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Forum Index > Roleplaying > Drift - Avian Roleplay
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Level 18
Joined: 8/23/2018
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Posted: 7/6/2019 at 8:56 PM Post #1
Welcome, I am Sabira, I hope you enjoy this roleplay, it's kind of a redone reboot. if you do not know what an Avian is, let me explain; Avians (In this roleplay) are human like creatures; in one moment they are a bird, the next they are a human.

The plot of the roleplay is based on a group of human poachers invading the island. These poachers have been attacking, capturing, and killing Avians. The shaman of the Northern Winds flock had said this is a curse from the gods because of the ever lasting unfriendly rivalries between the five flocks. The one of the flocks, the Thorn Talon Flock, doesn't believe the shaman's prediction, even if it's true. The other flocks are trying to unite, even if it is an extremely rocky relationship, so they can chase out the poachers. But most of the Avians in the flocks don't agree with the decisions, mainly out of habit.

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Sabira, Canawlia, Bluepearl13, Espenfalls, Scoutwolf

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Edited By Sabira on 7/20/2019 at 4:51 PM.
Level 18
Joined: 8/23/2018
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Posted: 7/6/2019 at 8:56 PM Post #2

Northern Winds:

The Northern Winds is said to be the closest with the spirits. They have a harsh punishment system due to their need of good role models for the flock's next generation. They try to be peaceful, but when the flocks where young these Avians where ruthless, and extremely powerful in a battle- And they still are very stong fighters. They are also known for their homes that are dug into small cave systems. These places are quite warm. They have a rivalry with Vast Prairies.



Chief's Spouse:

Shaman (Healer and Prophecy teller.):


Warriors: (When not active they chaperone the Hunters)
Troop Leader> Beowulf Benemortasia> Male> Espenfalls
> Iasik Scibeih > Female > Sabira

Guards: (Usually sit around the "City" entrances, awaiting danger so they could keep every one safe.)
Troop Leader>

Hunters: (They both catch food and make sure every one get the right amount. Sometimes they can be out for days trying to find food.)
Troop leader>
>Rhooh Abbe> Female> Sabira

Trainees: (Those who are learning to join a specific rank.)

Hens: (Mothers can have up to two chicks.)

Chicks: (They must have a parent.)

Pariahs: (Those who have been outcasted due to a deed they've done.)


Vast Prairies:

The Vast Prairies is a very territorial flock, this is caused by how small their territory is now. Droughts are common so every burrow-colony has a large area with water stored in it. It has a top that can be opened from the inside to catch rain. The young are trained to keep an eye on every thing so no one could attack them or steal food. They have a rivalry with Northern Winds.



Chief's Spouse:

Shaman (Healer and Prophecy teller.):


Warriors: (When not active they chaperone the Hunters)
Troop Leader>

Guards: (Usually sit around the "City" entrances, awaiting danger so they could keep every one safe.)
Troop Leader>

Hunters: (They both catch food and make sure every one get the right amount. Sometimes they can be out for days trying to find food.)
Troop Leader>

Trainees: (Those who are learning to join a specific rank.)

Hens: (Mothers can have up to two chicks.)

Chicks: (They must have a parent.)

Pariahs: (Those who have been outcasted due to a deed they've done.)


Canopy Flights:

Canopy Flights is a very peaceful flock; they are very giving with a large amount of territory. They often house refuges, and have a rivalry with Thorn Talon. This flock settles in large clearings in or under trees. Also Canopy Flights has a small and spread out native population, due to the dence foilage they rarly speak to each other.



Chief's Spouse:

Shaman (Healer and Prophecy teller.):


Warriors: (When not active they chaperone the Hunters)
Troop Leader>
> Sisika> Female> Canawlia

Guards: (Usually sit around the "City" entrances, awaiting danger so they could keep every one safe.)
Troop Leader>

Hunters: (They both catch food and make sure every one get the right amount. Sometimes they can be out for days trying to find food.)
Troop Leader>

Trainees: (Those who are learning to join a specific rank.)

Hens: (Mothers can have up to two chicks.)

Chicks: (They must have a parent.)

Pariahs: (Those who have been outcasted due to a deed they've done.)


Sinking Marsh:

Sinking Marsh has been known for being the place of poverty among the flocks. They are allied with Canopy Flights, and often trades with them. This flock settles in large colonies raised above the moist earth. These strongholds are build into the hardest part of the earth and have odd barbs attached to the ends so it is almost impossible to tip over.



Chief's Spouse:

Shaman (Healer and Prophecy teller.):


Warriors: (When not active they chaperone the Hunters)
Troop Leader>

Guards: (Usually sit around the "City" entrances, awaiting danger so they could keep every one safe.)
Troop Leader>

Hunters: (They both catch food and make sure every one get the right amount. Sometimes they can be out for days trying to find food.)
Troop Leader>

Trainees: (Those who are learning to join a specific rank.)

Hens: (Mothers can have up to two chicks.)

Chicks: (They must have a parent.)

Pariahs: (Those who have been outcasted due to a deed they've done.)


Thorn Talon:

Thorn Talon is a flock that is often a problem, not a solution. They often stay hidden away in their cliff dwellings brooding.They aren't aggressive, powerful, or smart, they are just cunning and make themselves look like a force to be reckoned with. They teach their chicks how to get out of any situation in any possible way.



Chief's Spouse:

Shaman (Healer and Prophecy teller.):


Warriors: (When not active they chaperone the Hunters)
Troop Leader>
> Shiriki (coyote) Safar> Male> Scoutwolf

Guards: (Usually sit around the "City" entrances, awaiting danger so they could keep every one safe.)
Troop Leader>
> Giba Scoren> Male> Sabira
> Inola (Black fox) Safar> Female> Scoutwolf

Hunters: (They both catch food and make sure every one get the right amount. Sometimes they can be out for days trying to find food.)
Troop Leader>

Trainees: (Those who are learning to join a specific rank.)

Hens: (Mothers can have up to two chicks.)

Chicks: (They must have a parent.)

Pariahs: (Those who have been outcasted due to a deed they've done.)
Level 18
Joined: 8/23/2018
Threads: 84
Posts: 5,259
Posted: 7/6/2019 at 8:58 PM Post #3

> Make sure at least one of your characters (If your going to have multiple) are disagreeing with the truce and/or Thorn Talon's resentment.
> No power playing, if a character injures your character, there is no sudden dodging.
> The poachers are NPCs.
> There are no playable species other than Avians.
> Your character must have flaws.
> Ask before you attack, injure, or kill someone else's character.
> I control the plot.
> I have the right to decline your character and ban you, no questions asked.
> Please be semi-literate; I would like to see proper capitalization and punctuation 70% of the time.
> Ask before you use a high rank. (Chief, Chief's Spouse, Shaman, Council, Troop leader.)
> In Other put the code: TTI85Y, if you read the rules.

~Flock Rules~

> Subordinates shall never disrespect their higher ranked; if they do, they shall be punished fairly.
> When a high-ranked Avian parishes they must be buried in the center of the territory.
> When young of any rank is born, their birth must be celebrated; after the family shall be treated with respect as if they where chiefs for a month.
> If a border is crossed the Avian from the other flock who catches them shall punish them to what they deem plausible.
> Never leave one behind.
> Only Shaman, Chiefs, and the Council can visit sacred places.
> All Chiefs and Shamans meet when time all four moons aline. (Once a year.)
>The Council is made up of five Elders who have proven their loyalty.
> Those who commit a crime against flock members must be outcasted or executed.
> These rules must be followed or punishment is ensued.
Level 18
Joined: 8/23/2018
Threads: 84
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Posted: 7/6/2019 at 9:09 PM Post #4
Forgot to ping, read first post.
Level 57
Joined: 10/25/2018
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Posted: 7/20/2019 at 12:41 PM Post #5
Inola walked around the territory, chatting with her brother, laughing. Life was good. For now at least. But, ya know, enjoy the happy moments.
Level 74
Joined: 11/1/2018
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Posted: 7/20/2019 at 1:32 PM Post #6
Can u take me off the pinglisrt, im not gonna join after all cuz i have camp next two weeks and littlephonetime. Sorry
Level 18
Joined: 8/23/2018
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Posted: 7/20/2019 at 4:58 PM Post #7
Giba landed in a tree near the city entrance. He picked at his feathers some before flying onto the city. The place was buzzing. An old man yelled at two chicks for getting in the way of him and his cart; their hen yelled right back, causing the old man to duck his head and hobble away. Giba dived for his post before landing.
Level 57
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Posted: 7/20/2019 at 5:06 PM Post #8
Inola landed on her post. "Hiya, Giba." She chirped. Shiriki was running around with some chicks, playing with a ball. He would go to hunt later with some other Hunters. But for now, Inola was happy that Shiriki was here and having fun.
Level 18
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Posted: 7/20/2019 at 5:16 PM Post #9
"Hello, Inola." , He replied, his voice rough. He watched Shiriki play with the chicks, a small, almost unnoticeable smile on his tan face. "I see that your brother is enjoying himself." , He spoke, fiddling with his gloves.
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 8/21/2016
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Posted: 7/21/2019 at 7:52 PM Post #10
Vala waited at the gates of the tribe. She played with one of her arrows. She was so bored. Her tribes land was so dull. She wanted desperately for something interesting to happen, anything but sit here waiting. She had heard of the humans attacking their land but had yet to see one. She let out a long, bored sigh.

Tryffo had finished chaperoning the hunters without incident. He waved at his sister as he walked through the gates with them. She did not look up.
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