Can we get a makeover on some of those items? Some look great and others look...., well, just not great.
Well, to me, about 60% look bad with fest items so you gota match 'em with other exploration items or really drab fest items.
And some just seem to make my avi look like a fashion fail. Like one of the robes looks like a bathrobe. No really it does. (I'll try to get a pic)
Level 74
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Posted: 6/10/2019 at 9:52 PM
Post #2
(Clothes that look different on male and female are shown, identical outfits aren't shown)
Maiden's dress:
Spellcaster's Robes:
Mage's Outfit:
ANd these four are different but almost exactly the same:
Nightfall Bandit Outfit:
Hunter's OUtfit:
Newbie Adventurer outfit
Novice Adventurer'soutfit:
(I didn't even bother puttign the female version)
Elven Council Robes: Aka the bathrobe
And thsoe are the ones i bothered to do. The new stuff in the Lost Grove looks great but compared to these....It's not the same level.
(P.S. Sorry about the hair. I like my hair long and covering ;D)
Also, I was wearing my headband. Sorry.
Edited By Orca2Whale on 6/10/2019 at 9:55 PM.
Level 72
Cutely Creative
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Posted: 6/10/2019 at 11:19 PM
Post #3
For nightfall bandit outfit and hunter's outfit...I can't spot a difference. Are they the exact same? o: For that one definitely agreed. Seems strange to have two of the same!
But I actually quite like the mage outfit and elven council robes, would be sad to see either of those two go. D: (the latter is a plain Japanese kimono btw, not a bathrobe)
Level 74
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Posted: 6/10/2019 at 11:40 PM
Post #4
Still looks like a bathrobe.
At least the male does.
But yeah.
Hunter and bandit are the same.
Newbie and novice the only difference is the shoes.
And of course I put my bottoms to balck. That was for my humming bird costume. Oo lazy to change em so yeah...yeet
I like the mage outift except It makes me look like I got a stomach, same for maiden dress. A few also make me look like i'm shorted then should be allowed.
Edited By Orca2Whale on 6/10/2019 at 11:42 PM.
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