. If I can make it to 2500 enchanted water, we'll have the event good to go. If I can get further increments of 2500, we'll chain it and do another Ferrikki or even a Nephini event. (Why these two specifically? These are the hardest two species to find as legendary pets and these events give an incredibly increased chance, so remember to bring a master snare!)
We've started lining events up!
*Ny'vene will be starting us off at 8:55PM-9:25pm
*Ferrikki will be starting after the intermission at around 9:40pm
*Nephini plant got the rest of my hoarded water and is at 50%, will continue to water it as more water comes in!
To help with these efforts, I am trading for enchanted water. I have both , a pet trade and an item trade thread.
Alternatively, feel free to donate water for the events or join us to help us trigger them. :)
A thank you to the following players for water donations~!
Falkinsey, Niverus
Thank you for helping make this planned event possible~!
We're all done for now~
Edited By Imperium on 5/21/2019 at 11:39 AM.
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