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Level 67
Fancy Pants
Joined: 11/2/2016
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Posted: 6/6/2019 at 5:45 PM
Post #1
So I just wanted to hear everybodys thoughts on releasing pets, ive had a few people message me about releasing there pets, and releasing my own. Is there a list of people who dont want there pets released any where? xD
I release mostly project pet duds, and I also release project pets that other people bought from other people and resold..(does that make sense? xD)
I suggest if you dont want your pet to be released, set them up for 10-100g, pets that are for 1g haves a way better chance to get released, or you could do a giveaway, or even donate them to someone elses givaway. But put it on your about me if you dont want your pets released
But whats everyones elses thoughts? Ill never stop releasing my own pets, but if I get enough "anti release" thoughts I might stop a bit maybe :p
Level 75
The Artistic
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Posted: 6/6/2019 at 5:58 PM
Post #2
I have released 15,078 pets, and will release many more, so I guess we know where I stand XD But seriously, if I kept or tried to sell every pet I ever had, I wouldn't be able to do breeding projects anymore because I would have no space for anything. And forget catching or creating themes during festivals lol. Releasing is an integral part of playing the game, as I see it. And if the pet is worth something (to you, or to someone else) there's always the option of reclaiming released pets, so I really see no issue.
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
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Posted: 6/6/2019 at 6:11 PM
Post #3
For a while I didn't like releasing at all, but I've come to terms with it... partially. Personally, I mostly release project duds (or ones that just aren't useful anymore, like 1v3c pets when I've already gotten to 5v). I never release themes (PBs excepted) and don't like seeing other people release themes, either.
As Mikazukichan said above, it's largely an issue of space... if you didn't release project duds, you'd run out of space so fast. I guess it wouldn't matter so much for people who don't do projects and don't collect themes, though...
I also understand the motive behind people who buy and "mass release". You're right, they tend to snag the cheaper pets, to get them off the market and make room for pets that might be more valuable. I personally don't buy to release and would prefer to see pets go off to good homes, but I do understand the motive.
Buying to release tends to be what ruffles feathers, I think. Profile messages may help, but won't stop people who don't read profiles before buying, and ultimately the buyer is free to choose what happens with the pet. I don't see any problem with releasing pets you bred yourself, though. Especially if you can't use them or need the space.
Level 67
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 6/6/2019 at 6:12 PM
Post #4
xD I thought my number of 1000 pets released was alot @-@.
I agree, if I kept every one of my project pets and tried selling them id have 0 space left for anything. My project pets just arnt very good looking xD, but I do try to sell a few here and there that I thought had cool colors.
Level 67
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 6/6/2019 at 6:20 PM
Post #5
I had a problem with releasing pets to when I started xD, I actually made a few hate threads on it when my account was less then a hundred days old lol Thinking about it now makes me cringe xD
That is true about people not reading or paying attention to the release messages, I didint think about that, Ive always just released pets that sat on the advance search for a while and had 1 or two traits, and that defently is the main reason people get mad, at first I would just release every pet that was 1g, and I slowed down once I started getting alot of mad messages @-@.
Level 74
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Posted: 6/7/2019 at 12:11 AM
Post #6
Well actially we releasers do release 100g and below put abotu 500 for almost 0% chance of no release.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 6/7/2019 at 1:54 AM
Post #7
I dont like it, TBH. I see it as abandoning them (I also play Neopets, and feel the same way about players who put their pets in the pound because they dont like their color, their name, or just want to make room for the newest, shiniest painted pet thats released. It just seems wrong to me :/.), personally. Like someone else said, I would rather give my unwanted pets to people who DO like & want them, and/or plan to hold onto them as part of an adoption organization.
The only time I might opt to release a pet I have is if I originally caught it (Ive actually done so once.). Using, for the sake of discussion, the mindset that we should treat our Sylesties like real animals, releasing tamed (adult & adolescent) ones actually is a good thing, because thats returning them to the life they were used to before we captured them. Its not the same with ones we created, bought, or that are offspring from a breeding pair we own. Those are only used to being taken care of by us, so releasing them is the worst thing we could to them, IMO.
Edited By Earthprotector49 on 6/7/2019 at 2:15 AM.
Level 75
The Tactician
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Posted: 6/7/2019 at 11:14 AM
Post #8
I don't really care as you can always reclaim them but if I release something I feel attached to, then I feel kind of bad, like my starter pet.
Level 70
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Posted: 6/7/2019 at 2:40 PM
Post #9
i released a lot of pets compared to how many i keep. a lot are the ones i caught/bred myself but i think most were bought and released. usually i buy 1-10g pets (bc if your selling them that cheap, lower than it costs to feed, do you really even want them? prob not. and usually their the ugly, messy-trait, non-project, overbred ones.) i hate seeing people who have overflowing hatcherys with obviously no room in stables, who cant even afford to feed them but continue breeding. or, i go through the market forum and find those annoying "you have to buy my pets (since i bred them for no reason and no one wants them)!!!!!" threads and buy and release those.
if you ever get more messages about releasing other ppl's pets. i get those messages to. if someone asks why you did it, i answer a. i wanted to. or b. bc i can. and show them this post from krin. don't let anyone tell you how to play the game- theyre the rude ones if they try to do that. ((also, no pressure but do you want to join us))
Level 74
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Posted: 6/7/2019 at 3:06 PM
Post #10
I don't mind releasing now, mostly cuz um...(looks sheepishly at stables/hatchery) I don't have room and I've stopped getting way too attached to dishwasher/trash (1c or none at all) pets that are totally useless (although I can't ever elt go of cerain pets)
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