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Forum Index > General Discussion > Species Favorite Poll! (2) & Looking...
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Level 34
Majestic Brewmistress
Joined: 9/21/2018
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Posted: 5/29/2019 at 10:10 AM Post #1
Sorry for putting this on but I didn't get enough votes last time (though the users who voted you are awesome!) and I need another voting.. Thank you for understanding! :)

Also the poll and the user part are separate. Thx!

For a project (accepted and known by admins) I need a poll for which species is users favorite. The rules are below, and please read them BEFORE posting:

Monday May 29th, at 9am server time

1: Only 1 vote per user
2: Ping me
3: State username in post, please note if you do not want it in acknowledgements
4: No reserving posts!
5: No off topic discussion
6: No argueing with others if you don't share favorites
7: Don't feel pressured to choose the most favorited
8: Underline favorite species in post
9: Enjoy yourselves! :)

Add in why you like it, whether if it is because of design/specific genes/remind you of something/ etc. Please nothing personal because it may show in the project! Thanks! :)

Thank you to :
Orca2whale, - Zolnixi
Malikas, - Bulbori
Superocelot02, - Zolnixi
MistressNyx, - Kelpari
Chiknluvr, - Aurleon,
Since you guys are from the first poll you can't votew on this one put I pinged you because I'm looking for users (below) and pinged you so you could get first pick! :3

Looking for users:

Looking for some users to type out some reasons why they like a certain species / other info on it / etc. This will show up in the project. Multiple people can do multiple species but I'd like variety and importance. Pleae do not post: " I like Aeridini because I think they're pretty.". I'd like real reasons (Though I'm not judging).Thank you!

Need these little quotes & Poll end by:
Friday May 31st, at 7 am server time
Level 74
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Posted: 5/29/2019 at 10:17 AM Post #2
INterest ping
Level 70
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Posted: 5/29/2019 at 10:47 AM Post #3

Favourite Species:

Reason: Ferrikki are a rather elegant species, but at the same time, they can easily take any design. So basically, I just like the variety.
Level 60
Ghost Writer
Joined: 9/17/2017
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Posted: 5/29/2019 at 10:57 AM Post #4
Griffin Lokison
My entire time on Sylestia, I have always loved the Sylvorpa. I don't know what it is. I think I just love the design of this little critter. It's creative, and it reminds me of something I drew before ever joining this site. I just love their traits as well. And they have pretty big eyes, and I just like that in character/creature designs.
Level 56
The Perfectionist
Joined: 5/7/2018
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Posted: 5/29/2019 at 10:57 AM Post #5

Fav: Nyvene

Reason: they look like dragons, and theyre rare. Thats it.
Level 75
The Tactician
Joined: 5/15/2018
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Posted: 5/29/2019 at 1:48 PM Post #6


They are birds, and they look graceful. Enough said.
Edited By Canawlia on 5/29/2019 at 1:49 PM.
Level 67
Fancy Pants
Joined: 11/2/2016
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Posted: 5/29/2019 at 2:31 PM Post #7



I like Vulnyx only because of there behavior and other bit of information we get c:, "Vulnyxes are naturally very aggressive and territorial. They rely on instincts rather than decision making to survive." Ive always liked fierce little creatures in all games and thats why i really like them, they remind me of a cat version of Dire Wolves. I also like there wing feature, little dire wolf cats that can fly!
Level 69
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Posted: 5/29/2019 at 4:03 PM Post #8
Druidofbees, -Sylvorpa

Reasons: Cutie little water dogs
Edited By DruidOfBees on 5/29/2019 at 4:03 PM.
Level 74
The Tender
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Posted: 5/29/2019 at 4:13 PM Post #9
Level 75
High Priest
Joined: 8/24/2018
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Posted: 5/29/2019 at 4:31 PM Post #10


Ny'venes, sorry you just missed out. I really like Ryos cause they're.. all majestic and stuff
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